Re-run the Phone Order Edit (EPHO)

Purpose: Use this option to re-edit the remote orders file after you correct the errors listed on the Phone Errors Report. You can also use this option to perform an initial edit if you unselected when you loaded the phone orders.


1. Enter EPHO in the Fast path field at the top of any menu screen or select the Rerun Phone Order Edit option from the menu.

2. The PHONE_EDIT job runs and prints an updated Phone Errors Report (PHR0003$) that lists any orders that still contain errors.

3. Use Batch Order Entry and the Phone Errors Report to correct any outstanding errors and accept these orders on the system.

You can run the Phone Order Edit as many times as needed to reprocess remote orders.

Note: If you load a new batch of phone orders while you still have orders with errors, the Rerun Phone Order Edit will pick up the new orders.