Slotting Upload Error Report

Purpose: This report lists the records in the Location Slotting Upload table that contain errors.

How to print: Select Upload or Upload/Process on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.

Contents: Slotting upload records print on this report in ascending warehouse, item/SKU sequence.

Whs: A code for the warehouse where the location for the item/SKU is located. From the Warehouse field in the Location Slotting Upload table.

Item: The item you wish to transfer from its current primary item location to a new primary item location. From the Item field in the Location Slotting Upload table.

SKU: The SKU of the item you wish to transfer from its current primary item location to a new primary item location. From the SKU field in the Location Slotting Upload table.

From Location: The current primary location for the item/SKU. From the From Loc field in the Location Slotting Upload table.

To Location: The new primary location for the item/SKU. From the To Loc field in the Location Slotting Upload table.

Loc Min: The minimum quantity for the new primary location for the item/SKU. From the Loc Min Qty field in the Location Slotting Upload table.

Loc Max: The maximum quantity for the new primary location for the item/SKU. From the Loc Max Qty field in the Location Slotting Upload table.

Error Type: The reason why the Location Slotting Upload record is in error. See Slotting Location Upload Errors for a list of errors.

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