Update SKU ABC/Velocity Codes Screen (MABC)

Purpose: Use this screen to run the ABC/Velocity Process to automatically assign ABC/velocity codes to items, based on the item’s sales performance. The system assigns ABC/velocity codes to any item meeting the percentage of sales criteria. If a percentage is not assigned to a code, the system cannot assign that code to any item.

Note: When you advance to this screen:

• An error message indicates if the ABC codes N and Z do not exist in the ABC/Velocity table: Default ABC code (N/Z) not found. Setup required. You can create the code at the Create ABC/Velocity Screen.

• An error message indicates if the total ABC velocity is not 100%: ABC Velocity is not 100%. Review the Percent of sales defined for each ABC velocity code at the Work with ABC/Velocities Screen and make sure the percentage total adds up to 100.

• An error message indicates if an accounting period is not set up for the dates you define: Error occurred while trying to retrieve Accounting Year/Period Company = 999 and Start date = 040104.

For more information: See Working with ABC/Velocity Codes (WABC).

How to display this screen: Enter MABC in the Fast path field or select Update SKU/ABC Velocity Codes from a menu.



From date

The starting date the system uses to update ABC/velocity codes assigned to items/SKUs based on sales performance.

The starting date must be earlier or equal to the current date or an error message indicates: Date cannot be later than today’s date.

An error message indicates if an accounting period is not set up for the dates you define: Error occurred while trying to retrieve Accounting Year/Period Company = 999 and Start date = 040104.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

From period

The period and year of the accounting period that contains the starting date you from the From date field.

The system does not update this field until you select OK to validate your entries.

Accounting period: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Accounting year: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

To date

The ending date the system uses to update ABC/velocity codes assigned to items/SKUs based on sales performance.

The ending date must be earlier or equal to the current date or an error message indicates: Date cannot be later than today’s date.

An error message indicates if an accounting period is not set up for the dates you define: Error occurred while trying to retrieve Accounting Year/Period Company = 999 and Start date = 040104.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

To period

The period and year of the accounting period that contains the ending date you from the To date field.

The system does not update this field until you select OK to validate your entries.

Accounting period: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Accounting year: Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Use dollars or units

Indicates if the system uses dollars or units to determine the ranking and ABC/velocity code assigned to each item.

D = The system uses sales dollars to determine the ranking and ABC/velocity code assigned to the item.

U = The system uses sales units to determine the ranking and ABC/velocity code assigned to the item.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; required.

Update to be performed

Indicates if the system updates items with the new ABC/velocity code or just generates the Print ABC Velocity Dollars/Units report.

1 = Update the ABC/velocity code assigned to an item based on the item’s performance and generate the Print ABC Velocity Dollars/Units report.

2 = Do not update the ABC/velocity code assigned to an item; just generate the Print ABC Velocity Dollars/Units report.

Numeric, 1 position; required.

Screen Option


Submit the ABC/Velocity program to perform the ABC/velocity update and/or generate the Print ABC Velocity Report (By Dollars or Units)

Select Accept. See ABC/Velocity Process for more information on the updates the system performs.