Item/SKU Offer Upload Exception Report

This report lists any item/SKU offer upload records that contain errors (E status) or were in use (I status) at the time the batch program was submitted. You can use this report to determine what item/SKU offer upload records you need to correct before the system uploads them to the Item/Offer and SKU/Offer tables.

This report sorts in company, item, SKU, offer, status sequence.

How to print: Select Process File at the Work with Item/SKU Offer Upload Screen to submit the item/offer upload.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• Company (when you submit the Item/SKU offer upload batch program, the program validates and processes each item/SKU offer upload record in the Item/SKU Offer Upload file, regardless of the company from which you submitted the job)

• Item code

• SKU code

• Offer code

• Item description

• Status (only item/SKU offer upload records in an error (E) status or in use (I) status are included on this report)

• Action code (A = addition; C = change)

ME06_13r OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN