Forecast Generated Purchase Orders Report

Purpose: Use this report to review details about the purchase orders generated based on your forecasted demand.

How to print: The system generates this report when you select Accept/Create PO at the Create Purchase Orders Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• the setting of the Automatic PO Creation Method (H92) system control value

• purchase order number

• vendor

• due date, calculated by adding the current date plus the Lead days from the vendor item. If any of the items on the purchase order have different Lead days, the lead days associated with the first item on the purchase order is used to calculate the Promise date and Due date on the purchase order header.

• warehouse: if any of the items on the purchase order have different warehouses, the warehouse associated with the first item on the purchase order is used on the purchase order header.

• ship via: see Generating Purchase Orders based on Projected Requirements for information on how the system selects a ship via.

• buyer: the Buyer that was specified for the item at the time you generated the report. If any of the items on the purchase order have different buyers, the buyer associated with the first item on the purchase order is used on the purchase order header.

• for each item on the purchase order:

• item and SKU code. The item description is below the item code.

• vendor item code. Even if there is no vendor item for an item, the system still generates a purchase order for it if all the necessary information is available.

• quantity to order: your entry for the item at the Create Purchase Orders Screen

• cost: derived the same way as in interactive purchase order entry; see the Cost field for an overview.

• due date

MK03_12r OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN