Printing Store Restock Confirmations (PSSC)

Purpose: Two shipping confirmation reports, the Store Restock Shipping Confirmation, and the Store Restock Shipping Confirmation Summary Analysis, can be generated from this menu option.

The Store Restock Shipping Confirmation prints each store's shipping confirmation on a separate page; Store Restock Shipping Confirmations can be included with the restock shipment to each store. Optionally, the report can be faxed to selected stores.

The Store Restock Shipping Confirmation Summary Analysis provides information on all stores for which shipping confirmations have been printed.

You can restrict the information in the reports by specifying date or order number range, or selecting a single store. Additionally, you must indicate whether you wish to print only the shipping confirmations which have not been previously printed, or reprint shipping confirmations for which you specify one or more restrictions.

In this topic:

Print Store Restock Shipping Confirmations Screen

Store Restock Shipping Confirmation

Store Restock Shipping Confirmation Summary Analysis

Print Store Restock Shipping Confirmations Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PSSC in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Print Store Restock Shipping Confirmations from a menu.



Print Selection

Indicates which shipping confirmations to print. Valid entries are Unprinted or Reprint.

Select Unprinted to print Store Restock Shipping Confirmations that have been billed but not yet printed.

Select Reprint to reprint Store Restock Shipping Confirmations selected by date, order number range, or a retail store's customer number. To reprint confirmations, you must enter at least one selection option.

Note: Selecting All to print all notifications is not currently implemented.

Alphanumeric, 1 postion; required.

Fax confirmations

Indicates whether to fax the shipping confirmations directly to selected stores. This option is not currently implemented.

Invoice date range

The dates for which you want to print restock shipping confirmation reports.

Enter beginning and ending dates to print shipping confirmation reports for shipments billed within the dates you select.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Order # Range

Enter beginning and ending order numbers to print confirmation reports for order numbers within the range you enter.

Numeric, 8 positions; optional.

Customer Sold To

Indicates the Customer Sold To number for a retail store.

Enter a Customer Sold To number in this field to print shipping confirmation reports for a single retail store.

Note: A retail store must have an associated sold-to customer. When you create the sold-to customer you enter the store's warehouse number in the Restock Warehouse field on the Create Customer screen.

Numeric, 9 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Submit the print program for processing

Select Accept to submit the program and generate the Store Restock Shipping Confirmation and the Store Restock Shipping Confirmation Summary Analysis.