Print Unredeemed Gift Certificate Screen (PUGC)

Purpose: Use this screen to print a report of all gift certificates that have not been redeemed (used as payment) on an order. Recently redeemed gift certificates remain on this report until the orders where they are redeemed are billed.

Partially redeemed gift certificates: Gift certificates used as payment in amounts less than their total value also appear on this report. The unredeemed balances from such gift certificates are treated like other overpayments; for instance, you can refund the unredeemed balance to the customer. The customer can not use the same gift certificate number twice. However, if the gift certificate pay type is set to generate an alternate refund type, such as a check, the partially redeemed gift certificate does not appear on the report.

You must first process gift certificates for them to appear on this report. See Working with Gift Certificates.

Alternate report: The Outstanding Credits/Coupons Report lists all record types in the Coupon Redemption file, including coupons, merchandise credits, bonus credits, and gift certificates. However, this report does not list any Coupon Redemption record that has a redemption date, indicating that a customer has applied it as a payment method on an order. See Unredeemed Coupon Listing (PCPN) for more information.

How to display this screen: Enter PUGC in the Fast path field on any menu or select Print Unredeemed Gift Certificate List from a menu.

Running this report: This report runs when you select OK at this screen. The system submits the program OPEN_GC, which produces the Unredeemed Gift Certificate List (ACR0269$).

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