E-Commerce Order Comparison Report

How to print: Run the e-commerce order comparison. See Generating the E-Commerce Order Comparison Report for a discussion.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Total orders: The total number of records in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table for your company.

Matched orders: The total number of orders in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table for which the comparison found a full match in an existing order. A full match is a record in the Order Header Extended table that matches both the e-commerce order number and the order number in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table.

Deleted matched orders: The total number of orders in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table for which the comparison found a full match (both e-commerce order number and order number) in the Deleted Order Table.

Orders not found: The total number of orders in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table for which there is no match, by either e-commerce order number or order number, in either the Order Header Extended table or the Deleted Orders table.

Mismatched orders: The total number of orders in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table for which there is a partial match (either e-commerce order number or order number, but not both) in either the Order Header Extended table or the Deleted Orders table.

For each order that was mismatched or not found:

Date: From the Datecreated in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table.

Order #: The Ordnbr in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table.

E-commerce order #: The Ecommorder in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table.

Reason: Possible reasons are:

E-Commerce order found with different Serenade #: The comparison program found an order in the Order Header Extended table that matched the Ecommorder in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table, but the order number did not match.

Deleted E-Commerce Order found with different Serenade #: The comparison program found an order in the Deleted Orders table that matched the Ecommorder in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table, but the order number did not match.

Order found with different E-Commerce #: The comparison program found an order in the Order Header Extended table that matched the Ordnbr in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table, but the e-commerce order number did not match.

Deleted Order found with different E-Commerce #: The comparison program found an order in the Deleted Order table that matched the Ordnbr in the Ecommerce Order Comparison table, but the e-commerce order number did not match.

Order not found: The comparison program did not find a match on either the Ordnbr or the Ecommorder in either the Order Header Extended table or the Deleted Order table, indicating that the order was never created in CWSerenade.

For more information: See Generating the E-Commerce Order Comparison Report for a process overview.

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