Working with Electronic Gift Certificates (WEGC)

Purpose: Electronic gift certificates are paperless certificates that can be used as payment for an order. Electronic gift certificates are similar to credit cards, in that the customer tells the operator the gift certificate number and the operator adds the electronic gift certificate paytype with the gift certificate number to the order.

Electronic gift certificates are created with a specified dollar amount. As the customer uses the gift certificate, you can update the electronic gift certificate remaining dollar amount for future use, or have an outside service update the electronic gift certificates, and then you need to import the updated information into the Electronic Gift Certificate FTP table.

Electronic vs. email gift certificates: Electronic gift certificates are not to be confused with email gift certificates. Electronic gift certificates are not “true” gift certificates, in that they belong to the credit card pay type category, and the system does not update an electronic gift certificate when you apply it as payment against an order. However, you can also sell gift certificates which you either print or email to customers; in this situation, the system tracks gift certificate redemption to make sure each gift certificate is applied accurately as payment on an order. See Working with Gift Certificates.

In this topic:

Electronic Gift Certificate Batch Program

Display Electronic Gift Certificate Window

Work with Electronic Gift Certificates Screen (WEGC)

Create Electronic Gift Certificate Screen

Populate Electronic Gift Certificate File Screen (PEGC)

How to set up electronic gift certificates:

• Define an electronic gift certificate as a credit card pay type (pay category Credit Card). The Electronic Gift Certificate Pay Type (G72) system control value defines the credit card polytope that represents the electronic gift certificate.

Note: To place orders on hold that use an electronic gift certificate as payment, enter .01 in the Order $ limit field for the electronic gift certificate paytype.

• Submit the Electronic Gift Certificate Batch Program from the Populate Electronic Gift Certificate File Screen (PEGC) to transfer information from the Electronic Gift Certificate FTP table to the Electronic Gift Certificate table. You only need to submit this batch program if you receive updated electronic gift certificate information from an outside service; in this situation, you must first populate the Electronic Gift Certificate FTP table.

• Create electronic gift certificates at the Create Electronic Gift Certificate Screen.

Note: Any electronic gift certificates you create, change, or delete are lost once you resubmit the Electronic Gift Certificate batch program.

Electronic Gift Certificate Batch Program

Select Accept at the Populate Electronic Gift Certificate File Screen (PEGC) to submit a batch program that transfers information from the Electronic Gift Certificate FTP table (IXEGCD) to the Electronic Gift Certificate table (IXEGCP) for the company where you submitted the batch program. You can also submit the electronic gift certificate batch program by running the Populate Electronic Gift Certificate periodic function (program name OEX1187).

Note: If electronic gift certificates already exist in the Electronic Gift Certificate table when you submit the batch program, the program deletes the records in the table and creates new electronic gift certificates based on the information in the Electronic Gift Certificate FTP table.

Credit card encryption: Credit card encryption allows you to encrypt the credit card number in the CWSerenade database. If you Use Credit Card Encryption (I97), the gift certificate number in the Electronic Gift Certificate table will not be encrypted since this table is populated from an external system. See the Data Security and Encryption Guide for an overview.

Applying an electronic gift certificate to an order: Add the credit card polytope that represents the electronic gift certificate to the order, enter the gift certificate number you wish to use in the Credit card number field, and select OK to display the Display Electronic Gift Certificate Window.

Note: You need to enter an expiration date since the electronic gift certificate uses a credit card paytype (pay category Credit Card).

Display Electronic Gift Certificate Window

This window displays the dollar amount that is remaining on the electronic gift certificate. You can use this window to notify the customer of the dollar amount remaining on the electronic gift certificate. At this window, you can:

• select Default Amount to default the remaining dollar amount of the gift certificate to the Amount field on the order.

• exit the window and manually enter the gift certificate dollar amount you wish to apply to the order.

• leave the amount field blank to apply the remaining dollar amount to the order.

Note: If you select Default Amount to default the remaining dollar amount to the order, the screen displays an error message if the electronic gift certificate is the only polytope on the order: At least one ‘catch-all’ pay method must be defined.

This message displays because the electronic gift certificate is defined as a credit card pay type. If the electronic gift certificate is the only pay type on the order, you need to leave the dollar amount for the gift certificate blank - the system will apply the remaining dollar amount to the order.



Electronic gift certificate #

The electronic gift certificate number entered on the order.

If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the electronic gift certificate number displays in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the Electronic Gift Certificate Pay Type (G72). For example, *******1234 may display instead of the entire gift electronic certificate number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.

Remaining dollar amount

The remaining dollar amount available for the electronic gift certificate.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

The screen displays an error message when you enter the electronic gift certificate polytope if the gift certificate number is not a valid number or you enter a dollar amount to apply to the gift certificate that exceeds the remaining dollar amount: Warning - No remaining $$ exist for this g/c number.

You can still use the electronic gift certificate as payment for the order even though the gift certificate number is invalid. Also, the system accepts the gift certificate as payment even if you enter a dollar amount to apply to the gift certificate that exceeds the remaining dollar amount.

Note: When a customer uses an electronic gift certificate as payment for an order, the remaining dollar amount is not updated until you manually change it at the Change Electronic Gift Certificate screen or receive updated information from an outside service. Because of this, the remaining dollar amount on the electronic gift certificate may be inaccurate.

Work with Electronic Gift Certificates Screen (WEGC)

Purpose: Use this screen to work with electronic gift certificates. This screen displays the electronic gift certificates that are in the Electronic Gift Certificate table.

How to display this screen: Enter WEGC in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Work with Electronic Gift Certificates from a menu.



Gift certificate number

The number of the electronic gift certificate.

If you do not have authority to the Display Full Credit Card Number (B14) secured feature, the electronic gift certificate number displays in the format specified at the Credit Card Number Layout Screen for the Electronic Gift Certificate Pay Type (G72). For example, *******1234 may display instead of the entire electronic gift certificate number. See Credit Card Number Format for an overview.

Numeric, 11 positions; optional.

Remaining dollar amount

The dollar amount remaining on the electronic gift certificate that can be applied as payment for an order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Date created

The date the electronic gift certificate was created at the Create Electronic Gift Certificate Screen or was transferred from the Electronic Gift Certificate FTP table.

Numeric, 6 positions; (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Screen Option


Create an electronic gift certificate

Select Create to advance to the Create Electronic Gift Certificate Screen.

Change an electronic gift certificate

Select Change for an electronic gift certificate to advance to the Change Electronic Gift Certificate screen. See Create Electronic Gift Certificate Screen for field descriptions.

Note: Any electronic gift certificates you change are lost once you resubmit the Electronic Gift Certificate Batch Program.

Display an electronic gift certificate

Select Display for an electronic gift certificate to advance to the Display Electronic Gift Certificate screen. You cannot change any information at this screen. See Create Electronic Gift Certificate Screen for field descriptions.

Delete an electronic gift certificate

Select Delete for an electronic gift certificate to delete it.

Create Electronic Gift Certificate Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create an electronic gift certificate.

Note: Any electronic gift certificates you create are lost once you resubmit the Electronic Gift Certificate Batch Program.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Electronic Gift Certificates Screen (WEGC).



Gift certificate #

The number of the electronic gift certificate.

An error message indicates if you enter a gift certificate number that already exists.

Numeric, 11 positions.

Create screen: optional.

Change screen: display-only.

Remain $ amt

The dollar amount remaining on the electronic gift certificate that can be applied as payment for an order.

The remaining dollar amount must be greater than zero.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Populate Electronic Gift Certificate File Screen (PEGC)

Purpose: Use this screen to submit the Electronic Gift Certificate Batch Program to populate the Electronic Gift Certificate table using information from the Electronic Gift Certificate FTP table.

How to display this screen: Enter PEGC in the Fast path field at the top of a menu or select Populate Electronic Gift Certificate from a menu.

Screen Option


Submit a batch program to update the Electronic Gift Certificate table

Select Accept to submit the Electronic Gift Certificate Batch Program.

A message indicates the batch program has been submitted:


POP_EGC submitted.