Working with Price Tag Types (WPTY)

Purpose: Use this menu option to configure the types of price tags that you can assign to an item. For each price tag type you can define whether to print the price on the tag and the printer used to print the tag.

Delivered price tag types: CWSerenade is delivered with 9 different types of price tags:

Price Tag Type 1 Label

Price Tag Type 2 Label

Price Tag Type 3 Label

Price Tag Type 20 Label

Price Tag Type 40 Label

Price Tag Type 50 Label

Price Tag Type 60 Label

Price Tag Type 65 Label

See Delivered Price Tag Types for more information about each price tag type. Contact your MICROS representative if you would like to configure a new price tag type.

Assigning a price tag type to an item: Once you define a price tag type, you can use the Tag Type field on the Change or Create Item Screen to assign it to an item.

In this topic:

Work with Price Tag Types Screen

Create/Change/Display Price Tag Type Screen

For more information: See:

Price Tag Overview and Setup for an overview on price tags and the required setup.

Working with Price Tags (WPTG) for more information on reviewing, modifying, and printing a batch of price tags.

Work with Price Tag Types Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define the type of price tags that you can assign to an item.

How to display this screen: Enter WPTY in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Price Tag Types from a menu.

When you first advance to this screen price tag types display in ascending tag type sequence.

Column sort: You can sort on any of the columns on this screen by clicking the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.



Tag Type

A code to identify the type of price tag. CWSerenade is delivered with 9 different types of price tags:

Price Tag Type 1 Label

Price Tag Type 2 Label

Price Tag Type 3 Label

Price Tag Type 20 Label

Price Tag Type 40 Label

Price Tag Type 50 Label

Price Tag Type 60 Label

Price Tag Type 65 Label

See Delivered Price Tag Types for more information about each price tag type. Contact your MICROS representative if you would like to configure a new price tag type.

Enter a valid tag type code to display the price tag type that matches your entry.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Print Price

Defines whether the system prints the item price on the price tag.

Y = The system prints the item price on the price tag.

N = The system does not print the item price on the price tag.

Enter a valid print price value to display price tag types that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


A description of the price tag type.

Enter a full or partial description to display price tag types that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; optional.

Printer Name

The name of the printer used to print the price tag type. This printer must be defined in Price Tag Properties.

Enter a full or partial printer name to display price tag types that contain your entry.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Screen Option


Create a price tag type

Select Create to advance to the Create/Change/Display Price Tag Type Screen.

Change a price tag type

Select Change for a price tag type to advance to the Create/Change/Display Price Tag Type Screen.

Delete a price tag type

Select Delete for a price tag type. At the Are you sure you want to delete this Price Tag Type? window, select Yes to delete it; otherwise, select No to cancel.

Create/Change/Display Price Tag Type Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create a new price tag type or change an existing one.

How to display this screen: On the Work with Price Tag Types Screen:

• select Create to create a new price tag type; in this situation, when you advance to the Create/Change/Display Price Tag Type screen, all of the fields are blank.

• select Change for a price tag type; in this situation, when you advance to the Create/Change/Display Price Tag Type screen, the existing values for the price tag type display.



Tag Type

A code to identify the type of price tag. CWSerenade is delivered with 9 different types of price tags:

Price Tag Type 1 Label

Price Tag Type 2 Label

Price Tag Type 3 Label

Price Tag Type 20 Label

Price Tag Type 40 Label

Price Tag Type 50 Label

Price Tag Type 60 Label

Price Tag Type 65 Label

See Delivered Price Tag Types for more information about each price tag type. Contact your MICROS representative if you would like to configure a new price tag type.

Numeric, 2 positions.

Create: Required.

Change: Display-only.


A description of the price tag type.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; required.

Print Prices

Defines whether the system prints the item price on the price tag.

Y = The system prints the item price on the price tag.

N = The system does not print the item price on the price tag.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Printer Name

The name of the printer used to print the price tag type. This printer must be defined in Price Tag Properties.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.