Assign Primary Location

Purpose: Use the Assign Primary Location option to create a primary primary location for an item, including the minimum and maximum quantities for the location. This transaction is similar to using the Creating Item Warehouse/Locations (MIWL) menu option.

Note: If the item already exists in the location you specify at this screen, the system updates the minimum and maximum quantity fields for the item/location record; however, no message will display telling you that the item/location record already exists.

Secured feature: The Allow Access to RF Maintenance (A55) secured feature controls access to this option.

Asgn Pri Loc Screen

How to display this screen: Select option 2. Assign Bin Loc at the RF MAINT 2 Screen and select OK or press Enter; see RF Screen Layout.

Cursor placement: When you first advance to this screen, the system places the cursor in the Loc field.

Assigning a Primary Location


1. Enter the company where the item exists in the Cmp field. The current company defaults, but you can override it.

2. Enter the warehouse where the primary primary location exists in the Warehouse field. The warehouse defined in the Default Warehouse (A04) system control value defaults, but you can override it.

3. Scan the location barcode on the RF Bin Location Label for the location you wish to assign to the item as its primary primary location or manually complete the Loc field. In order to scan the location barcode on the Bin Location label correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the Loc field.

4. Scan the item barcode on the RF Item Label for the item/SKU to assign to the specified primary location or manually complete the Itm and SKU fields. In order to scan the item barcode on the Item label correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the Itm field. Note: You can also manually enter the short SKU code defined for the item/SKU in the Itm field. If you enter the short SKU code, the system automatically updates the Itm field with the item code and the SKU field with the SKU code when you select OK or press Enter.

5. Enter the minimum unit quantity for the item in the location in the M field.

6. Enter the maximum unit quantity for the item in the location in the X field.

7. Select OK or press Enter to validate your entries. Correct any errors and select OK or press Enter again to validate your changes.

8. Select OK or press Enter to assign the primary location to the item/SKU. The system assigns the primary location to the item as the item’s primary primary location and displays the following message: Primary Assigned.

Assign primary location errors: See Assign Primary Location Errors for a list of errors that can display on the Asgn Pri Loc screen.





A code for the company where the new primary location exists.

The current company defaults, but you can override it.

Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.


Unlabeled field to the left of the Loc field

A code for the warehouse where the item’s new primary location exists.

The warehouse defined in the Default Warehouse (A04) system control value defaults, but you can override it.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.



A code for the item’s new primary location.

Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table.

Scanning the Location Barcode on the Bin Location Label

In order to scan the location barcode on the RF Bin Location Label correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the Loc field.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.



A code for the item you wish to assign to the primary location.

Item codes are defined in and validated against the Item table.

Scanning the Item Barcode on the Item Label

In order to scan the item barcode on the RF Item Label correctly, the cursor on the screen must be in the Itm field.

Using the Short SKU Code

You can also manually enter the short SKU code defined for the item/SKU in the Itm field. If you enter the short SKU code, the system automatically updates the Itm field with the item code and the SKU field with the SKU code when you select OK or press Enter.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The SKU of the item you wish to assign to the primary location.

SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item contains SKUs.


Minimum quantity

The minimum unit quantity for the item in this location before the location should be replenished.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


Maximum quantity

The maximum unit quantity for the item in this location. The system uses this number when suggesting the unit quantity to place in the location.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Screen Option


Assign a primary primary location to an item

See Assigning a Primary Location for instructions.

Exit the screen

Select Exit or press F3.

Clear the information from the screen and restore the defaults

Select Clr or press F8.

Assign Primary Location Errors

Error Message


Invalid from Cmpy

The company number you entered is not a valid company on your system, or the company field is blank.

Unauthorized Cmpy

You do not have authority to the company number you entered.

SCV Error - A26 (or other value)

The company whose number you entered has a system control value related to RF or the SKU field with a setting that is incompatible with your current company.

From Whse Invalid

The warehouse you entered is not valid.

From Loc Invalid

The primary location you entered is not valid for the current company and warehouse, or you did not enter a location.

From Loc Not Primary

The location you entered is not a primary location.

Invalid Item/SKU

You have not entered complete and valid item/SKU information.

Quantity is Zero

You have not entered a number in either the minimum or maximum quantity fields.

Min GT Max

The minimum quantity you entered is greater than the maximum quantity.

Item Not Comp W/Loc

The item's location class is not compatible with the location class assigned to the location.

WH12_04 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN