Physical Inventory Item Location Audit Report

Purpose: Use this report to review the warehouse locations created as a result of the physical inventory upload process.

Overview: If the Create Location/Item Location/Item Warehouse from PI Upload (F09) system control value is selected, you can create new locations within your warehouse as a result of information received through the physical inventory upload. If this system control value is unselected, the count record will be flagged with an error code if it is not in a valid location.

When creating locations through the upload is enabled, the system still checks each record for errors as it normally does. If the record is error-free in all other respects except that the location is not currently set up in your Location table, the system creates the new location code. At this point, the system also creates an Item Location record, and, if necessary, an Item Warehouse record. These records, which are usually created through routine transactions such as creating an item or receiving a purchase order, are necessary for reservation, transfers, and any other inventory activity.

Note: The new item location will be created initially with an on-hand quantity of zero, because when you process the physical inventory update based on the upload information, the on-hand quantity for the item location will increase by the count information. For example, if the upload table contains a count of 50, the on-hand quantity for the item location increases by 50 units when you process the physical inventory update.

Creating defaults: Before you run the upload and create the item locations, you must first run a command to create the defaults, and then use Working with Default Options (WDFT) to change any settings to those that are most useful to you. For example, if you determine that you will usually be creating pickable locations through the physical inventory upload, you would selected the Pickable field default. See Physical Inventory Upload Defaults for complete information.

Once you have created the defaults, the report will be generated as part of the PIUPLOAD job whenever the system creates any new location records. You can use this report to review the new locations, and change any of the field settings from the defaults, if necessary. See Uploading Physical Counts (MPIU).

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• warehouse code and description

• new location code

• item code and SKU

• on-hand quantity for the location

Note: You can also create a new location through Working with the Physical Inventory Upload (WPIU), but this option does not produce the report.

WH01_05r OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN