Drop Ship Values Screen (H20)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether you will use the CWCollaborate or Locate Drop Ship Integrations to process drop ship orders, and to define the values used to pass information.

About CWCollaborate and the Locate Supplier Direct Fulfillment module: Both the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module in Locate and CWCollaborate provide internet-based, collaborative environments for retailers and vendors to share and process information related to drop ship orders. If you use CWCollaborate or Locate to process drop ship orders for a vendor, your system generates a drop ship purchase order and automatically transmits the purchase order information to CWCollaborate or Locate, where your vendor can access it through a browser window. You must purchase the CWCollaborate application or the Locate Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

For more information: See CWCollaborate or Locate Drop Ship Integrations.

System control values on this screen:

Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13)

CDC Retailer ID (H15)

CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36)

CDC Communication Protocol (H37)

CDC FTP ID for Vendor Download (H16)

CDC FTP ID for PO Download - New (H17)

CDC FTP ID for Outbound PO Download Changes (H35)

CDC FTP ID for PO Cost Changes (H78)

CDC FTP ID for PO Updates (H19)

CDC FTP ID for Cancellation Requests (H18)

CDC FTP ID for Returns Download (H56)

CDC FTP ID for Return Updates (H58)

CDC FTP ID for Deleted RAs (H57)

CDC FTP ID for AP Invoice Upload (H77)

Locate Account (K49)

Locate System (K50)

Locate Default Location (K51)

Use CWCollaborate/Locate (H13)

Select this field if you are using CWCollaborate or Locate to process drop ship purchase orders.

This value determines whether:

• You can assign a Drop ship output setting of Collaborative Drop Shipping or Locate Drop Shipping to a vendor.

• The CDC async job processes drop ship transactions for your company. See CDC Async.

At least one company in your environment must have this system control value selected in order for you to start the CDC async job.

Leave this field blank if you are not using CWCollaborate or Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module to process drop ship orders.

CDC Retailer ID (H15)

Enter the code used to identify the retailer within the CWCollaborate database.

CWCollaborate setup: If you use the CWCollaborate integration, this value serves as a key to most of the CWCollaborate tables. The Retailer ID is first defined in CWCollaborate, and then entered in this system control value. This value should not be changed once data has been sent to CWCollaborate.

This is a 10-position, alphanumeric, field.

Note: Because this field is 10 positions, make sure the retailer ID you create in CWCollaborate is not longer than 10 positions.

You can leave this field blank if you are not using CWCollaborate to process drop ship orders; however, since an entry in this field is required at the Drop Ship Values Screen (H20), you can enter any value if you do not integrate with CWCollaborate.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC Drop Ship Lead Days (H36)

Enter the number of days you want to add to the data passed to CWCollaborate or Locate to calculate the Expected ship date stored in CWSerenade for a drop ship purchase order line. If you enter a value in this system control value, the date passed to CWCollaborate or Locate is: Arrival date + CDC Drop Ship Lead Days + vendor lead days.

The date stored in CWSerenade for the drop ship order line is: Arrival date + vendor lead days + drop ship lead days (the Lead days specified for the vendor item).

For more information: See:

Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) for a list of screens, reports, and notices that indicate the expected ship date.

Calculating an Expected Ship Date for CWCollaborate Items or Supplier Direct Fulfillment Backorder Notice Processing for a discussion of how the expected ship date is calculated.

CDC Communication Protocol (H37)

Enter FTP if you are using CWCollaborate.

If you have a multi-company production environment, set this system control value in one company only. Leave it blank in other companies.

Leave this system control value blank in all companies if you are not using CWCollaborate.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for Vendor Download (H16)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to send vendor information from the CSF Vendor Download Table (FLCSVD) in the CWSerenade database to the vendor file in the oms\Serenade\inbox directory on the CWCollaborate server.

The delivered FTP application code is C01. See C01- Send Vendors FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for PO Download - New (H17)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to send new purchase order information from the CSF PO Download Table (FLCSPO) in the CWSerenade database to the newpo file in the oms\Serenade\inbox directory on the CWCollaborate server.

The delivered FTP application code is C02. See C02 - Send Purchase Orders FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for Outbound PO Download Changes (H35)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to send purchase order changes from the CSF PO Download Table (FLCSPO) in the CWSerenade database to the poaddrchg file in the oms\Serendade\inbox directory on the CWCollaborate server.

The delivered FTP application code is C10. See C10 - Outbound PO Changes FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for PO Cost Changes (H78)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to send purchase order cost changes from the CSF Cost Change Table (FLCSCC) in the CWSerenade database to the pocostchg file in the oms\Serenade\inbox directory on the CWCollaborate server.

The delivered FTP application code is C06. See C06 - Send Cost Changes FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for PO Updates (H19)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to retrieve purchase order update information from the newpoupdt file in the oms\Serenade\outbox directory on the CWCollaborate server to the CSF Status Upload Table (FLCSFS) in the CWSerenade database.

The delivered FTP application code is C07. See C07 - Receive PO Updates FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for Cancellation Requests (H18)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to send cancel request information from the CSF Cancel Request Table (FLCSCN) in the CWSerenade database to the canreq file in the oms\Serenade\inbox directory on the CWCollaborate server.

The delivered FTP application code is C03. See C03 - Send Cancel Requests FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for Returns Download (H56)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to send return authorization information from the CSF RA Download Table (FLCSRA) in the CWSerenade database to the newra file in the oms\Serenade\inbox directory on the CWCollaborate server.

The delivered FTP application code is C04. See C04 - Send Return Authorizations FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for Return Updates (H58)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to retrieve return authorization update information from the return file in the oms\Serenade\outbox directory on the CWCollaborate server to the CSF Return Upload Table (FLRART) in the CWSerenade database.

The delivered FTP application code is C08. See C08 - Receive RA Updates FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for Deleted RAs (H57)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to send return authorization cancellations from the CSF RA Cancel Table (FLCSRC) in the CWSerenade database to the canra file in the oms\Serenade\inbox directory on the CWCollaborate server.

The delivered FTP application code is C05. See C05 - Send RA Cancels FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

CDC FTP ID for AP Invoice Upload (H77)

Enter the FTP application code defined in the Working with FTP Applications (WFTP) menu option which identifies the FTP command used to retrieve A/P update information from the invoice file in the oms\Serenade\outbox directory on the CWCollaborate server to the A/P Invoice Upload Table (APINUP) in the CWSerenade database.

The delivered FTP application code is C09. See C09 - Receive AP Updates FTP Application for more information on the FTP commands used for this FTP application.

This value is not used by the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Locate Account (K49)

This system control value is not currently used as part of the integration with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

See Locate Account (K49) for information on how the integration with Locate’s Order Broker module uses this system control value.

Locate System (K50)

System name field: Use this field to specify the system code identifying your company in Locate for integration with the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. The system code must be the same as your CWSerenade company number.

This system code is passed as the requesting_system_cd in all request messages to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. For example, if your CWSerenade company number is 2, you can set this field to 2 (not 002; omit padding zeroes unless that is how you created the system code in Locate).

Also used with Order Broker module: The integration with the Order Broker module also uses this system control value. See Locate System (Serenade) (K50) under the Order Broker Values (K15) for more information.

Leave this field blank if you do not integrate with Locate’s Order Broker or with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Locate Default Location (K51)

System name field: Use this field to specify the location code identifying your default warehouse in Locate for integration with the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

The location code is passed as the requesting_location_cd in the CreateDSOrder message to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module. This message creates the drop ship purchase order in Locate.

The location code must match an existing location code in Locate for the Locate System (K50).

Also used with Order Broker module: The integration with the Order Broker module also uses this system control value. See Locate Default Location (K51) under the Order Broker Values (K15) for more information.

Leave this field blank if you do not integrate with Locate’s Order Broker module or with Locate’s Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

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