Reviewing CWSerenade Data Source Configuration

Purpose: Use the tomee.xml file on the CWSerenade application server to configure the data source for CWSerenade.

Important: The system updates the tomee.xml file during the installation process and you would typically not change the contents of this file. However, if you receive an error that the CWSerenade application server cannot connect to the database, you should review the contents of this file to make sure it is configured correctly.

If the application server cannot connect to the database: Check the configuration settings in the tomee.xml File, specifically, the connection-url. Also, check the configuration settings in the DBConfig Properties File.

tomee.xml File

Location of file: This file is normally saved on the CWSerenade application server at C:\Serenade\server\conf\tomee.xml, where C: is the root drive of the server.

To review the file: You can review the contents of this file using a text editor, being careful not to change the settings in this file.

The settings in this file that you might review for troubleshooting purposes are explained below. The additional settings in this file should not be changed.




The name of the datasource. CWSerenade uses two datasources:

SerenadeSeamDatasource = the main database access.

CWDirectCPDS = the secondary database access, used for mapped tables and classes.


This setting is defined for the SerenadeSeam Datasource and the CWDirectCPDS Datasource.

The information used to connect to the CWSerenade database.

jdbcUrl = jdbc:sqlserver://SERVERNAME:1433;DatabaseName= SERENADE;selectMethod=direct;sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false


SERVERNAME = The name or IP address of the database server where the CWSerenade database is located.

1433 = The default port used to connect to the CWSerenade database server.

SERENADE = The name of the CWSerenade database.

selectMethod = the type of data retrieval method; valid values are cursor and direct. For the CWDirectCPDS datasource, the selectMethod should be cursor; for the SerenadeSeamDatasource, the selectMethod should be direct.


The database password for the userName. See Changing the Database Password in the PDF version of the CWSerenade Configuration and Operations Guide for instructions.


Should be set to Locate.


The user ID for access to the database. See Changing the Database Password in the PDF version of the CWSerenade Configuration and Operations Guide for instructions.

data source configuration OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN