Bonus Credit Bonus % (B70)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the percentage to be used when calculating the value of a bonus merchandise credit.

Percentage field: Enter the percentage amount to add to a customer's credit if the customer requests that the credit may be turned into a merchandise credit to be used as a payment towards another order.

The customer may request a bonus merchandise credit in lieu of a refund check, credit card credit, or some other form of credit. You may change the type of refund to a merchandise credit through the Work with Refunds function.

The credit can be for any pay type: an A/R credit, credit card credit, etc. The customer receives the original credit amount plus a percentage of the credit. This is a 5-position field with a 2-place decimal.

For example, if the credit is for $80.00 and the percentage defined for this value is 15%, the total amount of the merchandise credit (if applied as a payment) is $92.00.

For more information: See Managing Returns.

IN03_08 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN