Generate Sale Credit for Orders with Sale Items (I64)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to generate sale credits as refunds for sale items.

Yes/No field: Select this field to have the system generate sale credits as refunds for returned items that are on sale.

When does the system generate a sale credit? The system generates a sale credit if:

• the returned item is flagged as a Sale item in the Item Offer or SKU Offer that applies to the order detail line, and,

• the pay type:

• is a Coupon/Credit pay category, or

• has an Alt refund type (Alternate refund type) that is a Coupon/Credit pay category, or

• has an Alt refund category (Alternate refund category) of coupon/credit

Refunds for both sale and non-sale items: Processing separate returns against a sale item and a non-sale item on the same order can generate two refunds: the refund for the sale item is a sale credit (provided the pay type meets the requirement described above), while the refund for the non-sale item follows the regular logic to determine the refund type. However, processing returns against multiple items on the order at the same time produces a sale credit if one of the items is a sale item.

For example, item AB100 is a sale item, while item BC200 is a non-sale item. If the customer returns AB100 one day and return BC200 on another day, the system generates a sale credit for the first return but not for the second return. However, if the customer returned both AB100 and BC200 at the same time, and you processed the returns against both items in a single session, the system generates a sale credit for both.

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to generate sale credits for sale items.

IN03_08 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN