Default Purchase Order Ship Via for Purchase Order Interface (F85)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the purchase order ship via code the system defaults to the Purchase Order Header and Detail Interface tables.

Number field: Enter the purchase order ship via code you want the system to default to the Purchase Order Header and Detail Interface tables; any time a purchase order ship via code is passed from a third party interface file, the system defaults the purchase order ship via code defined in this system control value.

Purchase order ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Purchase Order Ship Via table; see Working with Purchase Order Ship Via (WPSV).

Leave this field blank if you do not want the system to default a purchase order ship via code to the Purchase Order Header and Detail Interface tables; any time a purchase order ship via code is passed from a third party interface file, you must manually enter a purchase order ship via code.

For more information: See PO Upload Interface.

Creating purchase orders based on projected requirements: The system also uses this default purchase order ship via code if you use the Create Purchase Orders Screen to generate purchase orders based on projected requirements. When you generate purchase orders through this screen, the system uses the Ship via defined for the vendor item, if any; otherwise, the system uses the ship via defined in this system control value. If the system cannot find a ship via in either place, the record will be in error and no purchase order will be generated for the item. See Generating Purchase Orders based on Projected Requirements for an overview.

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