Offer Required Entry on Purchase Orders (A36)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether an offer must be entered for each purchase order created through P/O Entry.

Yes/No field: If you select this field, the Offer field is required during Entering Purchase Orders (MPOE). You can use this setting to purposely buy for an offer and keep track of an on-order quantity at the offer level. This information can be used by the Forecasting function. The Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP) shows the total on purchase order for the offers included on the report. Also shown is the total on purchase order for other offers, which is the total on purchase order for any offer not represented on the report, plus the total for any purchase orders that do not specify an offer.

Creating purchase orders based on projected requirements: If you use the Create Purchase Orders Screen to generate purchase orders based on projected requirements, you will need to specify an offer for the generated purchase orders before submitting the job. See Generating Purchase Orders based on Projected Requirements for an overview.

Drop ship purchase orders: This system control value also controls whether to populate the offer field for the purchase order header and detail records when you generate drop ship purchase orders. If this system control value is selected, the system populates the offer fields; also, for a drop ship item that is a SKUed item, the system creates the SKU Offer record if it did not already exist, using the information from the Item Offer.

If you leave this field unselected:

• The Offer field is not required.

• If you enter an offer code in P/O Entry, the on-order quantity is still increased at the offer level.

• When you generate drop ship purchase orders, the system does not populate the offer fields for the purchase order header or detail, or create SKU Offer records.

On PO calculation: The Inventory Status & Projection Report (ISRP) includes the total On PO for offer and On PO for other offer for an item within all offers you selected when you generated the report. Any purchase orders that do not have an offer specified will be included in the On PO for other offer total.

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