Print Company Address on Invoice (D57)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system should print the company address on customer invoices.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to retrieve the description and address from the Company table (see Setting Up Companies (WCMP)) and print it in the upper left corner of the invoice. Printing the address might be useful if you are in a multi-company environment and it is easier to use invoice forms without a preprinted company address.

Printing the company address works only if the Invoice Print Program (B83) supports it. Both the standard graphical program (INVOICEG) and standard non-graphical print program (INVOICE) support printing the company address; however, if you choose to print the company address for the standard graphical print program, the company logo does not print in the upper left.

For more information: See:

• the Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value

Printing Invoices (PINV) for information on printing invoices, and sample invoices

Printing an Invoice in standard order inquiry

Leave the field unselected if you do not want to print the company address on the invoice.

IN03_05 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN