Subtract Hidden Tax from CWData Order Line Price (J15)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system passes the hidden tax amount included in the order line price for orders subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) as a separate amount to CWData.

Yes/No field: Select this field if you want the system to pass the hidden tax amount included in the order line price for orders subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) as a separate amount to CWData.

The Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value defines whether you process orders to countries that are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT). On orders subject to VAT, tax does not accumulate in the Tax field; instead, the customer pays a tax-inclusive price for each item and the tax is “hidden” on the order detail line in the Hidden tax field.

Note: You can review the hidden tax amount for an item by selecting Change for an item in order entry or maintenance, or by selecting Details for an item in standard order inquiry. The hidden tax amount displayed is the per unit amount, not the extended amount.

If the Subtract Hidden Tax from CWData Order Line Price (J15) system control value is selected, and the order is subject to VAT:

• The hidden tax amount defined for the order line is passed to CWData in the Tax field in the DW Order Detail table.

• The merchandise amount defined for the order line is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.

If the Subtract Hidden Tax from CWData Order Line Price (J15) system control value is selected, and the order is not subject to VAT:

• A hidden tax amount is not defined for the order line; instead, the tax amount is accumulated in the Tax field on the order and is passed to CWData in the Tax field in the DW Order Detail table.

• The order line price (merchandise amount) is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.

Leave this field unselected if you want the system to pass the hidden tax amount included in the order line price as part of the order line amount to CWData.

If the Subtract Hidden Tax from CWData Order Line Price (J15) system control value is unselected, and the order is subject to VAT:

• The hidden tax amount, along with the merchandise amount defined for the order line, is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.

• The Tax field in the DW Order Detail table remains blank.

If the Subtract Hidden Tax from CWData Order Line Price (J15) system control value is unselected, and the order is not subject to VAT:

• A hidden tax amount is not defined for the order line; instead, the tax amount is accumulated in the Tax field on the order and is passed to CWData in the Tax field in the DW Order Detail table.

• The order line price (merchandise amount) is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.

Summary: The chart below indicates how tax is passed to CWData, depending on if the order is subject to VAT.

Subtract Hidden Tax (J15)

Order subject to VAT?





The tax amount on the order is passed to CWData in the Tax field in the DW Order Detail table.

The order line amount is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.


line price = 10.00

line tax = 1.00

DW Order Detail

Tax = 1.00

Price = 10.00



The tax amount on the order is passed to CWData in the Tax field in the DW Order Detail table.

The order line amount is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.


line price = 10.00

line tax = 1.00

DW Order Detail

Tax = 1.00

Price = 10.00



The tax amount on the order is included in the order line amount and is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.

The Tax field in the DW Order Detail table remains blank.


line price = 11.00 (of which 1.00 is hidden tax)

DW Order Detail

Tax = blank

Price = 11.00



The tax amount that is included in the order line amount on the order is passed to CWData in the Tax field in the DW Order Detail table.

The merchandise amount on the order line is passed to CWData in the Price field in the DW Order Detail table and DW Order Detail Activity table.


line price = 11.00 (of which 1.00 is hidden tax)

DW Order Detail

Tax = 1.00

Price = 10.00

IN03_05 OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN