A/R (Accounts Receivable) Credit Register

How to print: Complete the Process Refunds Screen (MREF) with the Generate Accounts Receivable credits field selected.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


order number and ship-to number: indicating the number of the shipping address on the order.

A/R account number

customer name: the sold-to customer name, unless there is a bill-to customer associated with the order; in this case, this is the bill-to customer name.

refund amount: the refund amount in the local currency (the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value). The tax amount included in the refund amount is based on the tax rate that was effective when the item was shipped.

alternate currency amount: the refund amount in the alternate currency. Included only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected. CWSerenade uses this calculation to determine the alternate currency amount: refund amount x conversion rate defined for the order in the Order Header Extended table = alternate currency amount. If the Decimalized currency field for the alternate currency is selected, CWSerenade includes the decimals in the alternate currency amount; if the Decimalized currency field is unselected, CWSerenade rounds the alternate currency amount to the nearest whole unit of currency. For example, if the refund amount is 24.00 in the local currency and the conversion rate is 2.36, the alternate currency amount is 56.64. If the Decimalized currency field for the alternate currency is unselected the alternate currency amount is 57.00. This field remains blank if the refund is for an order in the local currency.

code: the currency associated with the refund. Included only if the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is selected. This is the alternate currency defined for the order in the Order Header Extended table. This field remains blank if the A/R credit is in the local currency (the currency code and conversion rate for the order is blank).

reprint: This field is not used.

final totals: the total amount for the refunds, across all credits, in the local currency.

CS10_04r OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN