CWSerenade Setup for the Item Download API

Before you can generate item download messages, you must perform the necessary CWSerenade setup and processing.

Information requiring setup includes:

System Control Value

Menu Options

Periodic Functions

System Control Value

System Control Value


Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15)

Select this field to create triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table for certain actions in CWSerenade.

Outbound Interface Trigger File Purge Days (I14)

Enter the number of days to retain records in the IL Outbound Trigger table before purging them. Run the PURGIJT periodic function (program name ILR0026) to delete any records if: Last processed date is less than the current system date by the number of purge days and Status is X. You can also use the Purge option at the Work with Outbound Interface Transactions Screen to purge records.

Example: Today is 2/07, and you have set this value to 1. Any record whose Last processed date is 2/06 or earlier is purged.

Item Values (I91)

Use this umbrella system control value to specify whether certain fields are required when creating an item:

Require L/S Division with L/S Department (E85)

Require L/S Department (I92)

Require L/S Class (I93)

Require L/S Style (I94)

Require Item Class (F06)

Menu Options

Menu Option


Generating Outbound Interface Triggers (GOIT)

Allows you to create an IL outbound trigger record for each item/SKU in your company. Run this process to initially send item/SKUs to the point of sale system.

Working with Outbound Interface Transactions (WOIT)

Allows you to review, delete, or resend IL outbound trigger records.

Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT)

When active, the Item Outbound job creates an Item Download XML Message (CWItemOut) for each record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.

You can also define:

• trigger rules; see Item Outbound Trigger Rules.

• configuration options.

• XML inclusion rules; see Item Outbound XML Inclusion.

• the queues where the item download message are sent; see Work with Integration Layer Process Queues Screen.

Periodic Functions

Periodic Function


Purge IJCT Download (program name ILR0026)

Run this periodic function to purge processed IL outbound triggers, based on the Outbound Interface Trigger File Purge Days (I14) system control value: Last processed date is less than the current system date by the number of purge days and Status is X

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