Post Coupon Liability to G/L for New Orders (D52)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to post coupon deferred liability to the general ledger interface for orders using a coupon payment type.

Yes/No Field: Select this field if you are using the G/L interface and would like to post coupon liability. When you enter a new order, the system

• credits the Sale G/L number defined in the Pay Type table in the amount of the coupon

• debits the Refund G/L number defined in the Pay Type table in the amount of the coupon

When the order is billed, the system

• debits the Sale G/L number defined in the Pay Type table in the amount of the sale

• credits the Sale G/L number(s) defined in the Division table in the amount of the sale

Leave this field unselected if you do not want to post coupon liability to the G/L interface. The system will post to the G/L interface only when the order is billed.

For more information: See the Work with Pay Type G/L # Screen.

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