Open AP/PO Report by Vendor/Date

How to print: The system generates this report when you complete the Print Open AP/PO Receipts Report Screen if By vendor and Sort by date are selected and Summary only is not selected.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


Selection criteria: Selection criteria from the Print Open AP/PO Receipts Report Screen:

Vendor: The vendor you selected for the report. ALL indicates you did not specify a vendor.

Transaction date range: The transaction date range you selected for the report. ALL indicates you did not specify a date range.

Vendor: The vendor code and description associated with the purchase order.

For each received purchase order line:

Transaction date: The date when an item on the purchase order was received.

PO number: The purchase order number that includes received purchase order lines.

Item: The item number on the purchase order that was received.

SKU: The SKU code, if any, defined for the item.

Description: A description of the item.

Qty: The quantity that was received on the indicated date that has not yet been posted to an A/P invoice. For example, if you received 20 units on 3/15, and have posted 5 units to an A/P invoice, the quantity is 10.

Cost: The unit cost at which the item was received, net of any discounts.

Extended cost: The extended cost at which the item was received, calculated by multiplying the quantity by the unit cost.

GL #: The general ledger number credited by the purchase order receipt. 0 indicates the receipt is not associated with a general ledger number.

Total for transaction date: The total extended cost that is not yet posted to an A/P invoice for the transaction date.

Total for vendor: The total extended cost that is not yet posted to an A/P invoice for the vendor.

Final total: The total extended cost that is not yet posted to an A/P invoice, across all vendors and transaction dates.

AP02_09r OROMS 5.0 2018 OTN