SIP Interface Configuration

To configure a SIP interface:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the system-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-interface and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-interface

    From this point, you can configure SIP interface parameters. To view all sip-interface parameters, enter a ? at the system prompt.

  4. state—Enable or disable the SIP interface. The default is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  5. realm-id—Enter the name of the realm to which the SIP interface is connected.
  6. sip-ports—Access the sip-ports subelement.
  7. carriers—Enter the list of carriers related to the SIP interface.

    Entries in this field can be from 1 to 24 characters in length and can consist of any alphabetical character (Aa-Zz), numerical character (0-9), or punctuation mark (! ”$ % ^ & * ( ) + - = < > ? ‘ | { } [ ] @ / \ ‘ ~ , . _ : ; ) or any combination of alphabetical characters, numerical characters, or punctuation marks. For example, both 1-0288 and acme_carrier are valid carrier field formats

  8. proxy-mode—Enter an option for the proxy mode parameter. Valid values are:
    • proxy—Forward all SIP requests to selected targets.

    • redirect—Send a SIP 3xx redirect response with the selected target(s) in the Contact header.

    • record-route—Forward requests to selected target(s) and insert a Record-Route header with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s address. For stateless and transaction mode only.

  9. redirect-action—Enter the value for the redirect action. Valid values are:
    • proxy—Send the SIP request back to the previous hop.

    • recurse—Recurses on the Contacts in the response.

      The designated proxy action will apply to SIP 3xx responses received from non-session agents and to 3xx responses received from session agents without configured SIP Redirect message actions (for example, session agents without values for the redirect action field).

  10. contact-mode—Set the Contact header routing mode, which determines how the contact address from a private network is formatted.

    For example, whether a maddr parameter equal to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s SIP proxy needs to be added to a URI present in a Contact header.

    The default is none. The valid values are:

    • none—The address portion of the header becomes the public address of that private realm.

    • maddr—The address portion of the header will be set to the IP address of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s B2BUA.

    • strict—The contents of the Request-URI is destroyed when a Record-Route header is present.

    • loose—The Record-Route header is included in a Request, which means the destination of the request is separated from the set of proxies that need to be visited along the way.

  11. nat-traversal—Define the type of HNT enabled for SIP. The default is none. Valid values are:
    • none—HNT function is disabled for SIP.

    • rport—SIP HNT function only applies to endpoints that include the rport parameter in the Via header. HNT applies when the sent-by of the topmost VIA matches the Contact-URI host address, both of which must be different from the received Layer 3 address.

    • always—SIP HNT applies to requests when the sent-by of the topmost VIA matches the Contact-URI host address, both of which must be different from the received Layer 3 address. (Even when the rport parameter is not present.)

  12. nat-interval—Set the expiration time in seconds for the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s cached registration entry for an HNT endpoint. The default is 30. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

      Oracle recommends setting the NAT interval to one-third of the NAT binding lifetime. A NAT binding lifetime is the network connection inactivity timeout. The value is configured (or hardwired) in the NAT device (firewall). This timer is used to cause the UA to send REGISTER messages frequently enough to retain the port binding in the NAT. Retaining the binding lets inbound requests to be sent through the NAT.

  13. tcp-nat-interval—Set the registration cache expiration time in seconds to use for endpoints behind a NAT device that register using TCP. On upgrade, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller assigns this parameter the same value as the existing NAT interval. The default is 90. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

      The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the value you set for the TCP NAT interval as the expiration value passed back in SIP REGISTER (200 OK) responses to endpoints behind a NAT that register over TCP. The NAT interval value with which you are familiar from previous releases is used for endpoints behind a NAT that register over UDP. Requiring endpoints that register over TCP to send refresh requests as frequently as those registering over UDP puts unnecessary load on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. By adding a separate configuration for the TCP NAT interval, the load is reduced.

      For upgrade and backward compatibility with Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller releases prior to Release 4.1, when the tcpNatInterval is not present in the XML for a SIP interface configuration, the value of the NAT interval (natInterval) is used for the TCP NAT interval as well.

  14. registration-caching—Enable for use with all UAs, not just those that are behind NATs. The default is disabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

      If enabled, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller caches the Contact header in the UA’s REGISTER request when it is addressed to one of the following:

    • Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller

    • registrar domain value

    • registrar host value

      The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller then generates a Contact header with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s address as the host part of the URI and sends the REGISTER to the destination defined by the registrar host value.

      Whether or not SIP HNT functionality is enabled affects the value of the user part of the URI sent in the Contact header:

    • HNT enabled: the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller takes the user part of the URI in the From header of the request and appends a cookie to make the user unique. A cookie is information that the server stores on the client side of a client-server communication so that the information can be used in the future.

    • HNT disabled: the user part of the Contact header is taken from the URI in the From header and no cookie is appended. This is the default behavior of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.

      When the registrar receives a request that matches the address-of-record (the To header in the REGISTER message), it sends the matching request to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, which is the Contact address. Then, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller forwards the request to the Contact-URI it cached from the original REGISTER message.

  15. min-reg-expire—Set the time in seconds for the SIP interface. The value you enter here sets the minimum registration expiration time in seconds for HNT registration caching. The default is 300. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

      This value defines the minimum expiration value the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller places in each REGISTER message it sends to the real registrar. In HNT, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller caches the registration after receiving a response from the real registrar and sets the expiration time to the NAT interval value.

      Some UAs might change the registration expiration value they use in subsequent requests to the value specified in this field. This change causes the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to send frequent registrations on to the real registrar.

  16. registration-interval—Set the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s cached registration entry interval for a non-HNT endpoint. Enter the expiration time in seconds that you want the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to use in the REGISTER response message sent back to the UA. The UA then refreshes its registration by sending another REGISTER message before that time expires. The default is 3600. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

      A registration interval of zero causes the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to pass back the expiration time set by and returned in the registration response from the registrar.

    • Maximum—999999999

      If the expiration time you set is less than the expiration time set by and returned from the real registrar, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller responds to the refresh request directly rather than forwarding it to the registrar.

      Although the registration interval applies to non-HNT registration cache entries, and the loosely related NAT interval applies to HNT registration cache entries, you can use the two in combination. Using a combination of the two means you can implement HNT and non-HNT architectures on the same Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. You can then define a longer interval time in the registration interval field to reduce the network traffic and load caused by excess REGISTER messages because there is no NAT binding to maintain.

  17. route-to-registrar—Enable routing to the registrar to send all requests that match a cached registration to the destination defined for the registrar host; used when the Request-URI matches the registrar host value or the registrar domain value, not the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s address. Because the registrar host is the real registrar, it should send the requests back to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller with the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s address in the Request-URI. The default is disabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

      For example, you should enable routing to the registrar if your network uses a N Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller and needs requests to go through its service proxy, which is defined in the registrar host field.

  18. teluri-scheme—Enable to convert SIP URIs to tel (resources identified by telephone numbers) URIs.

    If enabled, the requests generated on this SIP interface by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will have a tel URI scheme instead of the SIP URI scheme. Only the Request, From, and To URIs are changed to the tel scheme. After the dialog is established, the URIs are not changed. The default is disabled. The valid values are:

    • enabled | disabled

  19. uri-fqdn-domain—Change the host part of the URIs to the FQDN value set here. If set to enabled, and used with an FQDN domain/host, the requests generated by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller on this SIP interface will have the host part of the URI set to this FQDN value. Only the Request, To, and From URIs are changed. After the dialog is established, the URIs are not changed.
  20. trust-mode—Set the trust mode for the SIP interface, which is checked by the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller when it receives a message to determine whether the message source is trusted. The default is all. Available options are:
    • all—Trust all SIP elements (sources and destinations) in the realm(s), except untrusted session agents. Untrusted session agents are those that have the trust-me parameter set to disabled.

    • agents-only—Trust only trusted session agents. Trusted session agents are those that have the trust-me parameter set to enabled.

    • realm-prefix—Trust only trusted session agents, and source and destination IP addresses that match the IP interface’s realm (or subrealm) address prefix. Only realms with non-zero address prefixes are considered.

    • registered—Trust only trusted session agents and registered endpoints. Registered endpoints are those with an entry in the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller’s registration cache.

    • none—Trust nothing.

      Session agents must have one or more of the following:

    • global realm

    • same realm as the SIP interface

    • realm that is a subrealm of the SIP interface’s realm

  21. trans-expire—Set the TTL expiration timer in seconds for SIP transactions. This timer controls the following timers specified in RFC 3261:
    • Timer B—SIP INVITE transaction timeout

    • Timer F—non-INVITE transaction timeout

    • Timer H—Wait time for ACK receipt

    • Timer TEE—Used to transmit final responses before receiving an ACK

      The default is 0. If you leave this parameter set to the default, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the timer value from the global SIP configuration. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

  22. invite-expire—Set the TTL expiration timer in seconds for a SIP client/server transaction after receiving a provisional response.

    You set this timer for the client and the sever by configuring it on the SIP interface corresponding to the core or access side.

    The default is 0. If you leave this parameter set to the default, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the timer value from the global SIP configuration. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—999999999

  23. max-redirect-contacts—Set the maximum number of contacts or routes for the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to attempt in when it receives a SIP Redirect (3xx Response). The default is 0. If you leave this parameter set to the default, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllerwill exercise no restrictions on the number of contacts or routes. The valid range is:
    • Minimum—0

    • Maximum—10

  24. response-map—Enter the name of the SIP response map configuration that you want to apply to this SIP interfaces for outgoing responses. This parameter is blank by default.
  25. local-response-map—Enter the name of the SIP response map configuration that you want to apply to this SIP interfaces for locally-generated SIP responses. This parameter is blank by default.
  26. options—Optional.