SNMP MIBs and Traps Related to VNF Deployments

The following MIBs and traps are supported for the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. Please consult the MIB Reference Guide for more SNMP information.


This group of objects, found in the ap-usbcsys.mib, provide a listing of DPDK statistics.

MIB Object Object ID: + Description
apUsbcSysDPDKFwdPurpose .1 A bitset representing Forwarding cores. 1s represent forwarding cores, while 0s represent non-forwarding cores.
apUsbcSysDPDKDOSPurpose .2 A bitset representing DoS cores. Bits set to 1 represent DoS cores, while 0s represent non-DoS cores.
apUsbcSysDPDKSigPurpose .3 A bitset representing signaling cores. Bits set to 1 represent signaling cores, while 0s represent non-signaling cores.
apUsbcSysDPDKTransPurpose .4 A bitset representing transcoding Cores. Bits set to 1 represent transcoding cores, while 0s represent non-transcoding cores.
apUsbcSysDPDKCmdLine .5 System CmdLine string - as defined in /proc/cmdline. (including relevant bootparams.)
apUsbcSysDPDKFileMem .6 Total DPDK File Memory.
apUsbcSysDPDKSysMem .7 Total DPDK System Memory
apUsbcSysDPDKNum1G .8 Number of 1GB Hugepages allocated.
apUsbcSysDPDKNum2MB .9 Number of 2MB hugepages allocated.
apUsbcSysDPDKHypervisorType .10 The description regarding the system type and what hypervisor the system is running on (OVM, KVM, VMWare,...).
apUsbcSysDPDKAddFwdCores .11 Number of additional cores that may be used for forwarding.
apUsbcSysDPDKAddSigCores .12 Number of additional cores that may be used for signaling.
apUsbcSysDPDKAddTransCores .13 Number of additional cores that may be used for transcoding.


This group of objects, found in the ap-usbcsys.mib, provide a listing of objects relating to scaling VMs.

MIB Object Object ID: Description
apUsbcSysEstSessions .1 Estimated number of unecrypted media sessions.
apUsbcSysEstG711G729Trans .2 Estimated number of G711<->G729 transcoded media sessions.
apUsbcSysEstSigTPS .3 Estimated number of signaling TPS.
apUsbcSysEstACLs .4 Estimated number of ACLs.
apUsbcSysEstTCP .5 Estimated number of TCP connections.
apUsbcSysEstTLS .6 Estimated number of TLS connections.
apUsbcSysEstVLANs .7 Estimated number of VLANs.