Syslog and Process Logs Configuration

This section describes how to configure syslog and process log servers.

To configure syslogs and process logs:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type system and press Enter to access the system-level configuration elements.
    ORACLE(configure)# system
  3. Type system-config and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(system)# system-config

    From this point, you can set process log parameters. Skip to the following process log configuration section.

  4. Type syslog-server and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual syslog parameters

    ORACLE(system-config)# syslog-server


    From this point, you can set syslog parameters. The following is an example what an syslog and process log configuration might look like. Parameters not described in this section are omitted below.

    system-log-level               WARNING
            port                           514
            facility                       4
    process-log-level              NOTICE
    process-log-port               0

Syslog Configuration

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports multiple syslog servers. As the number of active syslog increases, the performance level of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller may decrease. Therefore, we recommend configuring no more than 8 syslog servers.

Set the following parameters to configure syslog servers:

  1. address—Set the IPv4 address of a syslog server.
  2. port—Set the port portion of the syslog server. The default is 514.
  3. facility—Set an integer to identify a user-defined facility value sent in every syslog message from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to the syslog server. This parameter is used only for identifying the source of this syslog message as coming from the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. It is not identifying an OS daemon or process. The default value for this parameter is 4. RFC 3164 specifies valid facility values.

    In software release versions prior to Release 1.2, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller would send all syslog messages with a facility marker of 4.

  4. system-log-level—Set which log severity levels write to the system log (filename: acmelog). The default is WARNING. Valid values are:

Configure the Process Log Server

Set the following parameters to configure the process log server:

  1. process-log-level—Set the starting log level all processes running on the system use. Each individual process running on the system has its own process log. The default is NOTICE. Valid values: EMERGENCY | CRITICAL | MAJOR | MINOR | WARNING | NOTICE | INFO | TRACE | DEBUG | DETAIL
  2. process-log-ip-address—Set the IPv4 address of the process log server. The default value is, which causes the system to write log messages to the normal log file.
  3. process-log-port—Set the port number associated with the process log server. The default value is 0, which causes the system to write log messages to the normal log file. The valid range is: 1025-65535.