Configuring Using the ACLI

This section describes the two ACLI methods available for configuring the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller using line-by-line ACLI commands.

Line-by-Line Commands

Using line-by-line commands, you can target a specific field for editing. Line-by-line commands appear in the ACLI as their name suggests: each argument consists of a parameter followed by a valid value, both on one line.

At any time, you can access either the element menu or the context-sensitive help to guide you. In the following example, you enter values for three parameters, and then issue the show command to check your work. Finally, type done to save your configuration.

ORACLE(trap-receiver)# ip-address
ORACLE(trap-receiver)# filter-level major
ORACLE(trap-receiver)# community-name acme
ORACLE(trap-receiver)# show
        filter-level              									Major
        community-name            									acme
ORACLE(trap-receiver)# done