Working with Configuration Elements

Configuring elements involves entering the ACLI path to the configuration element you want to configure, and then entering the parameter name followed by a space and proper data in accordance with the required format.

A common set of commands appear in all configuration elements, and are not applicable for user and superuser commands. These commands are:
  • select—Used to select a configuration element to edit or view.
  • no—Used to delete the current configuration element object.
  • show—Used to view the current values of parameters in the selected configuration element.
  • done—Used to save configuration changes.
  • exit—Used to exit the current configuration element or path to the next higher level.

Creating configurations

Creating configuration elements involves first traversing to the ACLI path to enter configurations. Once you are in the element you want to configure, enter a parameter name followed by a value.

ORACLE(trap-receiver)# ip-address
ORACLE(trap-receiver)# filter-level major
ORACLE(trap-receiver)# community-name acme
ORACLE(trap-receiver)# done

Saving configurations with the done command

At all levels of the ACLI hierarchy, there are several methods of saving your settings and data.

  • The done command, which is entered within a configuration element.
  • The hotkey <Ctrl-D>, which is entered within a configuration element. This enters the done command in the command line and saves your information.

The Save Changes y/n ? # prompt appears when you exit a configuration element without saving your changes . This prompt only appears if you have changed old information and/or entered new information.

Every configuration element contains the done command.

We strongly recommend that you save your configuration information as you work. This ensures that your configurations have been written to the system database.

ORACLE(snmp-community)# done
    community-name                 acme_community
        access-mode                    READ-ONLY

Viewing configurations with the show command

We recommend that you view all of the information you have entered before carrying out the done command or another method of saving. Use the show command to review your configurations. Reviewing your settings will give you the opportunity to make any necessary changes before writing the information to the system database.

To view configuration information, type show when you are finished with a line-by-line entry. The following example illustrates the use of the show command before executing the done command.

ORACLE(host-route)# show
        description                             Test host route
        last-modified-by                        admin@console
        last-modified-date                      2014-01-15 17:12:07

Navigating the configuration tree with the exit command

The exit command moves you to the next-higher location in the configuration tree. In addition, when you use the exit command and have not already saved your changes, the ACLI produces the following message:

Save Changes y/n #

When this line appears, the ACLI is prompting you to save your configurations. This prompt only appears if you have changed old information or entered new information.

If you type anything other than a y in response to the Save Changes y/n ? # prompt, the system will interpret that character as a no response and will not save your work. You must type a y to save your work.

Choosing configurations with the select command

Editing individual configurations in the ACLI involves finding the element or field you need to update, entering the new information, and then saving the element.

To select an existing configuration element:

  1. Enter the configuration path of the element for which you want to edit.
  2. Use the select command to choose an element to update. A list of options appears when you press <Enter> at the key field prompt (e.g., <name:>).
  3. Enter the number corresponding to the element you would like to update and press <Enter>. If there are no elements configured, you will still be presented with the prompt, but no list will appear. When you press <Enter> at the key field prompt, you will be returned to the system prompt.
    ORACLE(phy-interface)# select
    <name>: <Enter>
    1: phyTEST
    2: phyTEST-RIGHT
    3: mn1
  4. Use the show command to display all configured values of the selected configuration element.
            name                           mn1
            operation-type                 Control
            port                           0
            slot                           0
            wancom-health-score            55
            overload-protection            disabled
            last-modified-by               admin@console
            last-modified-date             2012-11-12 11:02:09
  5. Optionally make any changes you to parameters in the selected configuration element. You can also overwrite parameters by entering a new value after a previous value has been created.
  6. Use the done command to save your updates.

Deleting configurations with the no command

There are two methods of deleting configurations.

  • You can delete the information for elements while you are still working with them.
  • You can delete all configuration information for a previously configured element.

For either method, use the no command to clear configurations. Only Multiple Instance Elements can be deleted from the system. Single Instance Elements can not be deleted; they can only be edited.

Deleting an existing configuration element example

You can only delete configurations from within their ACLI path. Use the select command to choose the configuration element you want to delete.

To delete an existing element:

  1. Enter the ALCI path to the element you wish to delete.
  2. Enter the no command. After you do so the key field prompt (e.g., <name:>) appears with a list of the existing configured elements beneath it.
    ORACLE(media-profile)# no
    <name>: <Enter>
    1: PCMU
    2: G723
    3: G729
  3. Enter the number corresponding to the element you wish to delete.
  4. To confirm the deletion, use the select command to view the list of remaining elements.
    ORACLE(media-profile)# select
    <name>: <Enter>
    1: PCMU
    2: G723