Expert Mode Configuration

Expert mode is a method of configuring the Oracle Enterprise Session Border Controller using the ACLI configuration tree by way of the Web GUI.

The Expert mode workspace displays a list of configuration objects and elements in the left pane of the configuration page, grouped like the ACLI configuration tree and displayed in command line format. The Configuration page also lists all of the configuration objects and elements in alphabetical order in the center pane.

This image is a screen capgture of the Configuration tab and navigation panes. The objects navigation pane on the left hand side of the screen groups the configuration objects by type. The configuration objects pane lists all configuration objects and sub-objects alphabetically.

Click the arrow by the Objects group name in the left pane to display the basic elements in the group. For example, under security, certificate-record, tls-global, and tls-profile are basic elements.

This image is a screen capture showing a section of the objects navigation pane expanded to show how the GUI displays the hieracrhy of objects and sub-objects.
  • Click Show Advanced to display the advanced elements in the group. The system displays the advanced elements in italics. For example, under security, auth-params and authentication are some of the advanced elements displayed in italics.
  • Click the arrow by an advanced element to display sub-elements. For example, under security, ipsec-global-config is a sub-element of ipsec.
  • Click the object, element, or sub-element to display the corresponding configuration dialog.

In the alphabetical list of Configuration Objects, click the Name of the object or element to display the corresponding configuration dialog.

This image is a screen capture showing a sample of the alphabetical listing of congfiguration objects that the main pane displays.


The Web GUI does not indicate required fields. You may be able to save the configuration without a required value because the E-SBC ignores the element in the configuration. The system does not display an error message for a missing required parameter.