21Global Target List Management

Global Target List Management Is for Siebel Industry Applications Only

The Global Target List Management applies only to Siebel Industry Applications, such as Siebel Life Sciences and Siebel Financial Services. Global Target List Management does not apply to Siebel Sales or Siebel Call Center.

    What Is Global Target List Management?

    Global Target List Management is used to create reusable lists of party entities (accounts, contacts, employees, positions, and prospects) from many different views in the Siebel application. These lists can be applied in various views and can be used to create activities.

    Target lists differ from PDQs (saved queries) in that target lists are static; the saved list contains a specific set of records. The records returned by a PDQ can vary over time as edits are made to the Siebel database.

    Global Target List Management builds on the general List Management features that are available for both Siebel Industry Applications and non-Siebel Industry Applications.

    Tasks you can perform with Global Target List Management that you cannot perform with general List Management are:

    • Create lists in many views (not just in the List Management view).

    • Apply lists in many views.

    • Create lists of accounts and positions.

    • Generate activities for records in a list.

      What Kind of Lists Can Be Created?

      In the preconfigured Siebel application, you can create and apply target lists for contacts, accounts, positions, and employees.

      However, the Siebel application can be configured for lists of prospects.

        Where to Find More Information

        You can find more information about the following functionality:

        • General List Management functionality, including field descriptions and instructions for importing and exporting lists. For more information, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

        • Call List functionality, which is unique to Financial Services. For more information, see Siebel Finance Guide.

        • Professional and account targeting, which is unique to Siebel Pharma. For more information, see Siebel Life Sciences Guide.

          Scenario for Managing Global Target Lists

          This topic gives one example of how global target list management might be used. You might use global target list management differently, depending on your business model.

          An administrative assistant has been asked to send personalized birthday gifts to all of the company’s top clients who have birthdays in the upcoming month, March. She uses Global Target List Management to help her create a set of activities, one activity for each gift she must purchase and send.

          First, she notices that the company administrator has already prepared a list of the top clients. This top-client list is not a private list and so the list can be used by the administrative assistant.

          Next, she queries for company contacts who have birthdays in March and saves these records to a private list, which she calls March-birthdays.

          Then, she combines her March-birthdays list and the companies top-client list. The list resulting from this intersection contains the company’s top clients who have birthdays in March.

          The last step is to create an activity for each client in the final list. Each activity can be marked completed when the client’s gift has been sent.

          Creating Target Lists by Querying (End User)

          The most usual way to create a target list is by querying and then saving to a target list some or all of the party records returned by the query.

          The records that you save can be the records that are returned by the query. For example, if you query contacts, then you can save the contact records to a target list. The records that you save can also be the records that are associated with the records that are returned by the query. For example, if you query opportunities, then you can save the positions on the opportunities’ sales teams to a target list. (You cannot save the opportunity records to a target list.)

          This task is a step in Process of Managing Global Target Lists.

          To create a target list by querying

          1. Navigate to a screen where target lists are enabled.

          2. Perform a query.

          3. On the toolbar, click Save Target List.

          4. Complete the necessary fields in the Save to List dialog box.

            Some fields are described in the following table.

            Field Comments

            Based On

            Select a value from the drop-down list. The choices available depend on the view.

            You can save the records themselves, for example contacts or accounts. Or, you can save the contacts or positions (team) associated with the records. If multiple contacts or positions can be associated with the records, then you can choose to save all or only the primary.


            Select the check box to indicate only you can view and apply this list.

            Clear the check box to indicate all users can view and apply this list.

          Editing Target Lists (End User)

          You can add and delete records from saved target lists.

          This task is a step in Process of Managing Global Target Lists.

          To edit a target list

          1. Navigate to the List Management screen, then the Lists view.

            To navigate to this view, you can click Save and Edit in the Save to List dialog box described in Step 4 in the topic Creating Target Lists by Querying (End User).

          2. Drill down on the List Name field for a target list record.

          3. Navigate to the appropriate view as described in the following table.

            If the Target List Contains... Then Use This View to Add or Delete from the List...



            Team members



            All Contacts, My Contacts, or List Contacts and Prospects

            Note: The My Contacts view filters the list to show only your contacts.



          Creating Target Lists By Combining Lists (End User)

          You can create new lists by combining existing lists. Lists can be combined as unions or intersections.

          This task is a step in Process of Managing Global Target Lists.

          To create a target list by combining other lists

          1. Navigate to the List Management screen, then the Lists view.

          2. Select the lists you want to combine.

          3. Click Create Union or Create Intersection.

          Applying Target Lists (End User)

          After you or an administrator create target lists, you can apply them. To apply a target list, you must be in a target list-enabled view.

          When you apply a target list to a view, you do not add the records in the list to the view. Instead, you restrict the records that you can add to the view to only those records that exist in the target list.

          This task is a step in Process of Managing Global Target Lists.

          To apply a target list

          1. Navigate to a screen where target lists are enabled.

          2. On the toolbar, click Apply Target List.

          3. In the Apply Target List dialog box, complete the following steps:

            1. Select one or more lists.

            2. Select the Respect Existing Query check box to preserve the current query.

              Records appear only if they are in both the list and the current query.

            3. Click OK, Union, or Intersection to apply the lists.

          Creating Activities from Target Lists (End User)

          From the List Management screen, you can create activities for each member in a list.

          How fields for the activities are completed, including which fields are copied from the list member records, is determined by “activity templates." These templates are set up by the Siebel administrator. In the preconfigured Siebel application, the “activity templates" can be applied only for lists of contacts. For more information, see Setting Up Data Map Object “Activity Templates" for Target Lists.

          This task is a step in Process of Managing Global Target Lists.

          To create an activity for each party in a list

          1. Navigate to the List Management screen, then the Lists view.

          2. Select a list record.

          3. Click Create Activity.

          4. In the Create Activity dialog box, select an “activity template."

            “Activity templates" are described in the following table.

            “Activity Template" For each contact in the list, creates...

            Customer Status Call

            A high priority activity of type Call - Outbound.

            Customer Status Email

            A high priority activity of type Email - Outbound.

            End Information Email

            A medium priority activity of type Email - Outbound.

            Targeted Call

            An activity of type Targeted Call.

          Note: These “activity templates" are data map objects created through the Data Transfer Utilities. They are not the same as the activity templates used to create activity plans.

          Setting Up Data Map Object “Activity Templates" for Target Lists

          Some activity template data map objects are provided in seed data. These templates are listed in Step 4 in the topic Creating Activities from Target Lists (End User).

          You can edit these objects or create your own objects, using those provided as a model. For more information about Data Map Objects, see Siebel Finance Guide.

            About Workflows for Global Target List Management

            Four workflows for Global Target List Management are provided in seed data. The following table describes these workflows.

            Table Workflows for Global Target List Management

            Workflow Description

            SLM Create Activity From List

            This workflow can be used to create activities asynchronously. For more information, see Configuring Global Target List Management to Create Activities Asynchronously.

            SLM Edit Call List Workflow

            This workflow is triggered by the Save and Edit button in the Save to List dialog box. This workflow takes the user to the List Mgmt Lists View of the List Management screen.

            SLM List Operation - Generic

            This workflow is triggered when the Create Union and Create Intersection buttons are clicked.

            Modification of this workflow is not recommended.

            SLM Update Parent

            This workflow is triggered when a new member (such as a contact or an account) is added to a list. The workflow checks the content type of the new member and updates the Content field for the list if necessary.

            For example, if an account is added to a list of contacts, then the Content field changes to Hybrid.

            Modification of this workflow is not recommended.

              Configuring Global Target List Management to Create Activities Asynchronously

              In the preconfigured Siebel application, when the Create Activities for List command (Create Activity button) is invoked, activities are created synchronously. If your users typically create activities for long lists, then the response time for synchronous creation can be slow. To resolve this issue, you can configure the Siebel application to create the activities asynchronously.

              To configure asynchronous activity creation from target lists

              1. In Siebel Tools, change the On Close Invoke Parent Method user property for the SLM Create Activity Popup applet from the default value of ContinueCreateActivity to ContinueCreateActAsync.

              2. Activate the SLM Create Activity From List workflow.

                For general information about Siebel workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                Enabling Application of Target Lists on an Applet

                You can configure list applets and association list applets so that target lists can be applied to them.

                In order for a list applet to be configurable, the business component on which the applet is based must contain a multi-value ID field for the list category (accounts, contacts, employees, positions, or prospects).

                To configure list and association list applets so that target lists can be applied

                1. Create a multi-value link between the applet’s business component and the List Mgmt Lists business component where:

                  • Destination Business Component is List Mgmt Lists.

                  • Destination Link is one of the following (as appropriate for the list category that is applied in the applet):

                    • SLM Account/List Mgmt Lists

                    • Contact/List Mgmt Lists

                    • Employee/List Mgmt Lists

                    • Position/List Mgmt Lists

                    • Prospects/List Mgmt Lists

                    For example, the SIS Account List Applet is based on the Account business component; it contains a List Mgmt Lists multi-value link, where Destination Link is SLM Account/List Mgmt Lists.

                2. Create a multi-value field for the applet’s business component where:

                  • Multivalue Link is the multi-value link created in Step 1.

                  • Field is ID.

                3. For the applet’s business component, create a TargetProp (or TargetProp 1, TargetProp 2, and so on) user property, and enter a value for the user property in the following form:

                  “Entity Display Name", “Multi-Value Field Name", “List Category"


                  • Entity Display Name is a name for the user property.

                  • Multi-Value Field Name is the name of the field created in Step 2.

                  • List Category is one of the display values defined for the SLM_LST_CATEGORY LOV: Accounts, Contacts, Employees, Positions, or Prospects.

                  For example, “Accounts", “List Mgmt List Id", “Accounts"

                4. Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 for each category of list that you want to apply to the applet.

                5. (If you are configuring a list applet, then skip to Step 6.) If you are configuring an association list applet, then create an Apply List button for the applet by completing the following steps:

                  1. Create the ButtonApplyList control for the applet.

                    The values for the new control are described in the following table.

                    Field Value




                    Apply List

                    HTML Type


                    Method Invoked


                  2. Create two control user properties for the new ButtonApplyList control.

                    The values for the two control user properties are described in the following table.

                    Field Value for 1st User Property Value for 2nd User Property





                    Edit List

                    SIA Apply Target List Applet - Simple

                  3. Edit the Applet Web Template for the association applet to add the new ButtonApplyList control to the applet’s layout.
                6. (Optional) Add an Apply List item to the menu for the cogwheel icon in the applet by completing the following steps:

                  1. Create an Applet Menu Method Item for the applet.

                  2. If the applet’s business component contains:

                    • Only one TargetProp user property, then set Command to Apply List Popup-Simple.

                    • Multiple TargetProp user properties for the applet, then set the command property to Apply List Popup.

                  3. Set Menu Text to Apply List.
                Note: If you do not complete this step, then a target list can still be applied by using the Apply Target List button in the toolbar or by selecting File in the application-level menu, then Apply List.

                  Enabling Saving of Target Lists in an Applet

                  You can configure list applets so that target lists can be saved from them.

                  In order for a list applet to be configurable, the business component on which the applet is based must contain an ID field for the party entity that you want to save to the list.

                  To enable target list saving for a list applet

                  1. In Siebel Tools, create a Save Target List Source n user property for the applet, where n is a consecutive integer starting from 1.

                    For example, the first user property that you create for the applet is named Save Target List Source 1, the second is named Save Target List Source 2, and so on.

                  2. Find or create the list column for the party entity that you want to save by completing the following steps:

                    1. On the applet’s business component, locate the ID field of the party entity.

                    2. If the applet does not have a list column that maps to that ID field, then create the list column.

                  3. Enter a value for the user property of the following form:

                    “List Column", “Saved Entity Name", “PrimaryOnly", “Extra Src Field 1", “Extra Dst Field 1", “Extra Src Field 2", “Extra Dst Field 2"


                    • List Column is the name of a list column identified in Step 2. The Field value for this list column is the source business component field for the target list. This field must be an ID field.

                      The Display Name value for this list column is used in the Based On drop-down list in the Save to List dialog box. (Required)

                    • Saved Entity Name is the content of target list that you are saving (for example, Contact, Employee, Account, Position, or Prospect). (Required)

                    • PrimaryOnly saves only the primary record of the multi-value group to the target list when the list column corresponds to a multi-value ID field. If this term is not specified or empty, then all records in the multi-value group are saved to the target list. This term is required only if the list column or the additional source field corresponds to a multi-value field.

                    • Extra Src Field 1 is the name of an additional source field to save to the target list.(Optional)

                    • Extra Dst Field 1 is the destination field name for Extra Src Field 1. This field must exist in the list member’s applet and corresponding business component so that it can be seen in the List Management screen. This term is required only if Extra Src Field 1 is specified.

                    • Extra Src Field 2 is the name of an additional source field to save to the target list.(Optional)

                    • Extra Dst Field 2 is the destination field name for Extra Src Field 2. This term is required only if Extra Src Field 2 is specified.

                      For example, these properties applied to the SIS Account List Applet follow:

                    • Save Target List Source 1 = “SLM Position - Primary", “Position", “PrimaryOnly"

                      Saves the primary team member on the accounts.

                    • Save Target List Source 2 = “SLM Contact", “Contact", “ ", “Main Phone Number", “Acct Phone Number"

                      Saves all contacts and the main phone number of the account with each contact.

                      Note: For this example, the destination list member business component (SLM List Member - Contact) must have a field that can store the account phone number.
                  4. Repeat Step 1 and Step 3 to create a user property for each type of list that you want users to be able to create in that applet.