
About Literature

Siebel Literature allows you to give your users access to sales and marketing literature, such as product brochures, white papers, data sheets, and other types of literature items. Users view these documents using the application that created them, for example, Microsoft Word, Lotus Word Pro, or Adobe Acrobat.

Literature items can also be grouped into literature kits. Literature kits can include items not normally thought of as literature, such as promotional hats, coffee mugs, or T-Shirts. These kits can then be made available for distribution through fulfillment centers. Literature kits are covered later in this chapter. For information about fulfillment, see Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide.

After you create literature records and associate documents with them, your employees can use literature in the following ways:

  • Employees can use the Literature or Infocenter screen to search through all the literature that is available to them.

  • You can associate literature with business objects such as products or decision issues. Then users can display the literature when they are looking at the record for the associated business object. For example, the user can navigate to the Product screen, select a product, and navigate to the Product Literature view to find all literature items associated with that product.

  • When your employees use the Correspondence screen to create correspondence, they can include literature as enclosures. The user or fulfillment center can print this literature document, or it can use preprinted copies of literature such as glossy brochures. It can also enclose promotional items that are parts of literature kits.

  • Employees can track literature associated with products, industries, accounts and competitors so that they appear on your Briefing pages.

About Setting Up Literature Files

To set up a literature file, you must

  • Create the document in another program.

  • Create a Literature record that includes the document in your Siebel application.

Note: You might want to create a literature record without associating a document with it. For example, if the record represents an item such as a hat or cup, which is part of a literature kit, then you probably do not associate a document with it.

Creating and Modifying Literature Files

Literature files can be created or saved using many kinds of software. The following file types are among the most common:

  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF )

  • Excel (XLS)

  • Word (DOC)

  • PowerPoint (PPT)

  • Bitmap (BMP)

  • JPEG (JPG)

To create a new literature file

  1. Create a literature file in the appropriate software application.

  2. Save the file on your hard drive.

    Modifying an Existing Literature File

    Complete the following procedure to modify an existing literature file.

    To modify an existing literature file

    1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

    2. Select the literature file that you want to modify.

      Information about the file appears in the More Info form. You can use this form to change existing comments or characteristics; for example, Distribution Method.

    3. Drill down on the File Name field for the literature file that you want to modify.

      The actual literature file opens in the type of tool that was used to create it; for example, Word.

    4. Modify the file, and save it locally.

    5. Upload the modified file to the existing Literature record.

      Creating Literature Records

      After you have created a literature file, you must create a literature record in the Siebel database to make the file available to users.

      To create a literature record

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, create a new record, and attach the literature file.

        The new file is added to the available literature. Appropriate information appears in the Literature list and the More Info form.

      3. Enter the rest of the information required for the new record in the Literature list and the More Info form of the new record.

        Some fields are described in the following table.

        Field Comments


        Type a name for the literature record.


        Type a description of the document. Because literature items can be in any language, you might want to indicate the language of the item in this field (or in the Name field).

        Literature Type

        Select the type of the literature. You can create new literature types in the List of Values view of the Administration - Data screen.

        Because the Literature Type field is used to filter literature items in various applets (by setting the Search Specification property for the applet in Siebel Tools), be careful when editing the Literature Type field.


        Displays the size of the literature file. The size of the file that you select determines the information that appears. There is no restriction for file size except from your network and memory availability.

        File Type

        Displays the file type of the literature file, for example DOC or PDF. The type of the file that you select determines the information that appears.


        Displays the date that the literature file was last modified.

        Update File

        Select the check box to indicate that users’ copies of the literature are automatically updated each time the original file is updated.

        File Name

        Select the document file. You can also manually enter the file name.


        Type a synopsis of the document’s content.

        Release Date

        Select the date when the document first appears in My Briefing. For more information about eBriefings, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide.

        Expiration Date

        Select the date when the document no longer appears in My Briefing. For more information about eBriefings, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide.


        Select the document’s author.


        Select the accounts with which the literature is associated. The literature appears in the Account Briefing if the account is tracked by the user. For more information, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide.


        Select the competitors with which the literature is associated. Use this field to allow the user to display the literature using the Competitors screen.

        If you also select the Internal field, then the literature appears in the Comparative Literature view of the Competitors screen. If you do not select the Internal field, then the literature appears in the Competitor’s Literature view of the Competitors screen.

        The literature also appears in a Competitor Briefing if the competitor is tracked by the user. For more information, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide.


        Select the check box to indicate the document is internally sensitive and not intended for public distribution.

        If Internal is selected, then the literature is not available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen, and it appears in the Comparative Literature list of the Competitors screen.

        If Internal is not selected, then the literature is available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen, and it appears in the Competitive Literature list of the Competitors screen.


        Select the check box to indicate the document is available on the local file application for users of the Remote Client. If a document is not available locally, then the user can request it by selecting the Request field.


        Select the check box to indicate the literature is downloaded during each synchronization session for users of the Remote Client.

        Distribution Method

        Select a value to specify whether or not the file is automatically downloaded to users of the Remote Client.

        Publish. During each synchronization session, if your user does nothing, then the file is automatically downloaded. If your user explicitly skips the file, then the file is not downloaded in that synchronization session.

        By Request. During synchronization, the user receives the record, but not the actual file. To receive the file, the user must select the Request field.


        Select the industries associated with the literature. The literature appears in My Briefing if the user tracks the industry.


        Select the products associated with the literature. Use this field to allow the user to display the literature using the Products screen. The literature appears in My Briefing if the user tracks the product.


        Select the organizations that have visibility to this data.

        Web Display

        Select a value to determine how to display the page if you are linking to a Web page.

        Frame. Displays a link to the Web page. When the user clicks the link, the page appears in the current frame.

        Window. Displays a link to the Web page. When the user clicks the link, the page appears in an expanded window. The user must use the Back button in the Web browser to return to Siebel ERM.

        New Window. Displays a link to the Web page. When the user clicks the link, the page appears in a new browser window, allowing the user to switch between Siebel ERM and the Web page.

        In-Line. Displays the entire Web page in the selected section of the portal page.

        Displaying Web pages in-line works best with simple Web pages. Large or complex pages, such as those that use JavaScript, can slow down the Siebel application and cause unexpected results. Be sure to test in-line pages before distributing them to users.

      Creating Translation Records

      Translated literature files can be created using any of the previously listed software tools. You can create a record in the Siebel application for any translated file associated with your document. For more information, see Creating and Modifying Literature Files.

      To associate a translated document with a literature record

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, select an existing record.

      3. Navigate to the Translations view.

      4. In the Translation list, create a new record, and attach the translated document.

        Make sure that the file name clearly indicates that this file is the translated file.

      Creating Literature Item Kits

      After you have created multiple literature files, you can combine individual files and other material to create literature item kits. This feature allows you to combine individual literature items into groups, so you can work with the group instead of with the individual files. Literature item kits are used only as enclosures in correspondence.

      For example, you might have a set of literature items for prospective customers, including promotional brochures for your most popular products. You might also include items that are not documents. For example, a promotional kit for one of your products might include a brochure, a specifications sheet, a coffee cup, and a T-shirt.

      Creating a literature item kit makes it easier to send this information out. When the user adds an attachment to correspondence, the user has to select only one literature item kit instead of all the individual items. Then the fulfillment center can mail all the items with the correspondence.

      When you create a literature item kit, you create a Literature record that represents the entire kit, and you associate Literature Item records with it that represent the items in the kit. The fulfillment center can view the Literature record, but cannot view the Literature Item records. To let the fulfillment center know which items make up the kit, you can:

      • Pack kits together at the fulfillment center. For example, you have a kit named Sales Promo that includes a brochure and a hat. The brochure and hat might be shrink wrapped together at the fulfillment center, or they might be stored in one bin at the fulfillment center, so the fulfillment center can select one of each item in the bin. Then, when the fulfillment center sees that it must fulfill the Sales Promo literature record, it mails the shrink-wrapped package or the items from this bin.

      • Make the Literature record a bill of materials. You can include a document in the Literature record that describes all the Literature Items in the kit, or use the Literature records Description or Synopsis field to list all the Literature Items in the kit. For example, if the kit consists of a sales brochure and a hat, then you can create a Literature record that represents the entire kit, you can attach two Literature Item records to it that represent the brochure and the hat, and you might also use the description field of the Literature record to say the kit includes a brochure and a hat. Then the fulfillment center reads the description field and mails the items listed.

      To create a literature item kit

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, create a new record or select an existing record.

        This record represents the literature item kit, so give it a name that indicates the kit contents.

      3. Navigate to the Literature Items view.

        The fields that previously appeared in More Info are shown under the Literature list at the start of the view. The fields in the Literature Items list, in the middle of the view, display specific item information. The Component Items list appears at the end of the view.

      4. In the Literature Items list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

        Some fields are described in the following table.

        Field Comments


        Select the check box to indicate this item is the primary item in the kit.

        Physical Form

        Type a description of the item’s physical form. This field supports multiple values to allow for multiple physical forms. For a document, you might choose 8 1/2 x 11 and Microfiche.

        # of Pages

        Type the number of pages in the document, if applicable.

        In Stock?

        Select the check box to specify the item is in stock, if applicable.

        Part #

        Type the item’s part number, if applicable.

      5. In the Component Items list, create a new record, select the record to add in the Add Literature Component Items dialog box, and click Add.

      6. In the Component Items list, create any other new records that are needed to create the kit.

      About Making Literature Visible to Users

      You can make literature visible to users in the following ways:

      • The Products Screen. You can associate literature with a product, and the user can display it using the Products screen.

      • The Competitors Screen. You can associate literature with a competitor, and the user can display it using the Competitors screen.

      • The Decision Issues Screen. You can associate literature with a decision issue, and the user can display it using the Decision Issues screen.

      • The Correspondence Screen. You can deselect the Internal field of a literature record and the user can select it as an enclosure in correspondence.

      • eBriefings. You can associate literature with an account competitor, product, or industry. Literature appears in the Account Briefing, Competitor Briefing, or My Briefing page as a hyperlink.

      • The Literature Screen or Infocenter. You can make literature visible to users, so it is included in the list of literature that they see in the Literature or Infocenter screen.

      Sharing Literature Through the Products Screen

      Users who are salespeople find it useful to view literature about your products when they are viewing other information about the products. If you associate literature with a product, then users can view this literature when they view the product record in the Products screen.

      To share literature through the Products screen

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, select a literature record or create a new literature record.

      3. In the More Info form, select a product or part number in the Products field.

      Sharing Literature Through the Competitors Screen

      Salespeople find it useful to view their competitors’ literature or to view literature that your company has prepared that compares your products with your competitors. If you associate literature with a competitor, then users can view this literature when they view the competitor record in the Competitors screen.

      To share literature through the Competitors screen, you must associate it with a competitor. You must also decide whether to select the Internal flag, which determines whether it appears in the Comparative Literature List or the Competitive Literature list of the Competitors screen:

      • If you select the Internal flag, then the literature appears in the Comparative Literature list, and it is not available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen.

      • If you do not select the Internal flag, then the literature appears in the Competitive Literature list, and it is available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen.

      Whether you select Internal depends on the type of literature:

      • Competitors’ literature. Your salespeople might want to use literature produced by competitors, such as sales brochures, to help them compare your products with the products of competitors. However, you do not want to distribute this literature outside your company. Select Internal, so the literature is not available in the Enclosures list of the Correspondence screen, but it appears in the Comparative Literature in the Competitors screen.

      • Comparative literature for internal use. You might develop comparative literature internally, such as competitive intelligence, that is meant for use by your salespeople and that you do not want to distribute outside your company. Select Internal, so the literature is not available in the Enclosures list of the Correspondence screen, but it appears in Comparative Literature in the Competitors screen.

      • Comparative literature for external use. You might develop comparative literature internally that is aimed at your customers, or you might have third party comparative reports that you want to distribute to your customers. Do not select Internal, so the literature is available in the Enclosures list of the Correspondence screen, and it also appears in Competitive Literature in the Competitors screen.

      To share literature through the Competitors screen

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, select a literature record, or create a new literature record.

      3. In the More Info form, select the competitors in the Competitors field.

        When users display this competitor record in the Competitors screen, they are able to see the literature in the Comparative Literature list if you select the Internal field in the More Info form or in the Competitive Literature list if you do not select this field.

      Sharing Literature Through the Decision Issues Screen

      Users who are salespeople find it useful to view literature about a decision issue when they are viewing other information about the decision issue. If you associate literature with a decision issue, then users can view this literature when they view the decision issue.

      To share literature through the Decision Issues screen

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Decision Issues view.

      2. In the Decision Issues list, select the decision issue to associate with the literature.

      3. Navigate to the Literature view.

      4. In the Literature list, create a new record, select the literature item to associate with the decision issue in the Add Literature dialog box, and click OK.

      Sharing Literature Through the Correspondence Screen

      Users might want to use literature as enclosures in correspondence. They might also use literature records that represent literature item kits as enclosures in correspondence.

      Literature is available to users in the correspondence screen if the Internal field of the Literature record is not selected.

      To share literature through the Correspondence screen

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, select a literature record, or create a new literature record.

        Make sure the Internal field of this record is not selected.

        When users create correspondence, they are able to add this literature as an enclosure.

      Sharing Literature Through eBriefings

      Siebel eBriefings are personalized pages that combine information from the Siebel database, such as links with a user’s new opportunities or new service requests, with background information about businesses the user works with. The user can choose which customer accounts and competitors to track, and information about those businesses appear in the Account Briefing and Competitor Briefing view of that user’s eBriefings screen. You can include links to literature about the account or competitor.

      To share literature through eBriefings, you can associate it with Accounts, Competitors, Industries, or Products. For more information about Briefings, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide.

      To share literature through eBriefings

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, select a literature record, or create a new literature record.

      3. Navigate to the More Info view, and complete the fields in the following table.

        Field Comments

        Release Date

        Select the date and time that you want the literature to first appear in briefings.

        Literature associated with products or industries appears in My Briefing if you track those products and industries.


        Select the accounts with which the literature is associated in the Accounts field if you want to display the literature in Account Briefing. The users who are tracking those accounts see the literature item in the Account Briefing.

        Select the competitors with which the literature is associated in the Accounts field if you want to display the literature in Competitor Briefing. Users must track those competitors for them to appear in the Competitor Briefing.

        Expiration Date

        Select the date that you want the literature to last appear in briefings

      Sharing Literature Through Literature or Infocenter

      Your users can work with literature by displaying the Literature screen or Infocenter screen and searching the Literature list in that screen for the piece of literature they need.

      You generally share literature with users by associating the user with access groups and associating literature with categories. But first you must create categories that include literature, create access groups that include users, and associate the categories with the access groups. For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

      After you have completed this preliminary work, you can assign literature to users as follows:

      • When you produce new literature, associate it with the appropriate category and it is visible to all users in access groups associated with that category.

      • When you hire new employees, associate them with the appropriate access group so that they have visibility to all the literature in categories associated with that category.

      A business manager who administers literature can make it visible to users by associating it with the appropriate category in the Literature Administration screen. After it is assigned in this way, users in access groups associated with this category are able to display it in the Literature screen.

      To associate literature with a category using the Literature Administration screen

      1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.

      2. In the Literature list, select the record for the literature to associate with a category.

      3. Navigate to the Category view.

      4. In the Categories list, create a new record, select the category to associate with the literature item in the Add Category dialog box, and click OK.

        Associating Literature With a Category Using Catalog Administration Screen

        A business manager who administers literature can make it visible to users by associating it with the appropriate category in the Catalog Administration screen. After it is assigned in this way, users in access groups associated with this category are able to display it in the Literature screen.

        To associate literature with a category using the Catalog Administration screen

        1. Navigate to the Administration - Catalog screen, then the Catalog Administration view.

        2. In the Catalogs list, drill down on the Name field of the catalog to associate with the literature.

          A Categories list appears.

        3. Navigate to the Literature view.

        4. In the Literature list, create a new record, select the literature item in the Add Literature dialog box, and click OK.