30Opportunities (End User)

About Opportunities

An opportunity is defined as a potential revenue-generating event. Opportunity-related information is recorded and tracked in the views associated with the Opportunities screen. This chapter describes how sales professionals can use the Opportunities screen to perform the following tasks:

  • Receive and respond to new leads that are assigned to you.

  • Create new opportunities and enter related information such as accounts, contacts, activities, and products.

  • View, qualify, and update opportunities assigned to you and your sales team (if you are a manager).

  • Track the status of an opportunity through the sales cycle from creation to closure.

  • Share information about the opportunity with sales team members.

  • Generate quotes, presentations, and other types of information needed to close the deal.

Scenarios for Managing Opportunities

This topic describes how opportunity management might be used. You might use opportunity management differently, depending on your business model. This topic includes the following scenarios:

    Converting Opportunities to Leads

    A company uses Siebel Marketing to develop a campaign as part of a new product introduction. During the campaign, a telemarketing agent uses Siebel Call Center to contact prospects associated with the campaign. During her conversations with prospects, the agent qualifies leads by determining whether each prospect is interested in the new product offering. When a prospect expresses interest in learning more about the new product, the agent creates a new lead.

    Using Siebel Assignment Manager, the lead is automatically routed to the sales representative who is most qualified to work on the lead and whose schedule can accommodate the new assignment.

    When the sales representative logs in to the Siebel Sales application, she sees the new lead in the Opportunities list on her home page. Drilling down on the lead takes the sales representative to the Opportunities screen. After reviewing details about the lead, such as the customer information, probability of closing, and the products that the customer is interested in purchasing, the sales representative decides to accept the lead by changing the Status field to Accept.

    After the sales representative accepts the lead, she begins to work on the lead by assembling members of the sales team, conducting further research on the customer and its requirements, coordinating and recording activities, uploading agreements, and generating proposals and presentations for the customer. As the sales representative works through the sales cycle, she updates information about the sales stage, and keeps private notes and notes that she shares with other members of the sales team. Eventually, the sales representative develops a quote from the Opportunities screen. When the customer accepts the quote, it is converted into an order.

    Note: Siebel Marketing, Siebel Call Center, Siebel Sales, and Siebel Quotes are fully integrated, separately licensed product offerings. You must license these products to access the views.

      Tracking Opportunities

      At a trade show, a sales representative meets a prospective customer who might be a lead for a new business opportunity. When the sales representative returns to the office, he discovers the company is listed in Siebel Sales as an account, but the person he met is not listed as a contact.

      The sales representative proceeds to add the prospective customer as a contact, and then creates the opportunity. He then schedules meetings and creates associated activities, and enters other potential contacts associated with the opportunity.

      As the sales process continues, the sales representative gathers and updates information about the account, its contacts, and the opportunity that he is pursuing. As the relationship grows, the sales representative can add, view, and share stored information and key knowledge with other members of the sales team.

        Generating Quotes for Opportunities

        A sales representative is assigned to the sales team for an opportunity. As the sales representative gathers product information about the customer requirements, she enters that information in the Siebel Sales application. After she presents to the customer, the customer indicates that the representative’s company is on the short list for the deal, and that the representative can submit a quote.

        The sales representative automatically creates a quote. The quote is based on the information she has already entered into the Siebel Sales application. After she generates the quote, she synchronizes the quote information with the revenues associated with the opportunity. By making sure these numbers are in sync, the sales representative establishes that the data associated with her opportunity is current and that her forecasts are accurate.

          About Opportunities Lead Assignment

          As a sales representative, you can view new leads in the Opportunities list on your home page, or you can navigate to the Opportunities screen to view new leads that you did not create but were assigned to you. A lead might be assigned to you in the following ways:

          • A lead is generated through a campaign and automatically routed using Siebel Assignment Manager and predefined rules.

          • A lead is entered into the Siebel application by an administrator and automatically routed using Siebel Assignment Manager and predefined rules.

          • An opportunity is created by a sales manager or sales representative who adds you to the sales team.

          In each of these cases, you are able to view the lead or opportunity because you have been added to the sales team, either as the primary on the sales team or as a sales team member. If you are receiving a lead for the first time and you are the primary on the sales team, then the Status field in the More Info view is set to Pending by default. You can accept, reject, or reroute the lead by changing the value in the Status field.

          If the administrator has activated the email notifications, and has enabled predefined processes, then these processes can send email messages to you to alert you of the following events:

          • You have received a new lead and must accept, reject, or reroute the lead within seven days.

          • You received a new lead five days ago and must accept, reject, or reroute the lead within two days.

          • You have accepted a lead but have not worked on the lead in 30 days.

          • You have won the sales opportunity and can enter the reason in the Siebel application.

          • You have lost the sales opportunity and can enter the reason in the Siebel application.

          The wording of the emails and the wait periods can be modified. Opportunity Workflows sends email only if the opportunity has revenue greater than $50,000. For more information, see Opportunity Workflows

          About Lead Response

          After you, as a sales representative, receive a lead, you can choose to accept, reject, or reroute the lead.

          • Rejecting the Lead. You can reject a lead by changing the Status field to Reject in the More Info view. Enter the reason for rejecting the lead in the Reason field. The lead remains in your queue until it is reassigned by your manager.

          • Rerouting the Lead. If you decide to reroute a lead by changing the Status field in the More Info form to Reroute, then a Reroute activity is automatically created. Enter the reason for rerouting the lead in the Reason field. The lead remains in your queue until it is rerouted by your manager.

          • Accepting the Lead. You can accept a lead by changing the Status field in the More Info form to Accept. Enter the reason for accepting the lead in the Reason field.

          About Lead Qualification, Sales Methods, and Stages

          When you, as a sales representative, accept a lead, you can begin to work on the lead in the Opportunities screen. The records in the Opportunities list include both leads and opportunities. Leads are defined as opportunities that have not yet been qualified.

          Lead qualification status is indicated in the Sales Stage field. The list of values in the Sales Stage field varies depending on which sales method you are using.

          A sales method is a formalized approach or methodology used during the sales process. A sales method can encompass all activities associated with the sales process, from prospecting to forecasting to closing deals. This approach allows sales representatives to use the method most appropriate for their opportunities.

          The application administrator establishes values in your Siebel application that represent the sales methods and sales stages for your company. It is a recommended business practice to designate a default sales method in your Siebel application. This practice allows a sales method to be associated with each opportunity and aids in charting and reporting accuracy.

          Sales methods can differ within a company. For example, a sales method for managing a complex multimillion dollar opportunity might include 15 stages, while a sales method for a simple low-dollar opportunity might require only four stages.

          Your application administrator creates and implements the sales stages that your company uses. For more information about creating or implementing sales methods, see Defining a Sales Methodology.

          The following table shows sales methodologies (Accelerated, Default, Standard), and the associated sales stage for each methodology (for example, 01 - Prospecting). The table also shows if the record is a lead or is an opportunity at each sales stage.

          Table Sales Methods and Sales Stages

          Accelerated Default and Standard Lead or Opportunity

          01 - Prospecting

          01 - Prospecting


          02 - Potential Lead


          02 - Qualification

          03 - Qualification


          04 - Opportunity


          05 - Building Vision


          06 - Short List


          07 - Selected


          03 - Closing

          08 - Negotiation


          09 - Closed or Won


          04 - Lost

          09 - Closed or Lost


          Note: The Portfolio Management Process sales methodology does not focus on opportunities and so is not present in the previous table.

          Process of Managing Opportunities

          To manage opportunities, perform the following tasks:

          Creating an Opportunity

          Create a new record each time you identify an opportunity.

          Note: Each time a new opportunity record is created, a primary Revenue record is automatically created for the opportunity.

          This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

          To create an opportunity

          1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

          2. In the Opportunities List, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

            Some fields are described in the following table.

            Field Comments


            Type the currency amount of the opportunity. If you are using the Products, Quotes or Revenue views, then you can make sure your summary revenues are calculated and are in sync. This amount affects forecasting.


            Select the check box to indicate a high probability that the deal will close, and that the deal will be included in your revenue forecast.

            Probability %

            Select a percentage for the confidence you have that the deal will close with the specified revenue on the specified close date. The sales stage of the opportunity determines an automatic adjustment of the probability. You can manually override the probability value.

            Sales Method

            Select the sales methodology.

            Sales Team

            Select the employees in the sales team for the opportunity. Only the manager of the primary sales team member, or an administrator, can change or delete the sales team member identified in the Primary field.

            You can set a Priority flag for individual members of the sales team. If an opportunity is a priority for all team members, then the Priority Flag is set in the Opportunity List and Explorer views.


            Select the currency type associated with the opportunity. The selected value does not affect forecasting.

            Sales Stage

            Select the sales stage associated with the selected sales method.

            Lead Partner

            Select the lead partner. This field is automatically populated when the source of the opportunity is a campaign with a lead partner.

            If you create an opportunity from a response, and the response had a campaign associated with it, then the opportunity inherits the lead partner from the campaign.

            If you create a new opportunity and select a campaign as the source, then the opportunity inherits the campaigns lead partner, if it has a lead partner.

            Close Date

            Select the expected date on which the opportunity closes. The default date is the same as the Created Date. It is important to modify the date, if the opportunity closes on a different date, because this date is used in revenue forecasting.


            Displays the user ID of the primary sales team member. This value defaults to your user ID if you are creating a new opportunity.

            Executive Priority

            Select the check box to indicate a significant opportunity. Sales executives can query for high-priority opportunities for tracking purposes.

            Revenue Type

            Select a value for the kind and source of the expected revenue. For more information, see About Revenue Class and Revenue Type.


            Displays the territory for the opportunity. The default value is based on the territories that your company defines. Your system administrator controls the territory assignment function set up by your sales manager.

            Revenue Class

            Select a value for the quality of the expected revenue. For more information, see About Revenue Class and Revenue Type.


            Select the sales channel from which the opportunity comes.

          3. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the record, and navigate to the More Info view to complete more fields.

            Some fields are described in the following table.

            Field Comments


            Select the source of the sales lead for the opportunity. Typical source values include specific events, campaigns, or conferences.

            Source Type

            Displays the category of the primary source. For example, a specific seminar that is the source of the opportunity is identified with a value of Seminar in this field.


            Select the organizations associated with the opportunity. The default value is the organization name associated with the person creating the opportunity. Your system administrator sets up organizations in your Siebel application. You can associate multiple organizations with an opportunity.

            Partner Approval Status

            Select the approval status of the lead partner for the opportunity.

            Expected Value

            Displays a currency value that is calculated using the potential revenue field multiplied by the value in the probability field. A lower percentage in the probability field reduces the expected value that is included in your revenue forecast.

            Best Case

            Type the amount the deal might generate in the best-case scenario. This amount is higher than the value in the Revenue field.

            Worst Case

            Type the currency amount the deal might generate in the worst-case scenario. This amount is lower than the value in the Revenue field.


            Type the amount of expense associated with the opportunity.


            Displays the revenue amount minus the cost amount.

            Reason Won/Lost

            Select a value for the reason that the opportunity was accepted, rejected, rerouted, won, or lost.

            About Revenue Class and Revenue Type

            Revenue Class and Revenue Type fields appear on both the Opportunity and the Revenue forms. These two fields are the same fields, which means changes made in the Opportunity form are reflected on the Revenue form and changes made in the Revenue form appear in the Opportunity form.

            The Revenue Class and Revenue Type lists of values are based on the internal business process for each company. The standard values can be adapted to your business, or the lists of values changed by your application administrator to reflect the stages of your company’s sales process and the manner in which your company recognizes revenue.

            • Revenue Class Field. Your company can define the quality of the revenue at a specific time by setting the list of values in the Revenue Class field to reflect the sales stages you use. Sample values are Pipeline, Upside, Expected, Committed, and Closed. For more information about the Revenue Class field, see Siebel Forecasting Guide.

            • Revenue Type Field. Your company might want to differentiate between kinds of revenues and their sources. For example, your company might classify revenue by Software, Consulting, and Hardware categories, or by Booked versus Billed revenue, which are defined in the list of values. Defining revenue types allows you to query revenues or view charts sorted by the category of the revenue. For more information about the Revenue Type field, see Siebel Forecasting Guide.

              About Split Revenue

              A revenue split allows you to forecast how revenue from an opportunity is split between multiple sales representatives. The Split Revenue field indicates that the revenue is split in the Revenues view. For more information about the Split Revenue field, see Siebel Forecasting Guide.

                Changing the Primary Sales Team Member

                The administrator or manager of the primary sales representative can change the person assigned as the primary member of the sales team.

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                To change a primary team member

                1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                2. From the visibility filter, select My Team’s Opportunities.

                3. In the Opportunities list, drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                4. Navigate to the More Info view.

                5. In the More Info form, click the select button in the Sales Team field.

                6. In the Team Members dialog box, select the Primary check box for the team member.

                Note: If you have access to the Administration - Data screen, then you can change a primary team member assignment on that screen.

                Monitoring Significant Opportunity Transactions

                Sales executives can monitor significant opportunity transactions by querying for opportunities flagged as Executive Priority. These flagged opportunities can be tracked by the executive team regardless of the revenue or forecast commitment. Tracking high-priority opportunities helps the executive maintain the most accurate quarterly revenue forecast and plan involvement in the most promising opportunities.

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                To flag an opportunity as an executive priority

                1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                2. In the Opportunities list, select the opportunity.

                3. In the Opportunities list, use the Columns Displayed option in the menu for the cogwheel icon to display the Executive Priority field.

                4. In the opportunity record, click the check box in the Executive Priority field.

                Assessing an Opportunity

                You can use assessments to compare opportunities with each other, compare them with a model, or to determine the information that is present or not present for an opportunity. To perform the assessment, you enter values for the assessment attributes. The Siebel application calculates a composite assessment value for the opportunity. For information about how to perform an assessment, see Performing an Assessment (End User).

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                Viewing Decision Issues for an Opportunity

                Decision issues are specific areas of interest that can influence a prospect’s buying decision during the sales cycle. These decision issues provide you with an opportunity to present the advantages of your solution to the customer.

                You can track these decision issues using the Opportunity screen’s Decision Issues view, and use this information to develop your sales strategy and address customer concerns. For more information, see Decision Issues

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                Associating a Contact with an Opportunity

                As you work with an opportunity, you want to maintain information about the contacts associated with the opportunity. For more information about contacts, seeContacts.

                You can use the Contacts view from the Opportunity screen to store and review contact-related information for an opportunity.

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                To associate a contact with an opportunity

                1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                2. In the Opportunities list, drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                3. Navigate to the Contacts view.

                4. In the Contacts list, add an existing contact, select the contact from the Add Contacts dialog box, and click OK.

                  Note: To select a sequence of contact records, hold down the SHIFT key and click the contact records. To select multiple contacts that are not in sequence, hold down the CTRL key and click the contact records.

                Managing Activities Associated with an Opportunity

                The Opportunities screen’s Activities view allows you to track activities at the opportunity level, maintain a calendar and To Do list for the opportunity, and delegate activities related to the opportunity to your sales team. For more information about Activity Plans and associated activities, see Activities .

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                Associating a Product with an Opportunity

                Specific products can be associated with an opportunity. For example, if a customer is interested in purchasing a new software suite, then this information can be specified in the Products view.

                After the product is associated with the opportunity, you can drill down on the Product field of the product record to review additional information such as product features and prices.

                Later, this data can be used when you are building a presentation, quote, or proposal for the opportunity.

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                To associate a product with an opportunity

                1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                2. In the Opportunities list, drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                3. Navigate to the Products view.

                4. Create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

                  Some fields are described in the following table.

                  Field Comments

                  Auto Quote

                  Select the check box if you want to include the product in automatic quotes generated for the opportunity.


                  Type the number of product units that the customer wants to purchase.

                  Net Price

                  Type the price of the item minus discounts.


                  Displays the revenue for the opportunity, calculated as the Quantity multiplied by the Net Price.

                  Covered Product

                  Select the covered product only if the product (specified in the Product field) is a service product.


                  Select the check box to indicate that the product is a summary product.

                  For example, if the opportunity is for a computer, then select the Summary check box for the computer product, but not for the CPU, monitor, keyboard, and mouse products that make up the computer product.

                  This Summary field also appears (read-only) in the Revenues screen, then List view.

                Creating a Quote from an Opportunity

                Using the Quotes view, you can automatically create and revise quotes for the opportunity. For more information about quotes and orders, see Siebel Order Management Guide.

                This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                To create a quote from an opportunity

                1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                2. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                3. Navigate to the Products view, add a product in the Products list, and complete the necessary fields.

                  1. In the Auto Quote field, select the check box to display a check mark.

                  2. In the Quantity field, type the number of product units the customer wants to purchase.

                    For more information, see Associating a Product with an Opportunity.

                4. Navigate to the Quotes view, and click Automatic Quote in the Quotes list.

                  A quote record is automatically created, with some fields completed and a status of In Progress.

                5. For the quote record, complete the following steps:

                  1. If no price list is associated with the account, then select a price list in the Price List field.

                    If a price list is associated with the account, then the Price List field is automatically populated. For more information about price lists, see Siebel Pricing Administration Guide.

                  2. Drill down on the Name field.

                    You can change the automatically generated name for a name that is more meaningful in the quote details form.

                6. In the Line Items list for the quote, add line items, click the cogwheel icon, and select Reprice.

                  The Reprice function makes sure that the quote total reflects the prices from the price list, and multiplies those prices by the quantities that you enter in the products view.

                7. In the Quote form, click the cogwheel icon, and select Update Opportunity, and then return to the Opportunity form.

                  The Update Opportunity function verifies that the opportunity's revenue line items are in sync with the quote line items.

                  Tip: Use the History icon or the thread bar to navigate back to the Opportunity form.

                  Updating Opportunity Revenues

                  Complete the following procedure to update opportunity revenues.

                  To update opportunity revenues

                  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                  2. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                  3. Navigate to the Revenues view, then the List view.

                  4. In the Revenues list, click the cogwheel icon, and select Update Opportunity.

                    After this process is completed, the revenue amounts that appear in the Products, Revenues, and Quotes views are synchronized and the Opportunity’s Revenue field displays a calculated sum of the individual revenue line items associated with the opportunity.

                  Note: Siebel Quotes is a separately licensed product offering. You cannot access the Quotes view if you have not licensed this product.

                    Creating an Organization Analysis

                    You can automatically create organization charts to help you analyze your key contacts and develop your relationship strategy to win the opportunity.

                    Siebel Sales automatically generates organization charts using the contacts associated with each opportunity. When you update contact information, your changes are reflected in the organization chart. You can update contact information from either the Opportunities screen or from the Contacts screen.

                    This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                    To add existing contacts to the organization analysis

                    1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                    2. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                    3. Navigate to the Organization Analysis view.

                    4. Use the form at the start of the screen to query for the opportunity.

                    5. In the Organization Chart view, create a new record, select one or more contacts in the Add Contacts dialog box, and click OK.

                      Note: To select a sequence of contact records, hold down the SHIFT key, and click the contact records. To select multiple contacts that are not in sequence, hold down the CTRL key, and click the contact records.

                      Creating New Contact for the Organizational Analysis

                      Complete the following procedure to create new contacts for the organization analysis.

                      To create new contacts for the organization analysis

                      1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                      2. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                      3. Navigate to the Organization Analysis view.

                      4. In either the default Organization Chart view or in the Contacts list (toggle view), create a new record.

                      5. In the Add Contacts dialog box, create a new record.

                      6. In the new contact record enter the contact information in the fields, and then save the record.

                        Note: If you create a new contact directly from the Organization Chart view, then you must save the record to return to the Organization Chart view.

                        The following table shows the shading that appears in the contact node in the organization chart for each value in the Level of Influence field.

                        Field Value Shading



                        Political Structure (Medium)

                        Light gray

                        Inner Circle (High)

                        Dark gray

                        Creating the Organization Hierarchy

                        From the Organization Chart view, you can create the organization hierarchy to indicate professional relationships within the organization.

                        To create the organization hierarchy

                        1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                        2. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                        3. Navigate to the Organization Analysis view.

                        4. In the organization chart, click the dot at the end of the node for a manager, and relocate that dot to the other dot at the start of the node for the subordinate.

                          A line that reflects the reporting relationship between the contacts appears.

                        5. Repeat Step 4 for each contact until you complete the organization chart.

                          Note: The reporting relationships are also stored in the Contacts list (toggle view). Information about the manager of the contact appears in the Manager Last Name field and Manager First Name field. Use the Columns Displayed option in the menu for the cogwheel icon to display these fields.

                          Drawing Lines of Influence

                          You can track the political structure in a customer organization by identifying lines of influence between contacts. Tracking lines of influence helps you identify contacts who are not highly ranked (and are easier to access) but have significant influence on key decision makers.

                          Information about lines of influence is automatically updated in the Relationships view of the Contacts screen. You can add lines of influence in the Relationships view.

                          To draw lines of influence

                          1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                          2. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the opportunity record.

                          3. Navigate to the Organization Analysis view.

                          4. In the organization chart, click the dot at the side of the node for a contact, and relocate that dot to the other dot at the side of the node for another contact.

                            A line that reflects the influence between the contacts appears.

                          5. Repeat Step 4 for each contact until you draw all lines of influence.

                          6. To delete a line that reflects an influence, click the line, and select Delete in the Actions list.

                            Viewing Opportunity Charts

                            Several charts are available that support analysis of opportunities data. The data can be depicted in a variety of formats such as pie graph, bar graph, and so on.

                            The following table describes each opportunity analysis chart.

                            Table Opportunities Charts

                            Chart Description

                            Activity Analysis

                            Displays the number of activity types for the selected record.

                            Current Opportunity Analysis

                            Displays a scatter diagram of the selected opportunity by revenue and probability. The end chart displays sales stage.

                            Lead Analysis

                            Displays the number of opportunities or revenue by organization or primary sales representative. The data is segmented by lead quality.

                            Lead Source Analysis

                            Displays the number of opportunities, revenue, or average revenue by time period. The data is segmented by lead source.

                            Lead Source Pipeline Analysis

                            Displays the number of opportunities by sales stage and lead source.

                            New Business Analysis

                            Displays the number of opportunities, revenue, or average revenue over a time period.

                            Opportunity Analysis

                            Displays the number of opportunities by product, source, territory, and competitor.

                            Pipeline Analysis

                            Displays the number of opportunities or revenue by sales stage, organization, revenue size, or sales method.

                            Probability Cluster Analysis

                            Displays a scatter diagram of your opportunities by revenue and probability.

                            Rep Analysis

                            Displays the number of opportunities, revenue, or average revenue by sales representative. The data can be segmented by sales stage and win probability.

                            Revenue Analysis by Rep

                            Displays the number of opportunities and revenue by sales representative.

                            Sales Method Bar

                            Displays the number of opportunity products or revenue by sales method. The data is segmented by sales stage.

                            Sales Pipeline Analysis

                            Displays the percentage of revenue quota and percentage of count quota.

                            Sales Pipeline Phases Analysis

                            Displays sales pipeline phases and the percentage of revenue quota or count quota achieved for each phase.

                            This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                              Viewing the Opportunity Sales Pipeline Analysis Chart

                              The Sales Pipeline Analysis works by evaluating the total revenue and count of opportunities by a selected sales methodology and then evaluating the total against each applicable quota.

                              Note: The Sales Pipeline Analysis Chart considers only active Quota plans, regardless of duration.

                              To display sales pipeline analysis information

                              1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                              2. From the visibility filter, select an Opportunities list.

                                For example, you might select All Opportunities.

                              3. In the Opportunities list, query for a value in the Sales Method field.

                              4. Navigate to the Charts view.

                              5. In the Charts list, select Sales Pipeline Analysis from the drop-down list.

                              6. From the secondary drop-down list, select either % of Count Quota or % of Revenue Quota, and then click Go.

                                Note: Pipeline charts cannot be copied by relocating (as pie and bar charts can).

                                Viewing the Sales Pipeline Phases Analysis Chart

                                The Sales Pipeline Phases chart provides an overall view of the revenue generated for opportunities in an organization. Sales phases are basic components used to group stages together into basic sales categories.

                                To view the sales pipeline phases analysis chart

                                1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view.

                                2. From the visibility filter, select an Opportunities list.

                                3. In the Opportunities list, query for a value in the Sales Method field.

                                4. Navigate to the Charts view.

                                5. In the Charts list, select Sales Pipeline Phases Analysis from the drop-down list.

                                6. From the secondary drop-down list, select either % of Count Quota or % of Revenue Quota, and then click Go.

                                  Setting Up Lead Sources for Opportunities

                                  Lead sources for opportunities are created, modified, and deleted through the Lead Sources Administration view of the Opportunities screen.

                                  The following procedure describes how to add lead sources so that they can be associated with opportunities.

                                  In addition, campaigns automatically appear as lead sources of type Marketing Campaign. For more information about Campaigns, see Siebel Marketing User Guide.

                                  This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities.

                                  To create a lead source

                                  1. Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Lead Sources Administration view.

                                  2. Create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                    Some of the fields are described in the following table.

                                    Field Comments

                                    Start Date

                                    Select the start date of the campaign.

                                    End Date

                                    Select the end date of the campaign.


                                    Type a brief description about the campaign.


                                    Type the source of the campaign. For example, a new product line, a marketing seminar, and so on.


                                    Type the objective of the campaign.


                                    Type the target customer base for the campaign


                                    Select the type of the campaign. For example, marketing campaign, direct marketing, and so on.