Configuring Siebel Open UI > Application Programming Interface > Methods of the Siebel Open UI Application Programming Interface >

Applet Control Class

This topic describes the methods that Siebel Open UI uses with the Applet Control class. It includes the following information:

Each applet control references the Applet Control class. Siebel Open UI stores this class in the appletcontrol.js file.

GetCaseSensitive Method

The GetCaseSensitive method determines whether or not a control is case sensitive. It returns one of the following values:

  • 1. The control is case sensitive.
  • 0. The control is not case sensitive.

It uses the following syntax:


It includes no arguments.

For example:

if (control.GetCaseSensitive() === "1"){

// This is the account control.

alert ("Make sure you use the correct case.");


GetDisabledBmp Method

The GetDisabledBmp method returns the image source configured for a control if the control is disabled. It returns one of the following values depending on whether or not the image exists:

  • Exists. Returns a string that contains the path to the folder that contains the image.
  • Does not exist. Returns nothing.

It uses the following syntax:


It includes no arguments.

GetDisplayName Method

The GetDisplayName method returns the display name of a control. It returns this name in a string. It uses the following syntax:


It includes no arguments.

For example:

if (control.GetDisplayName () === "Account Name"){

// This is the account control.

alert ("You are leaving Account. This will trigger an immediate post change.");


GetDispMode Method

The GetDispMode method returns the display mode of a control. It returns this name in a string. It uses the following syntax:


It includes no arguments.

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