Configuring Siebel Open UI > Reference Information for Siebel Open UI > Browser Script Compatibility >

Sequence That Siebel Open UI with Custom Browser Script

The following pseudocode describes the sequence that Siebel Open UI uses if your deployment includes custom browser script:

PR calls a PM method or event

PM method or event calls an applet proxy method

applet proxy method calls Applet_PreInvokeMethod on browser script

applet proxy uses Call-Server to run applet method on Siebel Server

PM runs Attach Pre Proxy binding for this applet method

applet proxy calls Applet_InvokeMethod that resides in browser script

PM runs Attach Post Proxy binding for this applet method

applet proxy method ends

PM method or event ends

PR call ends


  • PR is the physical renderer
  • PM is the presentation model

For example, the following pseudocode describes the sequence that Siebel Open UI uses if the user clicks New in an applet, and if your deployment includes custom browser script that uses a method named NewRecord:

PR calss PM.OnControlEvent

PM.OnControlEvent calls Applet.InvokeMethod

Applet.InvokeMethod calls BrowserScript.Applet_PreInvokeMethod

Applet.InvokeMethod calls Siebel Server to run NewRecord method on applet

PM calls PM.AttachPreProxyExecuteBinding for the NewRecord method

Applet.InvokeMethod calls BrowserScript.Applet_InvokeMethod

PM calls PM.AttachPostProxyExecuteBinding for the NewRecord method

Applet.InvokeMethod ends

PM.OnControlEvent ends

PR call ends

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