Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Styles, Applets, Fields, and Controls > Customizing Applets >

Configuring the Focus in Siebel Applets

If you modify an applet, then you must make sure that your modification does not adversely affect how Siebel Open UI sets the focus in this applet. Siebel Open UI does the following work to set the focus in applets:

  1. Sets the focus to the list column that includes a list column user property that specifies a default focus, such as DefaultFocus_Edit. This list column is a child object type of the list applet. For more information about default focus user properties, see the topic that describes Specifying the Default Applet Focus in Siebel Developer's Reference.
  2. If the list column user property described in Step 1 does not exist, then Siebel Open UI examines the columns of a row from first to last (left to right), and then places the focus on the first editable control that it encounters. It continues examining rows in this way until it finds an editable control, or until it reaches the last column of the last row.
  3. If Siebel Open UI does not find any editable controls in Step 2, then it sets the focus on the first non-editable control that the list applet displays.
  4. If Siebel Open UI does not find any non-editable controls in Step 3, then it sets the focus on the div container that it uses to display the list applet.

Assume you do the following configuration:

  • Use Siebel Tools to add a large number of list columns to the SIS Account List Applet.
  • Make all list columns except the last list column read-only.
  • Log in to the client, navigate to the Account list view, and then run a query.

In this situation, Siebel Open UI places the focus on the last list column that the list applet contains. The div container might not contain enough room to display this list column, the list column might not be visible in the applet, and you might not be able to use the applet because the focus is on a column that you cannot access.

To configure the focus in list applets

  • Make sure your configuration does not set the focus to a list column or field that Siebel Open UI displays only partially or does not display at all.

    You can use the following guidelines:

    • If Siebel Open UI sets the focus to a list column that contains a DefaultFocus list column user property, then make sure it correctly displays this list column after you finish your modifications.
    • If Siebel Open UI sets the focus to an editable or non-editable control, then make sure Siebel Open UI correctly displays this control after you finish your modifications.

      To follow these guidelines, it might be necessary for you to rearrange the first-to-last sequence that Siebel Open UI uses to display list columns and controls in the list applet.

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