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About Web Surveys and Landing Sites

A landing site is a type of Web treatment. It is a specialized Web site where visitors are directed when they click an embedded link in an email or click a banner advertisement or pay-per-click ad. The page is usually focused on a particular product or service with the aim of getting the visitor to buy a product or perform an action that will ultimately lead to a sale.

The landing site module has the following components:

  • Questions Library. The library contains a set of questions, question formats, and possible answers that can be reused in surveys.
  • Surveys. These are groups of questions and answers with mappings to a specific set of fields in the Siebel application.
  • Landing Sites. They include a landing page, a survey, and a confirmation page. You can publish the landing site outside the firewall or within the DMZ.
  • Responses. These are customer or prospect responses to landing page hits and survey responses. Survey questions can include standard questions from a library as well as dynamic questions created for a specific campaign.

Landing sites can be deployed in any of the following forms:

  • Landing Page with content and no form. Includes an HTML header, footer, and banner (all sections are optional).
  • Landing Page with Data Entry form on first page. Includes a header, footer, banner content, and a central HTML body with a survey form for data entry.
  • Landing Page with one page form on the next page.
  • Landing Page and a link to a multi-page survey.
  • Multi-Page survey with no separate landing page. The first page of the survey is the landing page.

Each of the these types can have a separate confirmation page.

The Web survey deployment process contains the following steps, which are illustrated in Figure 9:

  1. The Web page and survey are designed.
  2. The Web page and survey are deployed to the Web Survey Daemon.
  3. The customer submits the response form.
  4. The WSD quarantines the survey data for batch processing
  5. The WSD hands off the XML response to the Response Import workflow.
Figure 9. Web Survey Deployment Process
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