Siebel Self Service Administration Guide > Workflows for Siebel Self Service > Workflows for Interview Sessions >

OPA Interview Service Main Workflow

This workflow manages an interview session when customers apply for benefits and screen for services. It drives the interview session by calling other workflows. Figure 7 shows this workflow.

A customer calls this workflow by clicking the APPLY FOR BENEFITS link or the SCREEN FOR SERVICES link on the home page of the Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site.

Figure 7. OPA Interview Service Main Workflow

Workflow Description. This workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Is Resume. This step determines whether the action for the interview request applies to resuming an existing interview.
  2. Create New Application. This step calls the UpsertRecord method from the PUB OPA Utilities Service business service. The input arguments to this method are the business component, business object, search spec, input fields, and output fields. This method creates the application record with a Created status, and returns the Id and application number.
  3. Add Appl Num to SearchSpec. This step calls the Eco method from the Workflow Utilities business service to add the application number to a custom search specification.
  4. Get Preseed Data. This step calls the OPA Get PreSeed Data Workflow. For more information, see OPA Get PreSeed Data Workflow.
  5. OPA Interview Sub WorkFlow. This step calls the OPA Interview Service Sub Workflow. For more information, see OPA Interview Service Sub Workflow.
  6. Get Snapshot data. This step calls the Upsert Record method from the PUB OPA Utilities Service business service.This method reads the saved interview session with base64 data.
  7. User Interact Step. This step evaluates the user action to render the interview session. The following events are configured in this step:
    • FrameEventMethodWFSave
    • FrameEventMethodWFNavigate
    • FrameEventMethodWFSubmit
    • FrameEventMethodWFMyApplications
    • FrameEventMethodWFClose
  8. Is Any Error. This step determines whether the Oracle Policy Automation (OPA) response contains an error.
  9. Is Active Session. This step determines whether an active interview session exists.
  10. Is My Application. This step determines whether the user clicks the View Applications button in the interview session.
  11. Is Submit Action. This step determines whether the user clicks the Submit button in the interview session.
  12. Is Snapshot. This step determines whether the user clicks the Save button in the interview session.
  13. Is Last Screen? This step determines whether the screen that appears is the last screen of the interview session.
  14. Is Application Present. This step determines whether an application record already exists for the interview session.
  15. Upsert Application. This step calls the UpsertRecord method from the PUB OPA Utilities Service business service. The input arguments to this method are the business component, business object, search spec, input fields, and output fields. This method creates the application record with a Save status, and returns the Id and application number.
  16. Handle Exception. This step calls the ErrorHandling method from the OPA Interview Framework Service business service if errors or Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) fault exceptions occur during the OPA outbound proxy call. The input arguments to this method are the fault code and fault string.
  17. Save Snapshot Data. This step calls the UpsertRecord method from the PUB OPA Utilities Service business service. The input arguments to this method are the business component, business object, search spec, input fields, and method. This method creates the interview session record with base64 data.
  18. Convert OPA Submit Data IO to Siebel IO. This step calls the OPA Process Submit Data Workflow. For more information, see OPA Process Submit Data Workflow.
  19. Get Application IO. This step calls the Execute method from the EAI Data Transformation Engine business service. The input argument to this method is the Pub Sample Intake data integration object. This method returns the PUB Intake Application integration object.
  20. Is Application Exist. This step determines whether an application record already exists for the interview session.
  21. Create Application. This step calls the UpsertRecord method from the PUB OPA Utilities Service business service. The input arguments to this method are the business component, business object, search spec, input fields, and output fields. This method creates the application record with a Save status, and returns the Id and application number.
  22. Add Id, Status and Submitted By. This step calls the AddPropertiesToPropertySet method from the OPA Interview Framework Service business service. The input arguments to this method are the ApplicationIntegrationObject (SiebelMessage), application row Id, application status, application submitted by, and PropertySetPath. This method adds the properties to the property set at the property set path, and returns the updated property set as the UpdatedApplicationIntegrationObject (SiebelMessage).
  23. Sync Application. This step calls the Synchronization method from the EAI Siebel Adapter business service to update, create, and delete records for applications, benefit plans, line items in benefit plans, and payments.
  24. Get Contact IO. This step calls the Execute method from the EAI Data Transformation Engine business service. The input argument to this method is the Pub Sample Intake data integration object. This method returns contact data.
  25. Update Application XML. This step calls the UpdateApplicationXML method from the PUB OPA Intake Service business service. The input argument to this method is the Pub Sample Intake data integration object with applicant data. This method coverts the integration object to XML format, and updates the application record with the XML data.
  26. Is Snapshot Required After Submit? This step determines whether an interview snapshot is required when the application is submitted.
  27. Save Snapshot. This step calls the UpsertRecord method from the PUB OPA Utilities Service business service. The input arguments to this method are the business component, business object, search spec, input fields, and method. This method creates the interview session record with base64 data.
  28. Is Submit Screen Last Screen. This step determines whether the screen that appears is a last screen of the interview session.
  29. OPA End Interview. This step calls the OPA End Interview Workflow. For more information, see OPA End Interview Workflow.
  30. Has Any Error. This step whether the OPA response contains an error.
  31. Show Error. This step calls the ShowErrors method from the OPA Interview Framework Service business service to show the errors that occurred when sending the request to OPA.
  32. Clear flags. This step calls the Clearflags method from the OPA Interview Framework Service business service to clear the flags related to the interview session.
  33. Go To Summary View. This step calls the GotoView method from the FINS Teller UI Navigation business service to navigate to the home page or the My Applications applet, depending on the user action.
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