Siebel CTI Administration Guide > Configuring Advanced Communications Features >

Integrating with the Customer Dashboard

The customer dashboard contains fields with customer-related data for an agent to view. Although the customer dashboard typically displays contact information, you can configure it in Siebel Tools to display other fields. The customer dashboard appears by default in the middle of a panel on the side of the Siebel application display area.

For more information about configuring the customer dashboard using Siebel Tools, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

You can configure customer dashboard fields to be populated, or cleared, automatically upon the execution of a communications event or command. For example, the fields might be populated from an event log when an inbound work item arrives, or cleared from an event log if the caller is not found in the database.

The fields in the dashboard are populated with customer data when you invoke a business service and method and pass values from business component fields or event data fields, such as the ANI phone number of a caller. If a match is produced, then the dashboard fields can be populated.

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Example Events for Updating and Clearing Customer Dashboard

For example, the following sequence of event handler, event response, and event logs causes the dashboard to be populated with data, or cleared. In these examples, when a single matching contact record is found, the dashboard is populated. When no contact records are found, or multiple records are found, the dashboard is cleared. Adjust your event definitions as necessary, such as if you are using a different business component than Contact.

    Filter.ANI = "*"
    Profile = ""
    Comments = ""
    Order = "1"
    Response = "OnInboundCallReceived"
    DeviceEvent = "TpAnswered"

    MultiView = "All Contacts across Organizations"
    QueryBusComp = "Contact"
    QueryBusObj = "Contact"
    QuerySpec = "'Work Phone #'='650506{ANI}'"
    SingleView = "Service Contact Detail View"
    SingleLog = "LogIncomingCallContactFound"
    Log = "LogIncomingCallContactNotFound"
    MultiLog = "LogIncomingCallMultiContactFound"
    Comments = ""

If contact data is found, then the following event log updates the customer dashboard:

    AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}"
    AfterWork.'Done' = "{@Now}"
    AfterWork.'Planned Completion' = "{@Now}"
    BusComp = "Action"
    BusObj = "Contact"
    Display = "False"
    LogField.'Account Id' = "{Contact.'Account Id'}"
    LogField.'Call Id' = "{refId}"
    LogField.'Contact Id (Thin)' = "{Contact.Id}"
    LogField.'Planned' = "{@WorkStartTime}"
    LogField.'Started' = "{@WorkStartTime}"
    LogField.Description = "Inbound call"
    LogField.Type = "Call - Inbound"
    ServiceMethod = "Persistent Customer Dashboard.Update Dashboard from CTI"
    ServiceParam.Field = "Id"
    ServiceParam.Value = "{Contact.Id}"
    WorkTrackingObj.ContactId = "{Contact.Id}"
    Comments = ""

If no contact record is found, then the following event log clears the customer dashboard:

    AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}"
    BusComp = "Action"
    BusObj = "Contact"
    LogField.'Call Id' = "{refId}"
    LogField.Description = "Unknown Caller({ANI})"
    LogField.Type = "Call - Inbound"
    ServiceMethod = "Persistent Customer Dashboard.CleanDashBoard_UI"
    Comments = ""

If multiple contact records are found, then the following event log clears the customer dashboard:

    AfterWork.'ACD Call Duration' = "{@WorkDuration}"
    BusComp = "Action"
    BusObj = "Contact"
    LogField.'Call Id' = "{refId}"
    LogField.Description = "Inbound call({ANI})"
    LogField.Type = "Call - Inbound"
    ServiceMethod = "Persistent Customer Dashboard.CleanDashBoard_UI"
    Comments = ""

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