17Postupgrade Tasks for Siebel Business Applications

Postupgrade Tasks for Siebel Business Applications

Activating License Keys

In Siebel Innovation Pack 2017, the license keys for Siebel CRM base applications that were previously provided in seed data in the Siebel database are inactive. License keys entered by customers are unchanged. A new utility is provided for activating or deactivating the license keys that you require. You run the License Key Activation utility after installing a new Siebel database, running Incremental Repository Merge (for migration installations), or completing a full database upgrade.

You can find license key information for Siebel Business Applications at Oracle’s license codes site. For the Siebel license keys, see http://licensecodes.oracle.com/siebel.html.

The License Key Activation utility is supported on all operating systems and databases for Siebel Business Applications.

To start the License Key Activation utility

  1. On the computer where you installed Siebel Server, navigate to the following location:

  2. Run the following program, according to your operating system:

    • Microsoft Windows: licensekeymodule.bat

    • UNIX: licensekeymodule.sh

  3. Enter valid data for the following fields:

    • Siebel Server Location. The installation path for this Siebel Server.

    • ODBC DSN. The ODBC data source for the Siebel database.

    • Table Owner. The table owner for the Siebel database.

    • Username. The user name for logging into the Siebel database.

    • Password. The password for this user.

    • DB Platform. The RDBMS platform, either ORACLE, DB2UDB, DB2390, or MSSQL.

    • Log folder. The folder in which the log file licenseKeys.log is created. This log file shows database connection information for troubleshooting purposes, and lists all of the license keys that were activated or deactivated in each session.

  4. Click Login.

    The license key activation screen appears, which lists Siebel CRM license keys.

  5. For each license key module whose activation status you want to change, click the Active Flag check box to activate or deactivate this license key.

  6. To apply your selections to the Siebel database, click Apply. Or, to reset any changes you have made in this screen, or since you last clicked Apply, click Reset.

    Caution: After you have clicked Apply, the Reset button does not reset activation settings to their original state. However, you can change the activation status and click Apply again.

Related Books

Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

Generating Siebel Reporting Relationships

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

The Generate Reporting Relationships process needs to be executed after the upgrade process and whenever the denormalized hierarchy structure (S_PARTY_RPT_REL) becomes out of sync with the data in the normalized tables (S_PARTY). Tables can become out of sync in the following cases:

  • After upgrading, the organizational hierarchy (even if there is only one organization) must be established to maintain appropriate visibility in the views.

  • When Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager is used to import or update any of the hierarchies (positions, organizations, or access groups).

There are three visibility hierarchies: position, organization, and access groups. These hierarchies are denormalized and maintained in the table S_PARTY_RPT_REL. These denormalized hierarchies are necessary for executing visibility modes that go up or down a hierarchy. For example:

  • Manager view mode. My Team's Accounts View displays all accounts on which managers and their subordinates are working.

  • Suborganizations view mode. All Contacts across My Organizations View displays all contacts who associated with either my organization or any of my organization’s suborganizations.

The Generate Reporting Relationships process rebuilds the denormalized relationships in the S_PARTY_RPT_REL table so that the hierarchical view modes display the correct information. The basic operation of the function is to empty the S_PARTY_RPT_REL table and then walk through each S_PARTY record to re-create the denormalized hierarchical structures in the table. This process generates a large number of transactions for Siebel Remote users and regional nodes.

This operation is time and CPU/memory-intensive. The process might take several minutes, depending on the size and complexity of your organizational structures. Do not perform this when you are running other memory-intensive processes.

To generate reporting relationships

  1. If you have an active Siebel Remote environment, then confer with an Oracle Administrator. The Administrator must arrange for the Transaction Processor component to be paused before performing this procedure.

  2. In the Siebel Web Client application, navigate to Administration - Group, and then the Positions view.

  3. Click the Generate Reporting Relationships button in the Position List Applet NB. Note that generating the reporting relationship might cause a large number of Siebel Remote transactions to be generated.

  4. When this has completed, restart the Transaction Processor.

Setting Up Siebel Global Time Zone Support

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

Global deployments typically span multiple time zones. The global time zone feature converts and stores date and time data using the Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) standard. This feature enables you to track dates and times in a common format across multiple time zones.

It is strongly recommended that you operate your production environment with global time zone enabled.

For information on setting up and managing UTC, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.

Displaying Regions in Siebel Marketing

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

Region is associated with the Region hierarchy rather than the Region LOV field. For this reason, after the upgrade the Region field for Marketing Plans, Programs, and Campaigns does not display.

To display marketing regions

  1. Navigate to Administration – Location, and then Marketing Regions.

  2. Create new marketing regions to correlate to the previous LOV values for the Region field.

    For more information, see Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide.

  3. Rename the Region LOV field and add it to the applets in the user interface.

    This provides backward compatibility.

Configuring Siebel Marketing Purchase Orders for Display

Environments: Development, production test, production.

At Siebel CRM 8.0, the relationship between campaign and order is changed from M:1 to M:M and is displayed in a new view, Marketing Purchase Order.

The upgrade process does not set up campaign-related purchase orders created in previous releases so that they display in the new view.

If you want to display purchase orders from previous releases, then you must run a script after the upgrade. The script changes the order type from Purchase Order to Marketing Purchase Order for campaign-related purchase orders. You can also use the script to change the order type of campaign-related sales orders to Marketing Purchase Order. This allows these purchase orders to display in the new view.

To configure marketing purchase orders

  1. Run the following script against the Siebel database:

    Windows: DBSRVR_ROOT\common\MktgPurchaseOrder.sql

    UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/common/MktgPurchaseOrder.sql

    For campaign-related purchase orders, this script sets order type to Marketing Purchase Order. This allows these purchase orders to display in the Marketing Purchase Order view.

  2. To configure campaign-related sales orders to display in the new view, open the script with a text editor, and locate the following section:

    where ORDER_TYPE_ID =
    (select ROW_ID from S_ORDER_TYPE
    where NAME = 'Purchase Order'

    Make the following change:

    where ORDER_TYPE_ID =
    (select ROW_ID from S_ORDER_TYPE
    where NAME = 'Sales Order'
  3. After making the change, run the script again.

Upgrading Siebel Attribute Pricing

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

Note: For information on changes to Copy and Revise functionality for Quotes and Orders, see 473867.1 (Article ID). This article was previously published as Siebel Alert 1218.

At Siebel CRM 7.8, the attribute adjustments feature replaces attribute pricing in Siebel Pricer.

You must manually upgrade attribute pricing data to attribute adjustments by running a business service method. The business service method does the following:

  • Upgrades attribute pricing headers to attribute adjustment headers

  • Upgrades attribute pricing attributes to attribute adjustment dimensions

  • Upgrades attribute pricing values to attribute adjustment dimension domains

  • Upgrades attribute pricing adjustment items to attribute adjustment rules

To upgrade attribute pricing to attribute adjustments

  1. Launch Siebel Sales.

  2. Verify that all attribute classes have been upgraded to product classes.

  3. Navigate to the Administration-Business Service screen, and then to Simulator view.

  4. Create a new record.

  5. Click Run to start the business method.

Related Topic

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Pricer and Order Management

Verifying Aggregate Discounts in Siebel Pricer

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

Note: For information on changes to Copy and Revise functionality for Quotes and Orders, see 473867.1 (Article ID). This article was previously published as Siebel Alert 1218.

At Siebel CRM 7.8, the aggregate discounts feature replaces bundle factors in Siebel Pricer. The bundle factor definitions are upgraded to aggregate discounts, and the sequencing of bundle factors are upgraded to aggregate discount sequences.

The name of the aggregate discount in Pricer will be set to bundle factor name + row ID of the record. This is because Pricer requires the aggregate discount name to be unique.

Sequencing of bundle factors within a pricing model is upgraded to aggregate discount sequencing. The name of the aggregate discount sequence is set to the pricing model name that contained the bundle factors.

The Price List and Price List Item will be stamped with the appropriate aggregate discount sequence name. In prior releases, the pricing model was specified at the Price List or, for customized products, at the Price List Line Item level. This ensured execution of the bundle factors at runtime.

At Siebel CRM 7.8, the execution of aggregate discounts at runtime requires the association of the aggregate discount sequences at the Price List or Price List Line Item level.

The upgrade process makes the following assumptions about Pricer implementations prior to Siebel CRM 7.8:

  • Flowcharts were used to chain up bundle factors in the pricing model

  • The bundle factor with the lowest sequence is connected to the Aggregate Start step

  • Each Aggregate Start sequence contains only bundle factors and does not contain aggregate factors

  • The next factor in the flowchart (when True or False) always has a larger sequence number.

If your implementation does not meet all the criteria mentioned here, then the upgrade process moves the definitions to the appropriate Pricer entities (such as aggregate discounts), but the sequences will not be correct.

In such cases, you must manually verify that aggregate discount sequences chain up the aggregate discounts as intended. Use the sequence of execution that existed prior to the upgrade.

To verify upgrade to aggregate discounts

  1. Launch Siebel Sales.

  2. Navigate to Administration – Pricing Aggregate Discount Sequences.

  3. For each aggregate discount sequence, drill down to the detail view.

  4. Locate the aggregate discount that corresponds to the first preupgrade bundle factor. Verify that it has the lowest sequence number. If not, then revise the numbers in the Sequence, Next Discount If Used, and Next Discount If Not Used columns.

  5. Verify that the numbers in the Next Discount If Used and Next Discount If Not Used columns are greater than the number in the Sequence column. Also verify that they point to the expected aggregate discounts. If not, then revise the numbers in all three columns as required.

Related Topic

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Pricer and Order Management

Upgrading Inbound Siebel Workflows

Environments: Development, production test, production.

Change inbound workflows that contain a String type process property to pass the value into type Binary; otherwise, the workflow presents the following error message:

Output argument '<Value>' in step 'Read from File' contains data that cannot be 
passed to string type property 'InputXML'. Data type: 'MEMBLOCK'; String 
representation of data body: '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?'

Related Topic

Upgrade Planning for Siebel Workflow Designer