16Reviewing the Siebel User Interface

Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

Environments: Development environment only.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

    Basic Troubleshooting Guidelines

    If views or screens do not display, then do the following:

    • Using the Developer Web Client, verify that the user has been assigned the correct responsibilities.

    • Query for the view or applet in the Administration-Personalization screen. Verify the conditional expression is correct.

    • In Siebel Tools, verify that the screen view and its parents have the Display In Site Map property, and the Display In Page property set to TRUE.

    • Verify that the screen view and its parents have the Viewbar Text and Menu Text properties filled in.

    • If an applet does not display all the fields or controls after upgrade, then check in Siebel Tools for a Web template of the same name, but appended with -Expanded and specify this Web template for the applet. These templates provide additional placeholders for mapping fields and controls.

      About the Postmerge Utilities Log

      After the repository merge, you must run the postmerge utilities. These utilities do the following:

      • Validate user interface components to verify they were migrated correctly to the new repository.

      • Modify UI objects to implement new user interface features. For example, they modify form applets and multi-value group applets.

      • Verify that customized UI objects are configured correctly.

      The postmerge utilities log lists the actions performed by the postmerge utilities. The log contains the following types of messages:

      • STATUS. These messages provide information on the specific things that the postmerge utilities did. No action is required, so you can ignore these messages.

      • INFO. These messages provide information on the specific things that the postmerge utilities did. No action is required, so you can ignore these messages.

      • WARNING. These messages provide information on UI objects that might be incorrectly configured, so must be reviewed.

      • ERROR. These messages indicate that a problem has been found that must be corrected.

      The postmerge utilities log is located here:


      For more information on troubleshooting user interface problems, see 477269.1 (Article ID) on My Oracle Support. This document was previously published as Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 19.

      Related Topics

      About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

      About the Siebel Repository Merge

      Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option

        Reviewing Siebel Grid-Based Applets

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: Start Invalid Web Template Item Mapping Clean-up.

        If a Prior Customer Repository applet that will be converted to grid-based layout has been customized by adding new fields or controls, then utilities puts these fields and controls at the end of the applet in the New Customer Repository. After the repository merge, you must reposition these fields and controls.

        ICL upgrades only: If Incorporate Custom Layouts (ICL) was selected for the repository merge, then ICL converts many form applets to grid-based layout. The postmerge utilities then deactivate the grid-based layout and activate the Prior Customer Repository, flow-based form of the applet.

        The reputility.log file lists applets that were converted by the postmerge utilities. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and revise layouts as required.

        The log is located here:


        The following table lists common issues and corrective actions for grid-based applets.

        Table Common Grid-Based Applet Issues

        Log Examples What To Do

        STATUS:: Succeed

        Update AWTI List Mgmt Lists Entry Applet Base Status

        The utility mapped a control to a different location.

        Action: Review the modified Applet. Verify that the new location for the control works.

        STATUS:: Succeed

        Delete AWTI List Mgmt Lists Entry Applet Base Status ESN

        To avoid possible overlapping, the utilities deleted a locale record for an applet Web template item.

        Action: Review the modified Applet Web Template and re-create the locale record.

        WARNING:: Grid -> Grid merge/upgrade, Skip

        Only flow-based form applets are converted to the grid-based Web template.

        Action: None required.

        WARNING:: Upgrade Ancestor "Account Form Applet" Not Found in New Siebel Repository, Skip

        The utilities did not find the upgrade ancestor's applet Web template in the New Siebel Repository.

        Action: Review the applet for invalid Web template items.

        WARNING:: Applet Web Template Not Found in New Siebel Repository, Skip

        The utility is trying to find the Applet Web Template from New Siebel Repository, but it is not found.

        Action: Review the applet for invalid Web template items.

        WARNING:: No List Column Found, Applet "Program Expenditure List Applet", AWT "Edit", AWTI "Type", Control "Type", Skip

        No List Column found for the Applet Web Template Item.

        Action: Delete the applet Web template item.

        WARNING:: No Control Found, Applet "Expense Item Entry Applet", AWT "Edit", AWTI "Site", Control "Site", Skip

        No Control is found for the Applet Web Template Item.

        Action: Delete the applet Web Template.

        WARNING:: Button Control, Applet "Expense Item Entry Applet", AWT "Edit", AWTI "NewQuery", Control "NewQuery", Invoke Method "NewQuery", Skip

        If a control has an Invoke Method action defined on it, then the utility treats it as a button and will not remap it.

        Action: Review the applet and verify that the button control displays correctly.

        Related Topics

        Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

        About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

        About the Siebel Repository Merge

        Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option

        Reviewing Siebel User Interface Navigation

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: User Interface Navigation Upgrade.

        The postmerge utilities analyze the repository and verify that objects referenced in screens, views and applets are defined correctly. The reputility.log lists objects that need to be modified. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and make the necessary revisions.

        The log is located here:


        The following table shows examples of common issues and corrective actions.

        Table Common User Interface Navigation Issues

        Log Examples What To Do

        WARNING:: Project projname is not found in this Repository

        The postmerge utilities exclude certain Siebel Tools projects from UI Navigation cleanup. One of the excluded projects was not found in the repository.

        Action: None required.

        WARNING:: Ignoring Screen View Record. View Definition Not Found [View: Account Briefing View]

        The utility is unable to read the view definition to determine where it should display.

        Action: Remove the invalid screen view record that references the invalid view.

        WARNING:: Error Writing Category Record, Ignoring Changes [Name: catname]

        The utility could not update or insert a record in the Siebel database. Possible causes are that the record already exists or there is a database access problem.

        Action: Verify that a duplicate catname record does not already exist, and then check database access.

        WARNING:: Error Writing Screen View Record, Ignoring Changes [View: viewname]

        The utility could not create a screen view record. Possible cause is that the category does not exist. This error is often a consequence of an error updating or inserting a category record.

        Action: Verify that the screen view category exists, and then check database access.

        Related Topics

        Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

        About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

        About the Siebel Repository Merge

        Reviewing Siebel Multi-Value Group Shuttle Applets

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: Multivalue Group Shuttle Applet Upgrade.

        MVG applets are shuttle-enabled by default. The postmerge utilities shuttle-enable MVG applets in the New Customer Repository. This includes MVG applets from the Prior Customer Repository that you created or customized.

        MVG applets must have a specific configuration in order to be enabled as MVG shuttle applets. For information on creating and managing MVG shuttle applets, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

        In the reputility.log, the utilities list MVG applets that were converted. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and resolve any problems encountered during conversion.

        The log is located here:


        The following table lists common issues and corrective actions for MVG applets.

        Table Common MVG Applet Issues

        Log Entry Example What To Do

        WARNING:: [APPLET: Account Address Mvg Applet (NB)] MVG

        Applet is Inactive. Ignoring Applet.

        This applet is inactive.

        Action: No action required.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: Primary Employee Mvg Applet] [Applet Web Template: Base]

        Applet Web Template is Inactive. Ignoring Applet Web Template.

        The applet Web template is inactive.

        Action: No action required.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: FINS Application Contact Mvg Applet - ACAPS]

        [CONTROL METHOD INVOKED: ExecuteQuery] Has a Non Standard Control Type.

        The utility is trying to map an existing Go (ExecuteQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Go button does not have the correct attributes.

        Action: Revise the control definition and map it to the Edit List mode.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: State Model - State Mvg Applet]

        [CONTROL METHOD INVOKED: UndoQuery] Has a Non Standard Control Type.

        The utility is trying to map an existing Cancel (UndoQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Cancel button defined does not have the correct attributes.

        Action: Revise the control’s definition and map it to the Edit List mode.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: LOY Account Address Assoc Applet]

        [CONTROL: CancelQuery] Control is Inactive. Please inspect and Reactivate.

        The utility is trying to map an existing Cancel (UndoQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Cancel button defined is inactive.

        Action: Redefine a Cancel button and map it to the Edit List mode.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: LOY Account Address Assoc Applet]

        [CONTROL: ExecuteQuery] Control is Inactive. Please inspect and Reactivate.

        The utility is trying to map an existing Go (ExecuteQuery) button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the Go button defined is inactive.

        Action: Redefine a Go button and map it to the Edit List mode.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: Account Address Mvg Applet] [Applet Web Template: Edit List]

        [Applet Web Template Item: ExecuteQuery] Applet Web Template Item is Inactive. Please inspect and Reactivate.

        The utility is trying to map an existing Go/Cancel button to the Edit List mode to enable Popup Inline Query. However, the mapping already exists, but is marked inactive.

        Action: Activate the mapping (Applet Web Template Item) in the Edit List mode and test.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: Account Address Mvg Applet]

        [CONTROL: UndoQuery] Applet Web Template Item occupying Item Id 108. Cannot Map Control UndoQuery

        The utilities tried to map a Cancel button to the default location 108 in Edit List mode. However, another control is already mapped to this location.

        Action: Move the control at location 108 to another location, and then map the Go button to location 108.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: Assoc Data Type Applet] Association List

        Applet contains both Base and Edit List. Manual review needed.

        An MVG applet definition specifies both a base and edit-list Web template. The user interface standard is that when MVGs first display, they are editable.

        Action: For MVGs that users can edit, verify that the Web template specified for base mode and edit-list mode are the same. If not, change the base mode Web template so that it is the same as the edit-list template.

        WARNING:: [APPLET: Activity Order Mvg Applet] [CONTROL: ExecuteQuery]

        Control is at an unexpected location. Expected Location is 107

        The utilities tried to map a Go button to the default location 107 in Edit List mode. This is part of enabling Popup Inline Query. However, another control is already mapped to this location.

        Action: Move the control at location 107 to another location, and then map the Go button to location 107.

        Related Topics

        Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

        About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

        About the Siebel Repository Merge

        Revising Siebel UI Rich Text Controls

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: Issue 1: Rich Text Controls (RTC) That Need to Have Properties Reconfigured.

        The postmerge utilities review the repository and verify that rich text controls are defined correctly. The reputility log lists the controls that need to be modified. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and make the necessary revisions.

        The log is located here:


        To revise Rich Text Control definitions

        1. Start Siebel Tools. Set the Object Explorer to Flat.

        2. From the Views menu, choose Options, then the Object Explorer menu item.

          Under applet, verify that Applet User Prop and Control User Prop are check-marked.

        3. Refer to the reputility.log and query for one of the listed applets.

        4. In the Object Explorer, select Applet User Prop.

          If the user RTC Graphic Field and RTC Link Field user properties are marked Inactive, then no further action is required.

        5. For the following user properties, write down the value-active RTC Graphic Field and RTC Link Field user property:

          • RTC Graphic Field. The value for RTC Graphic Field typically is Body Field Graphic.

          • RTC Link Field. The value for RTC Link Field typically is Body Field Link.

          • RTC Body Field. The value is the control name.

        6. For the applet, select Control, and then Control User Prop.

        7. In the Controls list, query for the value you wrote down for RTC Body Field. This is the control name.

        8. For the control, select Control User Prop.

        9. Define the following control user properties on the control. Assign the values you wrote down for the applet user properties:
          • RTC Graphic Field

          • RTC Link Field

        Related Topics

        Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

        About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

        About the Siebel Repository Merge

        Reviewing New Siebel UI Aggregate Categories

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: Issue 2: New Aggregate Category Records That Should Be Renamed.

        If you have created new views or have modified existing views, then the postmerge utilities create new Aggregate Category records to support the new properties. The utilities name the new aggregate category records busobj_name List. For example, a new aggregate category record for the eEvents screen would be named eEvents List.

        The reputility log lists the category records that were created by the postmerge utilities. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and make the following revisions as needed to the listed objects:

        • Revise the Viewbar Text and Menu Text properties in all installed languages as required.

        • Verify that the navigation hierarchy, including sequence numbers, is correct.

        The log is located here:


        Related Topics

        Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

        About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

        About the Siebel Repository Merge

        Revising Siebel Visibility Filters to Display Correctly

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: Issue 3: Views that need an applet in View Web Template Item ID 1.

        The postmerge utilities review the repository and verify that filters are defined correctly. The reputility log lists screens that have incorrectly defined filters. The most common problem is that none of the view Web template items has an Item Identifier of 1, which prevents the filter from displaying. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and make the necessary revisions.

        The log is located here:


        To revise visibility filters to display correctly

        1. Query for one of the views listed in the reputility.log.

        2. For the view, select Base, and then View Web Template Item.

        3. Set the Item Identifier for the first applet in the list to 1.

        4. Refine the query to display the Parent Category listed in the log.

        Related Topics

        Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

        About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

        About the Siebel Repository Merge

        Assigning a Category and Type to Siebel Chart Views

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: Issue 4: Chart Views Needing Migration to Aggregate Type.

        The Chart menu item displays as one of the aggregate categories under the view tabs. To ensure that the Chart menu item is located correctly, all the relevant charts for a view must be assigned to the same Aggregate Category. Also, each chart view must be of type Aggregate View. If the chart view is not of type Aggregate View, then the chart menu item displays as a view tab.

        The postmerge utilities review the repository and verify that Chart views have been defined correctly. The reputility log lists the screen views that require revision. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and make the necessary revisions.

        The log is located here:


        To assign a category and type to chart views

        1. Set Siebel Tools Object Explorer to Types.

        2. Query for the screen.

        3. In the Object Explorer, select Screen View.

        4. Query for the screen views listed in the log.

        5. Verify that all the views are assigned to the same category (Category Name).

          The Category Name can be null.

        6. Verify that all the views are of type Aggregate View.

        Related Topics

        Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

        About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

        About the Siebel Repository Merge

        Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option

        Assigning a Category and Type to Siebel Explorer Views

        Environments: Development environment only.

        Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

        Reputility log section: Issue 5: Explorer Views Needing Migration to Aggregate Type.

        Note: This topic does not apply to 7.x upgrades that used the Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) feature.

        The postmerge utilities review the repository and verify that explorer views are defined correctly. The reputility.log, lists the explorer views that require revision. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and make the necessary revisions.

        The log is located here:


          Assigning a New Web Template to a View

          Use the following procedure to assign a new Web template to a view.

          To assign a new Web template to a view

          1. In Siebel Tools, query for a view name listed in the log.

          2. In Object Explorer, select View Web Template.

          3. In View Web Templates, change the Web Template to Tree 2.

          4. Repeat for all the views listed in the log section.

            Assigning a New Type to a Screen View

            Use the following procedure to assign a new type to a screen view.

            To assign a new type to a screen view

            1. In Siebel Tools, query for the screen.

            2. In Object Explorer, select Screen View.

            3. For the screen views listed in the log, change the Type to Aggregate View.

            4. Repeat for each screen listed in the log section.

            Related Topics

            Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

            About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

            About the Siebel Repository Merge

            Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option

              Setting Up Navigation to Inaccessible Siebel Detail Views

              Environments: Development environment only.

              Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

              Reputility log section: Issue 6: Categories Where Parent Applets Are Missing Drilldowns to a Detail View.

              The postmerge utilities verify that you can navigate from a screen to all the screen detail views listed in the parent category for the screen. If any of the screen’s detail views are not accessible using normal navigation methods, then the utilities list the screen name, parent category, and the Aggregate View in the log.

              In many cases, the problem is caused by a missing or incorrectly defined drilldown in a list applet in the view shown in the log. The missing drilldown prevents the user from navigating to a view containing third-level view tabs that provide access to all the detail views.

              Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and make the necessary revisions.

              The log is located here:


              To set up navigation to inaccessible detail views

              1. In Siebel Tools, navigate to the screen listed in the log. In Object Explorer, select Screen View.

              2. In the Screen Views List, query for the following:

                • Set the Type value to Detail View.

                • Set the Parent Category value to the Parent Category listed in the log.

              3. Start the application and navigate to the screen.

              4. Try to navigate to the detail views listed in the query.

                Tip: Use the Web Layout Editor in Tools to identify a detail view containing third-level view tabs that provide navigation to all the detail views. Verify that you can navigate to this view from a drilldown in the screen.
              5. When you have identified the inaccessible detail view containing third-level view tabs, review the drilldown definitions in Siebel Tools for the list applet in the screen. Define a drilldown to the detail view if one does not exist.

              Related Topics

              Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

              About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

              About the Siebel Repository Merge

              Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option

              Eliminating Obsolete Siebel UI Fields

              Upgrades from: All Supported Siebel releases. This topic applies only to upgrades using the Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) feature. For more information, see Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option.

              Environments: Development environment only.

              Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

              Reputility log section: Issue 7: Fields deprecated from Business Components.

              Some of the business component fields in your installed release might be obsolete in the new release. If you have customized existing applets or created new ones, and you selected ICL during the merge, then the user interface might contain obsolete fields or controls. If a business component field is not available for an applet field or control after the merge, then the field or control does not display.

              The reputility log lists the applets that contain obsolete business component fields. Review the reputility log section cited at the start of this topic and revise applet definitions and layouts as required.

              The log is located here:


              Related Topics

              Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

              About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

              About the Siebel Repository Merge

              Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option

              Reviewing Siebel UI Objects Affected by Incorporate Custom Layout

              Upgrades from: All Supported Siebel releases. This topic applies only to upgrades using the Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) feature. For more information, see Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option.

              Environments: Development environment only.

              Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

              Reputility log section: Issue 8: List of the items affected by PCL.

              If you selected Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) for the merge, then the postmerge utilities list all the UI objects that were affected by the ICL feature in the reputility log. Use this list to identify the screens, views, and applets you want to review when testing the user interface.

              The list has two parts:

              • User interface elements changed between prior Siebel release and current Siebel release. This part lists the screens, views, and applets that have user interface changes in the new release. If you selected during the merge, then these changes are not reflected in the user interface. Instead, the user interface for the release you are upgrading from has been preserved.

              • User interface elements changed between prior Siebel release and prior customer implementation. This part lists your customizations. The list includes screens, views, and applets you modified as well as those you created. These customizations are included in the merged repository. If you selected ICL for the merge, then the user interface for the customizations is the same as the release from which you are upgrading.

              The log is located here:


              Related Topics

              Troubleshooting Postmerge Siebel User Interface Problems

              About the Siebel Postmerge Utilities

              About the Siebel Repository Merge

              Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option

              Reviewing Required Fields in the Siebel User Interface

              Upgrades from: All Supported Siebel releases. This topic applies only to upgrades using the Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) feature. For more information, see Siebel Incorporate Custom Layout Upgrade Option.

              Environments: Development environment only.

              Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

              Reputility log section: Issue 9: List of Required Fields Missing from the UI.

              If you select Incorporate Custom Layout (ICL) during the repository merge, then the Web templates for the user interface you are upgrading from are used to display the user interface after the merge. The Web templates for the new release are not used.

              The Web templates used might not contain all the fields required by the new release. For example, a required field might be missing from the Web template used to display the Contacts applet. If you try to create a new record, the database will reject it because the record does not contain all the required fields.

              This section of the reputility log lists all the applets that have missing required fields. Use the Web Layout Editor in Siebel Tools to add the required fields.

              The log is located here:
