8Preparing a Production Environment for a Siebel Upgrade

Preparing a Production Environment for a Siebel Upgrade

This chapter describes the steps in preparing a production environment for upgrade. It includes the following topics:

Requirements for Upgrading the Production Environment

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Production test, production.

You must be thoroughly familiar with the upgrade process before beginning the production upgrade. Before upgrading your production environment, perform a test upgrade in your production test environment to familiarize yourself with the process and to eliminate errors that can affect upgrade success or performance.

Before beginning the upgrade of your production environment, verify that the production database configuration meets the database requirements outlined in the topic Verifying Database Configuration.

If you have not already done so, copy the Upgrade Planning Worksheet, located in Siebel Upgrade Planning Worksheet and fill out the appropriate fields with the information you require to perform the upgrade. Contact your database administrator or systems programmer for help in completing the worksheet. Also, refer to Information Required by the Database Configuration Wizard and Additional Information Required for Production Upgrades for a description of the information you are required to enter when you run the Database Configuration Wizard to perform upgrade operations.

About Moving the Customized Repository and Schema Definition Files

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Production test and Production environments

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

When you upgraded your development environment, the new customized repository was exported to a file called custrep.dat and the modified schema definition was exported to a file called schema.ddl in the SIEBEL_ROOT\dbsrvr\db2390\ directory (Windows) or the $SIEBEL_ROOT/dbsrvr/db2390/ (UNIX) directory on the Siebel Server client computer from which you ran the upgrade. These files are used as the schema input on the production upgrade.

If the development and production upgrades are run on different midtier computers, then you must copy the schema.ddl and custrep.dat files to the production midtier computer before running the production upgrade.

If you modify repository objects or schema definitions after completing the development upgrade (upgphys), you must regenerate the schema.ddl and custrep.dat files. See Regenerating the Siebel Repository Definition Files for further information. You must then copy the files from the development to the production midtier computer again.

In the production environment, the custrep.dat file is used by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to import the New Customer Repository and theschema.ddl file is used by the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to create the new database schema.

Preparing for a Siebel Upgrade Without a Development Environment

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: Production test, production.

Platforms: All platforms.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

If your installation does not include a development environment, you do not have to merge your Siebel Repository. Instead, you can use the repository and schema definition files included in the Siebel Database installation. Before performing the upgrade, you must move and rename these files.

To prepare for an upgrade without a development environment

  1. Navigate to DBSRVR_ROOT\common (Windows) or DBSRVR_ROOT/common (UNIX) and locate the mstrep.dat file.

  2. Copy the mstrep.dat file and rename it custrep.dat.

  3. Place the custrep.dat file in the DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2390 (Windows) or DBSRVR_ROOT/DB2390 (UNIX) directory.

  4. In the DB2390 directory, copy the ddl.ctl file and paste the copy into the same directory.

  5. Rename the copy schema.ddl.

  6. In the production test environment create a new database instance and install the Siebel database from the new release in the new database instance. Do not migrate any data to the new database.

    This database is called the reference database.

  7. Define an ODBC for the reference database.