9Running the Database Configuration Wizard to Perform Upgrade Tasks

Running the Database Configuration Wizard to Perform Upgrade Tasks

This chapter describes how to run the Database Configuration Wizard to perform the midtier tasks for an upgrade. Also review the topics in the chapter in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide that describes how to upgrade the Siebel database, and perform any applicable topics before starting your upgrade.

Refer to the roadmap for your upgrade in How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade for a complete list of all the tasks you must perform to upgrade to the current release of Siebel CRM. This chapter contains the following topics:

Example of a Siebel Development Environment Upgrade Flow

This topic presents the flow of steps in part of a typical development environment upgrade. The steps are extracted from an actual driver file. To perform an upgrade, the Upgrade Wizard reads the steps in a driver file and performs the commands the steps contain. The driver file type used in this example is as follows:

  • Upgrade: Siebel 15.0 to Siebel 17.0

  • Environment: Development

  • Upgrade mode: upgrep

  • Multilingual: No

Upgrading the Siebel Database Schema (upgrep) is a two-step process, where you select each of the following upgrade processes in turn:

  1. zSeries Staging of Files for Upgrade: master_upgrep_dev_150_mf_m.ucf

  2. zSeries Seed/Repository Upgrade: master_upgrep_dev_150_mf.ucf

The following table lists the steps in the driver file for zSeries Staging of Files for Upgrade.

Table Example of Steps in a Development Environment Upgrep Staging of Files

Step Script or Input File Description

1. Generate the DDL file for the staging database.


Generates the DDL file for the staging database.

2. Copy files into the output directory.


Runs the extract and merge process to create the storage control file.

The database administrator must perform operations using the files in the $GenDDLDirectory directory.

Once the operations are completed, resume the Upgrade Wizard operations by submitting the following command line on the midtier computer:


3. Restart the midtier file generation process.


Restarts the midtier file generation process for the upgrade.

If all necessary mainframe tasks completed successfully, click YES to continue, otherwise click NO to terminate this process.

If you choose NO, you can resume Upgrade Wizard operations by submitting the following command line on the midtier computer:


4. Generate the DDL for the additive schema changes.


For the DB2390 staging database, run the ddlimp file to generate the schema.additive.sql file.

5. Copy files into the output directory.


Generates a set of files in the $GenDDLDirectory directory.

The database administrator must transfer these files from the $GenDDLDirectory directory to the mainframe using the ftp_pause1.txt and perform all required tasks on the DB2 host commands.

Once completed, you can resume Upgrade Wizard operations by submitting the following command line on the midtier computer:


6. Restart the midtier file generation process.


Restarts the midtier file generation process for the upgrade.

If all necessary mainframe tasks completed successfully, click YES to continue, otherwise click NO to terminate this process.

If you choose NO, you can resume Upgrade Wizard operations by submitting the following command line on the midtier computer:


7. Generate the DDL for temporary tables.


Creates the temporary tables for the z/OS upgrade.

8. Generate the DDL for Siebel tables.


Creates the schema for the z/OS upgrade.

9. Copy files into the output directory.


Generates a set of files in the $GenDDLDirectory directory.

The database administrator must transfer these files from the $GenDDLDirectory directory to the mainframe using the ftp_pause2.txt and perform all required tasks on the DB2 host commands.

Once completed, you can resume Upgrade Wizard operations by submitting the following command line on the midtier computer:


10. Restart the midtier file generation process.


Restarts the midtier file generation process for the upgrade.

If all necessary mainframe tasks completed successfully, click YES to continue, otherwise click NO to terminate this process.

If you choose NO, you can resume Upgrade Wizard operations by submitting the following command line on the midtier computer:


11. Generate the DDL for Siebel indexes.


Creates the indexes for DB390 development upgrade.

12. Copy files into the output directory.


Generates a set of files in the $GenDDLDirectory directory.

The database administrator must transfer these files from the $GenDDLDirectory directory to the mainframe using the ftp_pause3.txt and perform all required tasks on the DB2 host commands.

The following table lists the steps in the driver file. The Script or Input File column in the table lists the SQL file or input file that is executed in each step. The Comment column provides a brief explanation of what the SQL file or input file does.

Table Example of Steps in a Development Environment Upgrep Seed Repository

Step Script or Input File Comment

Verify repository name


Renames Siebel Repository to Prior Customer Repository.

Preparation of prior customer repository

  • SWTClob.jar

  • RepCrawler.jar

The SWT to OD Conversion Utility converts Siebel Web Templates to an Object Definition Layout. Converted Web templates are stored in the database.

The Repository Sanitization Utility searches the entire repository for unreferenced repository objects. Unreferenced repository objects are deactivated if they are not used by any application.

Import Siebel seed data

  • dataimp utility

  • seedupg0.inp as input

  • seedupg1.inp as input

  • seedupg_locale.inp as input

Prior to importing seed data, dataimp deletes existing seed data.

The seedupg* files contain filters that dataimp uses to prevent deleting seed data that you have modified or seed data meeting specified criteria.

Unmodified seed data has a last update date (LAST_UPD) of 1980-01-01. Dataimp does not delete records where LAST_UPD is later than this date.

Upgrade data after seed data import


For customers who have not converted to UTC time, sets the UTC value in S_SYS_PREF to False. For customers who have converted to UTC time, the script takes no action.

Upgrade data after seed data import SIA


Set system preference for codepage for DB


Sets the database codepage in the S_SYS_PREF.

Update version component information


Updates the S_UPG_COMP table with the product release level. The S_UPG_COMP table stores version information for application executable programs.

Encryption Upgrade

  • EncryptionUpgrade.jar

Siebel Business Applications allow customers to encrypt sensitive information stored in the Siebel database, for example, credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, birth dates. This information cannot be viewed without access to Siebel Business Applications.

Sensitive data can be encrypted by using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). This utility identifies the RC2 encrypted columns and upgrades their data to the AES.

This utility updates the logical layer of data for columns which are candidates for encryption.

Export prior customer repository

repimexp utility

Exports the existing prior customer repository to create the new customer repository.

Import Prior Siebel, New Siebel, and New Customer repositories

repimexp utility

Imports the prior Siebel repository, new Siebel repository, and the new customer repository in parallel to the repository tables.

Install SQL packages


Verifies that versions are set correctly in S_APP_VER.


Sets storage parameters for Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager tables.


Sets storage parameters for Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager table indexes.


Adds a suffix to row IDs in the S_SEQUENCE table. Ensures that row IDs are unique.


Defines s_txn_log_del_proc. Procedure periodically deletes transactions from S_DOCK_TXN_LOG. Also deletes rows from S_DOCK_TXN SET. Prevents need for large rollback segment.


Ensures that denormalized rows in S_TERR have correct values.


Sets sequence numbers for specified tables.


Creates function that modifies how Oracle optimizer does visibility check.

Fix column alignment for custom objects


Applet alignments are executed based on the data type of the field. Alignments, which can be one of the following, are executed across the entire Repository for a similar look and feel of fields:

  • Consistent Left

  • Right

  • Center

Create temporary indexes for merge performance


Creates temporary indexes to improve the merge performance.

Take backup of DB and update DB stats


Pauses the Siebel Upgrade Wizard to enable a database backup and the execution of database statistics before the merge.

Execute Incremental Repository Merge


Starts the incremental repository merge automatically for Windows. If you are using a Windows computer and Siebel Tools is installed for Siebel Enterprise servers in UNIX environment, then you must perform this step manually.

Generate Merge Report


Generates the hierarchical merge report in HTML format. Also creates the file IRM_Merge*_ERROR.txt in SIEBEL_TOOLS_ROOT\log, which contains only the errors that are present in the IRM_Merge*.txt file.

Export merge data to CSV


Exports repository-merge log data to a CSV file for business object, business component, applet, view, and Web page object definitions. This data can be compared with the Usage Pattern Tracking (UPT) CSV files to obtain the intersection data, so that you can focus testing on these objects only.

The Siebel Upgrade Wizard exports the log data to CSV files in the following folder:



Record Upgrade History


Stores the upgrade history in the S_INST_UPG_HIST table.

The following table shows the different steps executed by the upgphys process. The Script or Input File column in the table lists the SQL file or input file that is executed in each step. The Description column provides a brief explanation of what the SQL file or input file does.

Table Steps That the upgphys Process Executes

Step Script or Input File Description

1. Check whether the merge and conflict resolution steps are complete


Verifies whether the merge and conflict resolution steps are complete.

2. Drop temporary indexes created for merge performance


Removes all the temporary indexes created to improve the merge performance.

3. Export schema definition


Exports the schema definition to the file DBSRVR_ROOT/platform/schema.ddl. This file is used as an input to the production test and production environments.

4. Generate files to synchronize the physical and logical schema


Applies the schema.ddl and synchronizes the tables and indexes.

5. Migrate query search controls of list applets into the Siebel database


This step migrates query search controls of list applets from files into the Siebel database.

This step also exports the entire New Customer Repository to:


6. Enable workspace


Enables the workspace on the New Customer Repository for repository content.

7. Encryption Upgrade - Physical


This step updates the physical layer data for columns which are encrypted with the RC2 algorithm. This updates the data to AES algorithm.

8. Export repository to a file


Exports the New Customer Repository to:


This file contains only the required repository data and is used as an input to the production test and production environments.

This step also creates a custrep_dev.dat file which contains the entire New Customer Repository as a backup.

9. Import New Customer Repository as Siebel Repository


Truncates the repository tables and imports the previously exported New Customer Repository as Siebel Repository.

10. Enable Workspace for Seed data


Enables the workspace on the New Customer Repository for Seed data (List of Values).

11. Copy files to the output directory.


Copies files to the output directory.

12. Verify repository after upgrade

  • dbchck

  • dictutl
  • mlovupgd
  • SeedConflict.jar

The repository is optionally verified after you complete the upgphys process. This step is executed if you selected the option Verify Repository After Upgrade in the Database Configuration Wizard.

13. Upgrade history


Stores the upgrade history in the S_INST_UPG_HIST table.

Information Required by the Database Configuration Wizard

Upgrades: All upgrades.

Environments: All environments.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

Use this topic to identify the information you must enter when running the Database Configuration Wizard. Make sure you have prepared your upgrade environment, and have collected and verified this information before running the wizard.

The Database Configuration Wizard requests information about the upgrade process you want to perform. It then adds this information to a master upgrade file. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard runs after the Database Configuration Wizard exits. The wizard generates the upgrade SQL files and executes some of the SQL files against the Siebel database. For more information on the Database Configuration Wizard, see About the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities and Database Configuration Wizard.

The following table lists the information that you must enter in the Database Configuration Wizard when performing the upgrade processes. The table on the following page lists additional information the utility requires when you perform a production environment upgrade.

Table Information Required for the Database Configuration Wizard Upgrade Database Option

Field Name or Menu Required Information

Siebel Server Directory

The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Server is installed. For UNIX, do not enter the string $SIEBEL_ROOT.

Siebel Database Server Directory

The absolute path of the directory where the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities are installed, for example C:\ sba81\ dbsrvr (Windows) or siebel/dbsrvr (UNIX).

RDBMS Platform

Choose IBM DB2 UDB for z/OS.

Siebel Database Operation

Choose Upgrade Database.

The other menu choices are for database installation and administration.

Environment Type

  • Choose Development for development environment upgrades.

  • Choose Production for production and production test environment upgrades.

Upgrade Options

Choose one of the following options:

  • Development environments

    • Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep)

    • Upgrade Custom Database Schema (upgphys)

  • Production Environments

    • Prepare for Production Upgrade

    • Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep + upgphys)

Upgrade Process

If you chose the Upgrade Siebel Database Schema option for either a production or development environment, select one of the following:

  • zSeries Staging of Files for Upgrade: to create the staging database DDL and to generate upgrade files

  • zSeries Seed/Repository Upgrade: to automatically populate and upgrade data on the database

Siebel Industry Application

Choose the application you are upgrading from.

If you have upgraded to the base Siebel Business Applications as part of upgrading to the new Siebel Industry Applications release, choose Siebel Horizontal Application.

Current Siebel Version

Choose the application version you are upgrading from.

If you are upgrading within the same Siebel release, choose the application version you are upgrading from based on the following criteria:

  • If your Siebel database is currently on version, then choose v8_1_1_14. Choose this option if you migrated your Siebel CRM software from version

  • Choose option v8_1_1SIA_To_v8_1_1_9SIA under the following conditions:

    • If you are currently on Siebel CRM version to (SIA) and migrating to Siebel 2018 or later (SIA).

    • If you have installed Siebel SIA binaries only, and have not previously executed incremental repository merge, and are migrating to Siebel 2018 or later.

  • Choose option v8_1_1_10 under the following conditions:

    • If you have installed Siebel SIA binaries, but have also previously executed incremental repository merge, and are migrating to Siebel 2018 or later.

    • If you have performed a new installation of Siebel CRM version (SIA) including database installation previously and are migrating to Siebel 2018 or later.

  • Choose option v8_1_1_11 under the following conditions:

If you are currently on Siebel CRM version (SIA) and are migrating to Siebel 2018 or later.

Siebel Tools Installation Directory

Siebel Tools Data Source

(Specify both values for Incremental Repository Merge on Windows)

  • Siebel Tools Installation Directory. The absolute path of the directory where Siebel Tools is installed, such as c:\8.x\Tools. This entry applies only to the Siebel Server installed on Windows.

  • Siebel Tools Data Source. Provide the data source name that you use to log in using Siebel Tools, such as ServerDataSrc. This entry is in SiebelTools Installation Directory\BIN\Language\tools.cfg.

Database Encoding

Indicate whether your database uses an ASCII or EBCDIC code page.

Host/LPAR name where Target database resides

DB2 Subsystem name of Target database.

  • Host/LPAR name where Target database resides. The name of the host or LPAR where the target database is located. You can either specify the same or different Host/LPAR names for the target and staging databases.

  • DB2 Subsystem name of Target database. The DB2 subsystem name of the target database. You must specify a different DB2 subsystem name for the target and staging databases.

Schema/Tableowner qualifier name on Target database

Enter the up to eight-character identifier that designates the Siebel schema for your target database. This is also an authorization ID. The schema qualifier must start with a letter, cannot contain special characters, and must be entered in uppercase. The target database tableowner name can be the same or different to the staging database tableowner name.

ODBC Data Source Name of Target database

Verify the ODBC name for connecting to the target Siebel database.

The default value of the target database ODBC DSN is the DB2 subsystem name. When you set up the ODBC connection in DB2 Connect, you can use the actual subsystem name for the database alias.

Note: To find the name of your ODBC data source, navigate to the Start menu, then select Settings, Control Panel, and then ODBC data source. Click the System DSN tab and you will find the name of your ODBC data source.

To find the name of your ODBC data source on UNIX, type: vi $ODBCINI.

Valid/Authorized Target database user name or group name

Enter the target database user name for the Siebel administrator of the target database. For further information on the database user name, see Granting a Siebel User Upgrade Authorization.

Valid/Authorized Target database password

Enter the password associated with the username of the Siebel administrator of the target database.

Host/LPAR name where the Staging database resides

The host or LPAR name of the staging database. The staging and target Host/LPAR names can be the same or different.

DB2 Subsystem name where the Staging database resides

The DB2 subsystem name of the staging database. You must specifydifferent DB2 subsystem names for the target and staging databases.

Schema/Tableowner qualifier name for Staging database

Enter the up to eight-character identifier that designates the Siebel schema for your staging database. This is also an authorization ID. The schema qualifier must start with a letter, cannot contain special characters, and must be entered in uppercase. The staging database tableowner name can be the same or different to the target database tableowner name.

Authorized TSO account ID used to connect and FTP files to Enterprise Server(s)

Enter your TSO account ID. This account ID must have the authorization to allocate and create data sets on the z/OS host.

Dataset High-level Qualifier for all Host (Staging and Target) dataset names

Specify the high-level qualifier you want to use for the z/OS upgrade data sets. Follow your organization’s naming standards.

Security Group ID / Grantee.

Enter the user ID of the group to whom schema access is granted, for example, SSEROLE.

Storage Group for Temporary Indexes

Enter the name of the storage group provided by the database administrator for the staging database (the default value is SYSDEFLT). The staging database storage group name can be the same or different to the target database storage group name

Storage Control File

Enter the path and name of the storage control file you want to use as follows:

  • zSeries Staging of Files for Upgrade: When you select this upgrade process, specify the storage control file of the target database.

  • zSeries Seed/Repository Upgrade: When you select this upgrade process, specify the storage control file that contains the previously customized database storage layout (this is the file you prepared in Process of Preparing the Storage Layout of the Schema).

Primary Quantity for Temporary Index Space

Enter the minimum amounts of primary and secondary index space allocated for temporary indexes generated during the upgrade.

Secondary Quantity for Temporary Index Space

DDL Commit Frequency

Enter the DDL commit frequency for your upgrade.

Output Directory

Accept the default output directory name or enter a new directory name.

Note: When the upgrade process is complete, this directory contains all of the files necessary to create the staging database or run the upgrade. These files must be manually applied by the database administrator.

Verify Repository after upgrade

Indicate whether you want to execute Verify Repository steps during upgphys. To perform upgphys separately, select the Verify Repository after Upgrade option in the database server configuration.

Upgrep log directory

If you select the Verify Repository After Upgrade option, enter the log directory of the upgrep process. The log directory is of the form SIEBEL_ROOT/log/upgrep_dev_UpgradeNumber. For example: C:/ses/siebsrvr/log/upgrep_dev_811. The log directory path is a requirement for generating the seed data conflict report.

Log Output Directory

Accept the default output directory for upgrade log files name or enter a new directory name.

Select runupg option

Indicate whether you want to run the operation that you configured or run it at another time.

    Additional Information Required for Production Upgrades

    If you are upgrading from Siebel CRM version 7.5.3, when you perform a production environment upgrade, you are prompted to enter the additional information shown in the following table when you run the Database Configuration Wizard in Prepare for Production Upgrade mode.

    Note that several screens request information about the Siebel database in the development environment, not the production environment.

    Table Additional Information Required for Production Upgrades

    Screen Name Required Information

    ODBC Data Source Name for Development Database

    Windows only. The ODBC name for connecting to the development environment Siebel database. If you are upgrading without a development environment, this is the ODBC of the reference database.

    Database User Name for Development Database

    Database Password for Development Database

    Account name and password of the Siebel administrator of the Siebel database in the development environment.

    Siebel Schema Qualifier for Development Database

    Enter the up to eight-character identifier that designates the Siebel schema for your development database. This is also an authorization ID. The schema qualifier must start with a letter, cannot contain special characters, and must be entered in uppercase.

    Repository Name for Development Database

    Enter the name of the upgraded Siebel Tools repository in the development environment database. Typically, this is Siebel Repository.

      About Running the Database Configuration Wizard on Windows

      Upgrades: All upgrades.

      Environments: All environments.

      Platforms: Windows only.

      This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

      Run the Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database. The wizard collects information, populates a master configuration file, and calls the SQL generator to create SQL commands. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard then uses the configuration file and SQL commands to generate upgrade files that are applied on the mainframe, and to make upgrade changes to the Siebel database. For more information about the Database Configuration Wizard, see About the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities and Database Configuration Wizard.


      • Collect the information that the Database Configuration Wizard requires. See Information Required by the Database Configuration Wizard.

      • (Incremental Repository Merge Only) If you are performing an incremental repository merge and your Siebel Server is installed on Windows, then start the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard from the computer where Siebel Tools is installed. The merge process automatically starts Siebel Tools to execute the incremental repository merge.

      • Install the new release’s languages packs for all deployed languages. For further information on multilingual upgrades, see the topic on upgrade planning for multilingual Siebel deployments in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

      Caution: When you run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel Database, the procedure will not complete successfully if you have deployed languages within your system that are not shipped with the current release of Siebel CRM. You receive an error message stating that your present installation is incomplete, and a list of the languages that caused the error is displayed. If this error occurs, you must delete records for unshipped languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL database table. For information on this task, see the topic on running the Database Configuration Wizard in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

        Running the Database Configuration Wizard Under Windows

        This topic describes the standard procedure to follow to run the Database Configuration Wizard under Windows.

        To run the Database Configuration Wizard under Windows

        1. Ensure that no server tasks except the Siebel Gateway Name Service are running in the background.

          To verify, navigate to Start, Settings, Control Panel, and then Services.

          Note: The Database Configuration Wizard runs in live mode only so you must be connected to the Gateway Name Server to run it. For further information on Siebel Configuration Wizard running modes, see Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.
        2. From the Start menu, select All Programs, Siebel Enterprise Server 8.x, and then Database Server Configuration.

          The first screen of the Database Configuration Wizard appears.

        3. Enter the information you are prompted for in each screen, and click Next to continue.

        4. On the Summary screen, review the configuration values you entered on the previous screens. To change any of the values, click Back to return to the screen with the parameter you want to change. If the values are correct, click Next to continue.

        5. Depending on the option you chose on the Select Runupg Option screen, do one of the following:

          • If you selected the No it will apply configuration changes later option, click OK to finish. The configuration information is saved in a master file located in SIEBEL_ROOT\bin but the Upgrade Wizard is not launched. You can restart the configuration and run the Upgrade Wizard later. See Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

          • If you selected the Yes apply configuration changes now option, the configuration information you entered is saved. Click OK to launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard; it calls the SQL generator to create or populate SQL scripts.

        6. After configuration is complete, click Exit to exit the Configuration Wizard.

          You can also launch the Database Configuration Wizard from the command line. For information on the command line syntax and on the available options, see Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows.

          About Running the Database Configuration Wizard Under UNIX

          Upgrades: All upgrades.

          Environments: All environments.

          Platforms: UNIX only.

          This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

          Run the Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel database. The wizard collects information, populates a master configuration file, and calls the SQL generator to create SQL commands. The Siebel Upgrade Wizard then uses the configuration file and SQL commands to generate upgrade files that are applied on the mainframe, and to make upgrade changes to the Siebel database. For more information on the Database Configuration Wizard, see About the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities and Database Configuration Wizard.


          • Collect the information that the Database Configuration Wizard requires. See Information Required by the Database Configuration Wizard.

          • Install the new release’s languages packs for all deployed languages. For further information on multilingual upgrades, see the topic on upgrade planning for multilingual Siebel deployments in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

          Caution: When you run the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the Siebel Database, the procedure will not complete successfully if you have deployed languages within your system that are not shipped with the current release of Siebel CRM. You receive an error message stating that your present installation is incomplete, and a list of the languages that caused the error is displayed. If this error occurs, you must delete records for unshipped languages from the S_LST_OF_VAL database table. For information on this task, see the topic on running the Database Configuration Wizard in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.

            Running the Database Configuration Wizard Under UNIX

            This topic describes the standard procedure to follow to run the Database Configuration Wizard under UNIX.

            To run the Database Configuration Wizard under UNIX

            1. Verify that the Siebel Server is stopped.

              The Database Configuration Wizard runs in live mode only so you must be connected to the Gateway Name Server to run it. For further information on Siebel Configuration Wizard running modes, see Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.

            2. Navigate to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT directory, and source either the dbenv.sh or the dbenv.csh file, according to the type of shell you use:

              • Korn or Bourne shell

                . ./dbenv.sh
                Tip: Make sure there is a space between the initial period and ./dbenv.sh.
              • C shell

                source dbenv.csh
            3. Review the values of the $SIEBEL_ROOT and LANGUAGE environment variables and verify that they are correct. If necessary, reset the values as follows:

              • Set the LANGUAGE variable to the language in which the Database Configuration Wizard prompts appear, for example, enu for U.S. English.

              • Set the $SIEBEL_ROOT variable to the path of your Siebel Server installation directory, for example, home/siebel/sba8x/siebsrvr.

            4. Navigate to the config subdirectory of the SIEBEL_ROOT directory, for example, /siebel/sba8x/config.

            5. Start the Database Configuration Wizard by running the following command:

              install_path/config/config -mode dbsrvr

              In this path, install_path is the installation path for the installed Siebel Enterprise Server software.

              For a description of the command line syntax and options, see Siebel Installation Guide for UNIX.

            6. When the first Database Configuration Wizard screen appears, enter the information you are prompted for in this screen, and click next to continue.

            7. Enter the information you are prompted for in all subsequent screens. Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate between screens.

            8. After you have entered all the requested information, the utility displays the Summary screen listing all the values you have entered.

            9. To amend any of the configuration values, click Back to return to the appropriate screen and make changes. Otherwise, click Next.

            10. You are prompted as to whether or not you want to execute the configuration:

              • Click Yes, and the configuration information is saved in a master file located in $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin but the Upgrade Wizard is not launched. To start the Upgrade Wizard, see Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

              • Click No, and the configuration information you entered is not saved.

            11. After configuration is complete, click Exit to exit the Configuration Wizard.

              Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

              Upgrades: All upgrades.

              Environments: All environments.

              This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

              The Siebel Upgrade Wizard executes the upgrade of the Siebel database. It takes a master configuration file as input. This file contains environment information and a driver filename. The Upgrade Wizard executes the steps in the driver file to perform the upgrade.

              As the Upgrade Wizard performs the steps in the driver file, it lists the steps in a state log. The state log is located in \siebsrvr\LOG\process\state where process is the upgrade process, for example upgrep_dev_811 (upgrade from 8.1.1, upgrep process, development environment).

              If the Upgrade Wizard encounters an error and exits during an upgrade, you can restart it after correcting the error. The Upgrade Wizard reads the state log and continues the upgrade from the last successfully completed step.

              When you run the Database Configuration Wizard under Windows, you are prompted to indicate whether or not you want to start the Upgrade Wizard. When you run the Database Configuration Wizard under UNIX, you must start the Upgrade Wizard manually. For more information on the Siebel Upgrade Wizard, see About the Siebel Upgrade Wizard and Driver Files.

                Requirements for Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard After Errors

                If the Siebel Upgrade Wizard stops due to errors, verify that you have met these requirements before restarting the wizard:

                • Carefully review the relevant log files to make sure that your upgrade has completed successfully up to that point.

                • If you are continuing a previous and incomplete schema upgrade, do not change the Log Output Directory that you previously selected.

                • If problems with your environment prevent the upgrade from restarting, you must restore the database from the prior base version (the version from which you are upgrading).

                  If you have to restore your database and restart the upgrade, delete or store the upgrade log files. The files are located in the following directory:

                  Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\output

                  UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/PROCESS/output

                  Also delete the state.log file. It is located in the following directory:

                  Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\PROCESS\state

                  UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/PROCESS/state

                  Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

                  Use this procedure to start the Upgrade Wizard. See Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard After Pauses for the procedure to restart the Upgrade Wizard after it has paused and Stopping the Siebel Upgrade Wizard for the procedure to stop the Upgrade Wizard.

                  To start the Upgrade Wizard

                  1. Navigate to the following directory:

                    Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\bin

                    UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin

                  2. Enter the following command from the command line:

                    • Windows:siebupg /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION_MasterFileType.ucf

                    • UNIX: srvrupgwiz /m master_UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION_MasterFileType.ucf

                      where UPGRADEOPTION_ENVIRONMENT_VERSION_MasterFileType is the portion of the upgrade configuration filename that lists the upgrade process, the upgrade environment, the Siebel release from which you are upgrading, and the master file type. The file is located in SIEBEL_ROOT\bin (UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin). See About the Siebel Database Configuration Utilities and Database Configuration Wizard for further information.

                      Note: Specify either mf_m or mf for the MasterFileType value depending on whether you want to start the manual or automatic portion of an Upgrade Wizard process.

                      The following table lists examples of filenames for an upgrade from Siebel CRM version 8.1.1

                      Upgrade Option Master File Generated

                      Development environment upgrep



                      Development environment upgphys


                      Production environment upgrep and upgphys



                  3. To begin the upgrade, click OK (Windows) or click Enter (UNIX).

                    The Upgrade Wizard resumes from the point at which it stopped.

                    Restarting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard After Pauses

                    Use this procedure to restart the Upgrade Wizard after it has paused to allow you to apply files generated on the midtier to the z/OS host.

                    To restart the Upgrade Wizard

                    1. Navigate to the DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2390\dboutput\upgrade directory (Windows) or the $DBSRVR_ROOT/DB2390/dboutput/upgrade directory (UNIX).

                    2. Do the following:

                      • Windows: Double-click on the upg_restart.bat file.

                      • UNIX: Run upg_restart.ksh.

                      Stopping the Siebel Upgrade Wizard

                      Do not stop the Upgrade Wizard unless you are confident that an error has occurred, and the Upgrade Wizard or a utility it has called is hung. Some SQL commands issued by the Upgrade Wizard or by its utilities can take considerable time to complete.

                      If you are unsure whether or not the Upgrade Wizard has stopped responding, create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support. You can log service requests by accessing My Oracle Support (Service Request tab), or by using your existing phone support numbers to contact Oracle Global Customer Support.

                      Stopping the Upgrade Wizard can have varying effects on the RDBMS. Before restarting the Upgrade Wizard, review the upgrade log files. Run SQL commands as required to resolve errors found in the logs.

                      The following procedure describes how to stop the Upgrade Wizard in a Windows environment.

                      To stop the Upgrade Wizard under Windows

                      • Do one of the following:

                        • If the Upgrade Wizard has launched a separate command window in which a utility is running, close the command window. This terminates the utility and stops the upgrade.

                        • In the Upgrade Wizard dialog box, click Cancel.

                          The Upgrade Wizard will exit when the current upgrade step is completed. There might be a delay while the step completes.

                        The following procedure describes how to stop the Upgrade Wizard in a UNIX environment.

                      To stop the Upgrade Wizard under UNIX

                      1. If the Upgrade Wizard has started a utility in a child process, stop the child process.

                      2. Exit the shell in which the Upgrade Wizard is running.

                      3. Locate and stop any orphaned child processes started by the Upgrade Wizard.

                      After the processes terminate, there might be a delay while the RDBMS executes SQL commands that have already been issued.

                        Upgrading the Repository and Importing Seed Data

                        Upgrades: All upgrades.

                        Environments: All environments.

                        This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

                        After you have created the staging database, generated the upgrade files, and upgraded the target database, you must upgrade the repository and import seed data.

                        Run the Database Configuration Wizard to upgrade the repository and import seed data as described in the following procedure.

                        To upgrade the repository and import seed data

                        1. Run the Database Configuration Wizard. See About Running the Database Configuration Wizard on Windows and About Running the Database Configuration Wizard Under UNIX.

                        2. Select the following options:

                          • Upgrade Options:

                            • Development environment: Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep)

                            • Production environment: Upgrade Siebel Database Schema (upgrep + upgphys)

                          • Upgrade Process: zSeries Seed/Repository Upgrade

                          • Make sure you specify values for the target database when prompted for the names of the Host, DB2 subsystem, schema qualifier, ODBC data source, and database user name and password.

                        3. Enter configuration information for your environment as described in Information Required by the Database Configuration Wizard. The master UCF file is updated with the environment configuration information.

                        4. Start the Siebel Upgrade Wizard. See Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                        Note: The process of importing seed data and upgrading the repository can take several hours.

                          Restarting the Seed Data Import and Repository Upgrade

                          If the Upgrade Wizard stops responding during the Repository Data Upgrade process, restart the process using the following procedure.

                          To restart the repository upgrade and seed data import process

                          1. From the command line, navigate to the SIEBSRVR\bin directory (Windows) or SIEBSRVR/bin directory (UNIX).

                          2. Run the RUNSTATS utility to update statistics on specified database tables by executing the following commands:

                            RSTAT390 /u UserId /p Password /c DatabaseName /d TableownerName /a Y /l rstat.log /T S_COLUMN
                            RSTAT390 /u UserId /p Password /c DatabaseName /d TableownerName /a Y /l rstat.log /T S_UK_ATTJOIN
                          3. Restart the Upgrade Wizard using one of the methods described in Starting the Siebel Upgrade Wizard.

                          Note: To improve the repository upgrade performance, execute the REORG utility on the tables listed in About Reorganizing Tables Before the Repository Merge before performing the repository merge.

                            Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects

                            The Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility sets the standard for list column header and data alignment based on type of fields they are mapped to across all Siebel applications.

                            The Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility does the following:

                            • List columns mapped to the Currency field type are aligned right (to the far margin).

                            • List columns having icon maps mapped to them are center aligned.

                            • List columns mapped to a Numeric field type are center aligned

                            • List columns mapped to a Boolean field (or CHAR(1)) type are center aligned.

                            • List columns mapped to any other field type are left aligned (to the near margin).

                            • List columns data alignment will be same as its header alignment.

                            Left (alignment to the near margin) is the default value for data and header in list columns. HTML Width for list columns mapped to Date field type will be 185 by default.

                            The Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility runs as part of the upgrade process. Use the procedures in this topic to manually run the Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility.

                            Running the Fixing Column Alignment for Custom Objects Utility

                            1. Navigate to the following directory:

                              Windows: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                              UNIX: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                            2. Run the following command:

                              java -jar alignapplet.jar /s [Siebel Tool/Server Path, one folder up BIN directory]
                              /c [DSN] /d [Database Type - Oracle, DB2UDB, MSSQL or DB2390 ] /u [Database User]
                              /p [Database Password]  /o [Log directory] /t [Table Owner] /v "Prior
                              Customer Repository" /r "New Siebel Repository" /x "New Customer Repository"
                            3. Review the AllignApplet log and verify that AlignApplet ran without errors.

                              Windows: $SiebelLogDir\AlignApplet.log

                              UNIX: $SiebelLogDir/AlignApplet.log

                            4. Review the AllignApplet reports to see the modified objects.

                              • AlignApplet.log. A log of all the steps executed in this program.

                              • AlignAppelt.html. A report detailing the modified objects.

                              • AlignAppletLog.log. A folder that contains all the SQL logs executed during the column alignment process.

                            Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects

                            The Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility identifies the unreferenced objects in the database and deactivates the unreferenced objects. Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility finds unreferenced objects for the following Siebel objects:

                            • Screen

                            • View

                            • Applet

                            • Business Object

                            • Business Component

                            • Integration Objects

                            • Link

                            • Pick List

                            • Task Group

                            • Task

                            The Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility runs as part of the upgrade process. Use the procedures in this topic to manually run the Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility.

                            Running the Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility

                            1. Navigate to the following directory:

                              Windows: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                              UNIX: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                            2. Run the following command:

                              java -jar RepCrawler.jar /s [Siebel Tool/Server Path, one folder up BIN directory] 
                              /c [DSN]  /d [Database Type - Oracle, DB2UDB, MSSQL or DB2390 ] /u [Database User] 
                              /p [Database Password] /h [Host Name] /o [Log directory] /t [Table Owner] /r "Siebel 
                            3. Review the RepCrawler log and verify that RepCrawler ran without errors.

                              Windows: $SiebelLogDir\RepCrawler.log

                              UNIX: $SiebelLogDir/ RepCrawler.log

                            4. Review the RepCrawler reports to see the inactive objects.

                              • RepCrawler.html. A report where you can see the inactive objects.

                              • repcrawler.js. A data file in JSON format of all inactive objects used in the HTML report.

                              • RepcrawlerLog.log. A folder that contains all the SQL logs executed during the process of running the Inactivating Unreferenced Repository Objects Utility.

                            Converting Siebel Web Templates with the SWT to OD Conversion Utility

                            The SWT to OD Conversion Utility converts Siebel Web Templates to an Object Definition Layout. Converted Web templates are stored in the database.

                            The SWT to OD Conversion Utility runs as part of the upgrade process. Use the procedures in this topic to manually run the SWT to OD Conversion Utility.

                            Running the SWT to OD Conversion Utility

                            1. Navigate to the following directory:

                              Windows: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                              UNIX: $DbsrvrRoot\common folder

                            2. Run the following command:

                              java -jar $DbsrvrRoot\common\SWTClob.jar /s $SiebelRoot /c "$ODBCDataSource" /t
                              $TableOwner /u $TableOwner /p $TablePassword /o $SiebelLogDir /d $DatabasePlatform
                              /r $RepositoryName /j $WebTemplatesDir /w $WSUSerName /x $WorkspaceName /b
                              $BranchedWS /i $WebTemplateName
                            3. Review the SWTClob log and verify that SWTClob ran without errors.

                              Windows: $SiebelLogDir\SWTClob.log

                              UNIX: $SiebelLogDir/SWTClob.log

                              For more information about troubleshooting and verifying the results of the Web template migration process, see Using Siebel Tools.