13Using Wireless Messaging

Using Wireless Messaging

This chapter provides information about implementing wireless messaging in Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics:

About Wireless Messaging

Siebel users can send one-way (outbound) wireless messages automatically or manually from various Siebel application modules and features. These outbound wireless messages are sent to various kinds of recipients in the following scenarios:

  • A user selects File, then Send Wireless Message from the application-level menu to manually invoke the Send Wireless Message command. For more information, see Sending Wireless Messages.

    A user can invoke the Send Wireless Message command from the communications toolbar. For more information about using the communications toolbar, see Siebel CTI Administration Guide.

  • To specify outbound communication requests, an administrator uses the views in the Administration - Communications screen, and a user uses the views in the Communications screen. For more information, see Defining Outbound Communication Requests

  • Any module that invokes the methods of the Outbound Communications Manager business service can send outbound communications for the wireless message channel.

Configuring Wireless Messaging

    Connecting Directly to Wireless Network Operators

    For outbound wireless messaging, you must connect to all the operators required to reach the entire population of wireless message recipients. You can use outbound wireless messaging only if the network operators make public a connection to an SMTP server. This SMTP server receives a message in email format from the Siebel application, converts it to SMS format, and forwards it to the wireless message recipient that the Siebel application specifies.

      Configuring Siebel Server Components for Wireless Messaging

      Siebel applications that can send wireless messages use the Communications Outbound Manager (alias CommOutboundMgr) server component. This component is part of the Communications Management (alias CommMgmt) component group.

      To send wireless messages, you must first enable the Communications Management component group on the Siebel Server. You can enable component groups when installing the Siebel Server or after the Siebel Server installation. Make sure that the state of Communications Outbound Manager is online. For more information, see Administering Siebel Communications Server for Siebel Email Response and Siebel System Administration Guide.

        Configuring Communications Drivers and Profiles for Wireless Messaging

        Siebel applications use the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server or Internet SMTP/POP3 Server communications driver to send wireless messages to the SMTP server that the wireless network operator of the wireless message recipient makes available. Contact your wireless network operator for more information. For more information about communications drivers, see Communications Drivers Provided with Siebel Business Applications and Process of Setting Up Communications Driver Profiles.

        To complete configuring wireless messaging, you must create a separate communications driver profile for each wireless network operator that contains recipients to whom you want to send wireless messages. The procedure in this topic describes how to configure a profile for recipients on XYZ wireless network. For information about how to configure each recipient, see Administering Mobile Devices.

        Note: After a wireless message is sent to a wireless messaging gateway using the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server or Internet SMTP/POP3 Server communications driver, the Communications Outbound Manager server component might indicate in a log file that the message was successfully sent. However, the log file cannot indicate if the wireless messaging gateway ultimately delivered the wireless message to a valid wireless messaging address.

        To configure a profile for wireless messaging

        1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the Communications Drivers and Profiles view.

        2. In the Communications Drivers list, select the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server or Internet SMTP/POP3 Server communications driver.

        3. Click the Profiles view tab, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.

          The fields are described in the following table.

          Field Description


          Enter a name for the profile. For example, XYZ_wireless_SMTP.


          (Optional). Select the organization to which you want to restrict access to the profile. By default, the default organization is assigned to the profile. Select another organization to override the default setting.


          (Optional). Select a responsibility to which you want to restrict access to the profile. For example, you might want only the users with the Siebel Administrator responsibility to access the profile.

        4. In the Profile Parameters Overrides subview, create new records for the parameters in the following table, and enter the described values.

          For this parameter Enter

          SMTP Server

          The name of the SMTP server on which the network operator for wireless message recipients opened a connection to receive messages.

          From Address

          The sender’s default email address for outbound communications.

          Use one of the following two forms:

          • sendername@example.com

          • sender_display_name <sendername@example.com>

          Use the second form if you want the recipient to see a display name for the sender in addition to the email address for the sender.

          The specified address is passed to the SMTP server in the MAIL FROM command within the SMTP message transmission envelope, and is used as the From: address in the message header.

          Administering Mobile Devices

          Siebel users must enter and store the following mobile device address information required to send wireless messages to their employees, customers (contacts), and partners:

          • Mobile devices. Users might specify device names for each person in the Siebel database. Mobile devices are stored in the S_MBL_DVC table.

          • Device addresses. Users might specify device addresses for each mobile device. Each device must have a minimum of one associated address. Device addresses are stored in the S_MBL_DVC_ADDR table.

          Mobile device and device address information can be entered in the Siebel database in any of the following ways:

          • Using the Mobile Devices view in the Administration - Communications screen. This view allows system administrators to enter and edit mobile device and address information for all persons defined in the Siebel database. For information about using the Mobile Devices view, see Specifying Information for Mobile Devices.

          • Using the Mobile screen. This screen allows individual employees and partners to update information about their own mobile devices and device addresses defined in the Siebel database. For information about using the Mobile screen, see Specifying Settings for Mobile Devices.

          • In batch mode using Siebel Enterprise Integration Management (EIM) or similar methods. For more information, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

          In the user interface, address information for wireless messages appears with common naming conventions.

            Specifying Information for Mobile Devices

            A system administrator enters mobile device data required to send wireless messages in the Mobile Devices view in the Administration - Communications screen. This view allows you to associate one or more wireless devices with a person and to associate one or more addresses with each wireless device.

            To specify information for a mobile device

            1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the Mobile Devices view.

              The Mobile Devices view displays the Persons list, the Mobile Devices list, and the Device Addresses list.

            2. In the Persons list, select the person to whom you want to assign a mobile device.

            3. In the Mobile Devices list, create a new record, and complete the mobile device information.

              You can associate multiple mobile devices with a particular person. Specifying a mobile device for a person is also known as registering the device. For each person, each device name must be unique. For more information about mobile devices, see Settings for Mobile Devices.

            4. In the Mobile Devices list, select the device for which you want to establish the address.

            5. In the Device Addresses list, create a new record, and complete the address information for the selected device.

              You can associate multiple addresses with a particular device. For more information about mobile device addresses, see Settings for Device Addresses.

              Settings for Mobile Devices

              For each person in the Siebel database, the Mobile Device list in the Mobile Devices view contains settings for device name, login preference, and device priority for each mobile device that receives wireless messages. Mobile device information includes the following data:

              • Device Name. The name to assign to the mobile device. It can be any descriptive name. For each person, each device name must be unique.

              • Login Preference. The Auto Login level for the mobile device. You can set the value for each registered device to any of the following values:

                • Automatic Login

                • Password Only

                • User Name and Password

              • Device Priority. The priority of the mobile device. Select a priority, from 1 - Highest to 6 - Unranked, for each mobile device you register. Wireless messages are generally sent to the mobile device with the highest priority for each user.

                To guarantee message delivery, make sure that only one registered device is assigned the highest device priority. Only one device registered for a particular user can have a device priority set to 1 - Highest. Any other registered devices must have the device priority set to 2 or a higher number. Do not attempt to register any additional devices if a device with priority 6 already exists.

                Note: Normally, all messages are sent to the highest priority device and address for a recipient. However, users might override the device priority settings in the Mobile Alerts view of the Mobile screen. When a user enables an alert for a particular device, the alert is sent to that device, regardless of the device priority settings established for the user. For information about configuring mobile alerts, see Specifying Settings for Mobile Devices.
              • Comments. Comments you can enter about a particular mobile device.

                Settings for Device Addresses

                The Device Addresses list in the Mobile Devices view contains settings for message delivery profile, device address, and address priority for each mobile device that receives wireless messages. Device address information includes the following data:

                • Message Delivery Profile. Specify a message delivery profile. This profile describes the network and message type that to use to send wireless messages to the mobile device. For information about configuring the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server or Internet SMTP/POP3 Server communications driver and profiles to receive wireless messages on the mobile device, see Configuring Communications Drivers and Profiles for Wireless Messaging.

                • Device Address. Specify a unique identifier for a particular mobile device. This identifier enables messages to be sent to the device. Generally, you enter the phone number of the device.

                • Address Priority. Select a priority, from 1 - Highest to 6 - Unranked, for each address of each mobile device, for each applicable recipient. Wireless messages are sent to the device with the highest device priority and to the highest priority address for that device.

                  To guarantee message delivery, make sure that only one device address is assigned the highest address priority. Only one address for a particular mobile device can have an address priority set to 1 - Highest. Any other address must have the address priority set to 2 or a higher number. Do not attempt to define any additional addresses if an address with priority 6 already exists.

                • Comments. Comments you can enter about a particular mobile device address.