14Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response

About Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response

If you encounter issues using the Siebel Email Response client, then use this chapter to try to resolve the issues. This chapter details some of the common issues encountered when setting up and using Siebel Email Response. It provides solutions and workarounds for these issues to make it easier for you to use Siebel Email Response.

Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response Issues

The following table provides solutions for Siebel Email Response symptoms and error messages.

Table Solutions for Siebel Email Response Issues

Problem Cause Solution

When I activate Siebel Email Response workflows in the Administration - Business Process screen, the following error appears:

Cannot activate workflow process 'ProcessName' version [VersionNumber]. Make sure it has 'In Progress' status.

You cannot activate a workflow process unless it has a status of In Progress.

Verify the status of the workflow process that you want to activate.

If the status of the workflow is not Active, then activate the workflow. For more information, see Activating Workflow Processes.

The Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor server tasks stop and nonreal-time email processing stops.


Use the Communications Inbound Events view to begin diagnosing nonreal-time processing errors. For more information, see Resolving Issues for Nonreal-Time Processing.

Reprocessing email in siebsrvr/bin/queued is not working automatically.

An email fails after not processing correctly.

Resubmit the failed email. For information, see Resubmitting Failed Email.

Unable to find definition for CommOutboundMgr component.

The Communications Outbound Manager server component is not synchronized correctly.

Synchronize the batch components on the Siebel Server. For more information, see Synchronizing Batch Components.

Communications Inbound Receiver error.


Use the State Value view for components to trace the last encountered error in Communications Inbound Receiver. For more information, see Finding Last Encountered Error in Communications Inbound Receiver.

I set up and start my response group. However, I do not see a reply to an inbound email.

Possible causes for this issue are:

  • The POP3 or IMAP parameters are incorrect.

  • Communications Outbound Manager is not running.

  • Communications Outbound Manager is running, but you still do not see any reply email.

  • Communications Inbound Processor is not running.

Review the possible solutions for this issue. For information about the possible solutions for this issue, see Resolving Issues for Response Groups.

I set up multiple response groups and want to increase this number. However, I find that I reach a limit of response groups that I can create.

Possible causes for this issue are:

  • Resource limitations.

  • Each response group can spawn a preconfigured number of threads. The thread limitation might play a role.

The number of resource groups that you can create is limited only by the resources available for each response group.

I believe I set up everything correctly for Fax, but I cannot see the incoming fax when I use F9 Fax.

The fax server or fax machine might be incorrectly set up.

Two possible solutions to this issue are:

  • Dial the fax number to see whether it actually reaches the fax machine.

  • Send an email using a working email client with the exact syntax from Send Fax. Then, check to see whether you receive the fax.

I create an outbound email or fax request, but the intended recipient does not receive the email or fax.

Possible causes for this issue are:

  • Communications Outbound Manager is not running.

  • Communications Outbound Manager is running, but sending email results in an error.

  • Communications Outbound Manager is running, but the email is sent to the wrong recipient.

Possible solutions to this issue are:

  • Check the outbound request to see whether it has a status of Success.

  • If the status is not Success, then check for errors in the Request view or the log file.

  • If the log file indicates an error, but does not provide enough information about the error, then increase the event log level for Communications Outbound Manager.

I perform an F9 Send Mail from Microsoft Outlook on a contact. After I send the email, the activity still has a status of Queued.

Because you see an email, an activity is created. You must determine if the right contact is associated with the email.

A possible way to diagnose and solve this issue is:

When you press F9 Send Mail and go into Microsoft Outlook before sending the email, you create an activity. You can go back to the contact where you press F9 Send Mail and drill down on the contact name, and then click the Activity view tab. You see a new activity with a status of Queued. After you send the email, the status of the activity changes to Done. If the activity status remains Queued, and you do not see an error after clicking the Send button, then close all Internet browsers, and clear all downloaded objects.

To delete all objects from Internet Explorer, navigate to Tools, Internet Options, Settings, and then View Objects. You might need to remove all objects from C:\WINNT\Downloaded Program Files, and then restart the Siebel application.

I perform an F9 Send Mail on a contact from Microsoft Outlook. After I send the email, I do not see an activity associated with the email.

Previously created activity records are removed.

Two possible solutions to this issue are:

  • An activity record is created when you press F9 Send Mail and go into Microsoft Outlook. After finishing your email and possibly adding or removing a contact, you click the Send button to send the email. After you send the email, a script in the form notifies the Siebel Server to update all email information including the contact list, the email subject, and the email content. In a preconfigured Siebel application, the script first removes all existing contacts from the activity, and then adds any new contacts by using the new contact list from Microsoft Outlook. The contact information from Microsoft Outlook can be in the following format:

    • Firstname LastName

    • Firstname LastName<email@example.com>

    • someemail@example.com

  • On the server side, the server code uses Firstname, Lastname, and the email address as search criteria in the contact table. For a match (either single or multiple), the server code also associates the first found contact with the activity. Therefore, if you think no association to the contact of your choice exists, then check your Siebel database for multiple entries of the same first name, last name, or email address.

About Investigating and Reporting Processing Abnormalities

Communications Inbound Receiver and Communications Inbound Processor do not stop if an incoming work item (such as an email or a phone call) causes abnormal behavior during processing. Instead, a log file entry is created for the abnormal behavior. An example of abnormal behavior is a missing From address in an email.

The log files are:

  • Comminboundrcvr.log for Communications Inbound Receiver

  • Comminboundprocessor_xxxxx.log for Communications Inbound Processor

To investigate abnormal behavior during processing, access the Administration - Communications screen, Communications Inbound Events, and then the Components view and make sure entries exist for each email that is processing. After an email is successfully processed, the entry is deleted. If the email is not successfully processed, then make sure that the status and comments are correct. Also check the URL to make sure that the name is correct. For information about resubmitting a failed email for processing, see Resubmitting Failed Email.

Before reporting any abnormal behavior during processing, make sure CommInboundRcvr and CommInboundProcessor are set to the proper debugging level and MIME message. Attach both of these files to the abnormal behavior when reporting the issue.

Resolving Issues for Nonreal-Time Processing

The procedure in this topic describes how to resolve some of the common nonreal-time email processing issues.

This task is a step in Process of Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response.

To resolve issues for nonreal-time processing

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the Communications Inbound Events view.

  2. In the Communications Inbound Events list, review the fields and the possible causes in the following table.

Field Value Possible Cause

SRM Request Id


  • If null, then the issue might be in Communications Inbound Receiver.

  • If not null, then the issue might be in Communications Inbound Processor.


  • Queued

  • CIP Processing
  • Error
  • CIP Fatal
  • If the value is Queued or CIP Processing, then no issues exist for the email processing.

  • If the value is Error or CIP Fatal, then the email is not processed.

Receiving Siebel Server

Siebel Server Name

If the Siebel Server name is in this field, then Communications Inbound Processor received the event.

Activity Id


If this field is not null, then the error might be in one of the steps in the workflow after creating the activity.



Use the DriverTrackID to find the location of the error in the log files.

Resubmitting Failed Email

You can resubmit a failed email by completing the procedure in this topic.

This task is a step in Process of Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response.

To resubmit a failed email

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the Communications Inbound Events view.

  2. From the Communications Inbound Events menu drop-down list, choose Submit Request.

Synchronizing Batch Components

The procedure in this topic describes how to synchronize Siebel Server batch components. For more information about performing this task, see Siebel System Administration Guide.

This task is a step in Process of Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response.

To synchronize the Siebel Server batch components

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. In the Enterprise Servers list, select the Siebel Server for which you want to synchronize batch components.

  3. Click the Synchronize view tab.

  4. Select the batch components that you want to synchronize and then click Synchronize.

Note: You do not need to stop and restart the Siebel Server process.

Diagnosing Errors for Communications Inbound Receiver

The procedure in this topic describes how to diagnose Communications Inbound Receiver errors using the Component Statistics and State Value views.

This task is a step in Process of Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response.

To diagnose error for Communications Inbound Receiver

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Components view.

  2. In the Components list, query for Communications Inbound Receiver.

  3. Click the State Values view tab.

    All currently loaded response groups appear.

  4. Click the Statistics view tab.

    The number of response groups, profiles loaded, real-time events processed, and processing times appear.

Finding Last Encountered Error in Communications Inbound Receiver

The procedure in this topic describes how to find the last error encountered in Communications Inbound Receiver.

This task is a step in Process of Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response.

To find the last error encountered in Communications Inbound Receiver

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Tasks view.

  2. In the Tasks list, query for Communications Inbound Receiver.

  3. Click the State Values view tab.

  4. In the State Value list, select Last Real Time Error, and check the Description field for information about the last encountered error in Communications Inbound Receiver.

Resolving Issues for Response Groups

After setting up and starting a response group, you might not see a reply to an inbound email. Actions that you can take for this issue include:

  • Check in the server/bin directory (where: server is the name of the server) to see whether a POP3SMTP*.log file or IMAPSMTP*.log file exists.

  • Check the log file with the closest timestamp to the time the error occurred to see whether an obvious error exists on the POP3 or IMAP side.

    • Set up a POP3 or IMAP email account in Microsoft Outlook using the same profile information, and perform a test to see whether you are using good information.

    • Determine if the server can actually see your email server. Determine the current users on the mailing list by sending an email (asking for a response) to the mailing list.

    • Use an IP address instead of a hostname.

  • Perform an F9 Send Mail from a contact and determine if you can see the outbound email. If you see an error about no definition for Communications Outbound Manager, then perform a batch component synchronization. For information about performing this procedure, see Synchronizing Batch Components.

  • Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view to see whether a Communications Outbound Manager request is created. Examine the record to determine the status of the request. If the status is Queued, then the request is created and is awaiting Communications Outbound Manager retrieval. If the status is Active, then Communications Outbound Manager is executing the request. If the status is Error, then you must determine the type of error.

  • If you use nonreal-time email processing, Communications Inbound Processor processes email. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the Communications Inbound Events view and determine the status of the email. Each inbound email that is processed in nonreal-time mode has an entry if the processing is not started or the processing results in an error.

  • If everything seems correct, then determine if the email actually reaches the email server.

    Log in to the POP3 email server and check the following information:

    • command: telnet emailserver pop3

      where: emailserver is the name of the email server.

      response: +OK Microsoft Exchange 2000 POP3 server version 6.0.4417.0 (smtdl380exch1.esexch1.oracle.com) ready.

      Note: The version information depends on the Exchange Server that you use.
    • command: user qatest99

      Note: You do not see the characters that you enter.

      response: +OK

    • command: pass resource

      response: +OK User successfully logged on.

    • command: stat

      response: +OK 0 0

      Note: This value indicates no pending email. The first 0 is the number of messages. The second 0 is total size of all messages.
    • command: quit

    Test the IMAP email server using the following commands:

    • telnet emailserver 143

      where: emailserver is the name of the email server.

    • LOGIN username password

    • SELECT Inbox

    • LIST "" "INBOX"

    • LOGOUT

  • If your POP3 or IMAP email server has email messages but your Siebel application email POP3 or IMAP driver is not retrieving them, then set the POP3 or IMAP driver to a LogDebug value of True and resubmit the profile changes. After setting this parameter, a log file named POP3SMTP*.log or IMAPSMTP*.log is generated. Check the log file for any errors.

This task is a step in Process of Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response.

Tagging Inbound Email Messages as Faxes

In some cases, you might want to mark inbound email messages as faxes received using the Communications List. However, you must make several changes in Siebel Tools so that these faxes appear in the refreshed Communications List. To make sure that inbound faxes are accepted and appear in the Communications List, complete the following procedures:

If you do not make these changes, when you query for items in the Communications List with an activity type of Fax - Inbound, then an error message appears, and you cannot view inbound faxes.

This task is a step in Process of Troubleshooting Siebel Email Response.

    Changing the Allowed Activity Type

    To display inbound faxes in the Communications List, you must change the Allowed Activity Type user property of the Comm Inbound Item List applet to include Fax - Inbound activities.

    To change the Allowed Activity Type for the Comm Inbound Item List applet

    1. In the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, select the Applet object.

    2. In the List Editor, query for the Comm Inbound Item List applet.

    3. Select the Comm Inbound Item List applet, and check out the project.

    4. Click Applet User Property link in the Object Explorer, and in the List Editor, select the Allowed Activity Types user property.

    5. In the Value field, change the existing values to include Fax - Inbound.

    After completing this procedure, you must add a conditional step to the Create Activity workflow.

      Adding a Conditional Step to the Create Activity Workflow

      After you provide for Fax - Inbound activity type display in the Communications List, you must add a conditional step to the eMail Response - Create Activity workflow. This step determines if an inbound item is an email message or fax depending on the item’s receiving address, and tags the inbound item accordingly. For more information about the eMail Response - Create Activity workflow process, see eMail Response - Create Activity Workflow.

      To add a conditional step to the eMail Response - Create Activity Workflow

      1. In the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, select the Workflow object.

      2. In the List Editor, query for the eMail Response - Create Activity workflow.

      3. Select the eMail Response - Create Activity workflow, and check out the project.

      4. Right click the eMail Response - Create Activity workflow, and select Edit Workflow Process.

      5. Add a conditional step before the Create Activity step that:

        Determines if the inbound item is a fax or an email depending on the item’s Receiving Email Address.

        Tags the inbound item as Email - Inbound or Fax - Inbound.

      6. Check in all open projects.

      7. Deploy the changes to the Siebel runtime repository.