System Boot

Whenever your Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker boots, the following information about the tasks and settings for the system appear in your terminal window.

  • System boot parameters
  • From what location the software image is being loaded: an external device or internal flash memory
  • Requisite tasks that the system is starting
  • Log information: established levels and where logs are being sent
  • Any errors that might occur during the loading process

After the loading process is complete, the ACLI login prompt appears.


You can set boot parameters using the ACLI or the GUI. Boot parameter definitions, which help you understand what you should set them to, are provided below.

Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker Boot Parameters

Boot parameters specify the information that your Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker uses at boot time when it prepares to run applications. The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker’s boot parameters:

  • Allow you to set the IP address for the management interface (wancom0).
  • Allow you to set a system prompt. The target name parameter also specifies the title name displayed in your web browser and SNMP device name parameters.
  • Determine the software image to boot and from where the system boots that image.
  • Sets up the username and password for network booting from an external FTP server.

In addition to providing details about the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker’s boot parameters, this section explains how to view, edit, and implement them.

When displaying the boot parameters, your screen shows a help menu and the first boot parameter (boot device). Press Enter to continue down the list of boot parameters.

Upload the Stage 3 Boot Loader and System Image

Whenever you upgrade the software image, upload the Stage 3 boot loader and the new system image file to the system.

The Stage 3 boot loader is generally backward compatible with previous releases, but Oracle recommends that you install the Stage3 boot loader from the same Major.Minor version as the system image. It is not normally necessary to update the boot loader when installing a maintenance or patch release when the Major.Minor release is the same.

System upgrades typically consist of transferring the new system image and Stage 3 boot loader to the system and setting boot parameters to the new system software. To ensure compatibility, copy the Stage 3 boot loader to /boot/bootloader before you update the boot parameters to use the new software image file. You must name the boot loader file /boot/bootloader on the target system with no file extension. When upgrading an HA pair, you must perform the upgrade procedure on each HA node.

Use the following procedure to upload the Stage 3 boot loader and system image.

  1. Obtain the Stage 3 boot loader image file (*.boot).
  2. Upload the Stage 3 boot loader image file (*.boot) as /boot/bootloader to your system using an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client.
  3. Upload the new system software image (*.bz) to /boot/.
  4. Validate the boot loader by rebooting the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker after renaming the boot loader.
[Downloads]$ ls -la
total 148820
drwxr-xr-x  2 bob src     4096 Jun 17 15:16 .
drwxr-xr-x 28 bob src     4096 May 21 14:17 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 bob src 10164527 Jun 17 15:15 nnPCZ300.64.boot
-rw-r--r--  1 bob src 73849839 Jun 17 15:15
[Downloads]$ sftp admin@
admin@'s password:
Connected to
sftp> cd /boot
sftp> put nnPSCZ300.64.boot
Uploading nnPCZ300.64.boot to /boot/nnPCZ300.64.boot
nnPCZ300.64.boot                              100% 9926KB   9.7MB/s   00:01
sftp> rm /boot/bootloader
sftp> rename nnPCZ300.64.boot /boot/bootloader
sftp> put
Uploading to /boot/                                100%   70MB  14.1MB/s   00:05
sftp> bye
Received disconnect from 11: Logged out.


The Stage 3 boot loader is ready for operation after upload and filename change, but validating it before booting the new system software is good practice.

Boot Parameter Changes

You can access and edit boot parameters by using either the ACLI or by interrupting the system boot process.


Changes to boot parameters do not go into effect until you reboot the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker.
Oracle recommends that you use management port 0 (wancom0) as the boot interface, and that your management network is either:
  • directly a part of your LAN for management port 0
  • accessible through management port 0
Otherwise, your management messages may use an incorrect source address.

Set Boot Parameters Wizard

The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) requires you to enter the necessary parameters to boot the system in your deployment.

You can set the OECB boot parameters from the Set Boot Parameters Wizard on the Web GUI in either Basic mode or Expert mode.

  1. Access the Set Boot Parameters Wizard: Configuration, Wizards, Set Boot Parameters.
  2. In the Set Boot Parameters dialog, enter the following information:
  3. Click Complete.
    The system displays a success message.
  4. Click OK.

Configurable Boot Loader Flags

You may configure the following boot flags in the boot loader:
  • 0x04 - disables autoboot timeout (ap3820 and ap4500 only)
  • 0x08 - extend autoboot countdown timer to 15 seconds
  • 0x40 - use DHCP for wancom0 (VM Edition only)
  • 0x80 - network boot using TFTP instead of FTP

Change Boot Parameters from the ACLI

To access and change boot parameters from the ACLI:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal, and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type bootparam, and press Enter. The boot device parameters display.
    ORACLE(configure)# bootparam
    '.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  ^D = quit
    Boot File        : /boot/nnPCz100.gz

    To navigate through the boot parameters, press Enter and the next parameter appears on the following line.

    You can navigate through the entire list this way. To go back to a previous line, type a hyphen (-) and press Enter. Any value that you enter entirely overwrites the existing value and does not append to it.

  3. To change a boot parameter, type the new value that you want to use next to the old value. For example, if you want to change the image you are using, type the new filename next to the old one. You can clear the contents of a parameter by typing a period and then pressing Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# bootparam
    '.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  ^D = quit
    Boot File        : /boot/nnPCz100.gz /boot/nnPCz200.gz

    When you have scrolled through all of the boot parameters, the system prompt for the configure terminal branch displays.

  4. Exit the configure terminal branch.
  5. Reboot the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker for the changes to take effect.

    The ACLI reboot and reboot force commands initiate a reboot. With the reboot command, you must confirm that you want to reboot. With the reboot force command, you do not have make this confirmation.

    ORACLE# reboot force

    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker completes the full booting sequence. If necessary, you can stop the auto-boot at countdown to fix any boot parameters.

    If you configured boot parameters correctly, the system prompt displays and you can go ahead with configuration, management, or monitoring tasks.


    If you configured the boot parameters incorrectly, the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker goes into a booting loop and displays an error message.
    Error loading file: errno = 0x226.
    Can't load boot file!!
    Press the space bar to stop the loop. Correct the error in the boot parameter, and reboot the system.

Change Boot Parameters by Interrupting a Boot in Progress

To access and change boot parameters by interrupting a boot in progress:

  1. When the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker is in the process of booting, you can press the space bar on your keyboard to interrupt when you see the following message appear:
    Press the space bar to stop auto-boot...
  2. After you stop the booting process, you can enter the letter p to display the current parameters, the letter c to change the boot parameters or the @ (at-sign) to continue booting.
    [Acme Packet Boot]: c
    '.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  ^D = quit
    Boot File        : /boot/bzImage-bones64

    To navigate through the boot parameters, press Enter and the next parameter appears on the following line.

    You can navigate through the entire list this way. To go back to a previous line, type a hyphen (-) and press Enter. Any value that you enter entirely overwrites the existing value and does not append to it.

  3. To change a boot parameter, type the new value that you want to use next to the old value. For example, if you want to change the image you are using, type the new filename next to the old one.
    [Acme Packet Boot]: c
    '.' = clear field;  '-' = go to previous field;  ^D = quit
    Boot File        : /boot/bzImage-bones64 /boot/bzImage.gz
  4. After you have scrolled through the complete list of boot parameters, you return to the boot prompt. To reboot with your changes taking effect, type @ (the at-sign), and press Enter.
    [Acme Packet Boot]: @

    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker completes the full booting sequence, unless there is an error in the boot parameters.

    If you have configured boot parameters correctly, the system prompt displays and you can go ahead with configuration, management, or monitoring tasks.


    If you have configured the boot parameters incorrectly, the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker goes into a booting loop and displays an error message.
    Error loading file: errno = 0x226.
    Can't load boot file!!
    Press the space bar to stop the loop. Correct the error, and reboot your system.

Set Management IP Address

You must manually set your management IP address within the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker's boot parameters.

To set your management interface IP, access the boot parameters using a serial console connection within the context of one of the methods described above.

  1. Type the letter c (change) to start boot parameter editing.
  2. Press Enter until you reach the parameter named IP Address.
  3. Type in the desired IP address.
  4. Press Enter until you reach the end of the boot parameter list.
  5. Reboot your Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker.

After being set, the management interface IP address provides access to your system via ssh and the web GUI. You can verify the status of this interface using the following command to display the address and status of wancom0.

Oracle ECB# show interfaces brief
Slt Prt Vlan Interface  IP                     Gateway             Adm  Oper
Num Num   ID Name       Address                Address             Stat Stat
--- --- ---- ---------- ---------------------- ------------------- ---- ----
-   -    -   lo              -                    up   up  
-   -    -   wancom0      -                    up   up
0   0    0   M00              up   up 
Oracle ECB#