Business Classification Tracking

The Project Classification Tracking feature on TPM enables you to customize and track business classifications on projects. Consider using this feature if you need to adhere to the enforcement of public policy tracking for one of your projects and need to regularly report these values for all contract values and invoiced amounts. You can also use this feature to track what trade or type of work is included in the contract. If you are interested in reporting on classifications across your entire business, and not just for a single project, please refer to Enterprise Classifications.

Compliance Managers can use the Project Supplier Tracking page to see the current status of classification tracking across all contracts and Subcontractors linked to a project. It includes your total value, and nested below are the status and values for your Subcontractors, and their Sub-tiers. View a chart of the tracked classification values by either the paid to date or contract amount. If a classification requires a certificate, you can upload the certificate directly to the Project Classification Tracking page.

Each classification displays in its own table with its own graph. The classification tables display in alphabetical order based on classification name on the page.

You can also download all tracking information in a Project Supplier Tracking report.

Watch the Textura: Business Classification Tracking Video for an overview of how this page works on TPM.