
Enrollment Suspension

The Enrollment Suspension screen displays a list of profiles whose membership program enrollments have been suspended in the system. Enrollment suspension occurs after the membership enrollments are imported from PMS into OCIS and exact matches are not found in OCIS (see the "Importing Membership Enrollments into OCIS" heading below for the import steps). The suspended enrollments are staged and must be further processed by matching them to existing OCIS profiles before the import process is complete. See Membership Loyalty for additional information on membership enrollments.

From the Enrollment Suspension screen, you have search options to filter the suspended enrollment list by enrollment status, import batch Id and import date. You can also finish processing suspended profiles as well as delete them. In ORS/OCIS, select Membership > Enrollment Suspension to open the Enrollment Suspension screen.

The Enrollment Suspension screen allows you to review the suspended membership enrollments and take the following actions as required:


Highlight the enrollment suspension record you wish to delete and select the Delete button. This will remove it from the display grid.


Highlight the enrollment suspension record you wish to finish processing and select the Process button. The OPERA Card Management - Enrollment screen opens. From this screen, you can match the profile to an existing profile record in OCIS and finish the membership enrollment import into OCIS. See Membership Loyalty for the available options on this screen.


Search. Select to filter the grid to only display enrollment suspension records based on the filters you select. The filters you can select are Status (the enrollment status for the profile), Batch ID (the batch ID for the membership enrollment import), and Import Date (the date of the membership enrollment import).

Delete. Select to delete the enrollment suspension record from the display grid.

Process. Select to process the membership enrollment for the profile. The OPERA Card Management - Enrollment screen opens. From this screen, you can match the profile to an existing profile record in OCIS and finish the membership enrollment import into OCIS. See Membership Loyalty for the available options on this screen.

Importing Membership Enrollments into OCIS

This process is used to import a batch of membership enrollments from PMS to OCIS as opposed to enrolling them one at a time. After the records are imported, you must finish processing any suspended records through the Enrollment Suspension screen (see information above).

  1. In ORS/OCIS, go to Miscellaneous > File Import.
  2. Select the New button.
  3. Enter a Code for the import.
  4. For File Type, select the down arrow and choose MEM_ENROLL_IMP.
  5. Select the Sample Control File button and enter or paste your control file.

    Note: You must have a control file already configured before completing this step. Your control file must match your data file. See File Imports for more information on control files and import configuration.

  6. Select OK.
  7. On the Import Configuration screen, select the Import button to open the OPERA Import Utility.
  8. Complete the following fields:

    Data File

    The name of the file that contains the data to load. Select the down arrow and choose a data file using the File Upload window. On the File Upload window, select the down arrow and choose a data file from a local or network drive and select the Upload button to upload the file.

    Log File

    Enter the log file. The Log File is the name of the file that will be used by SQL*Loader to log the import results, and SQL*Loader will write messages to the specified file. The log file will contain information about the SQL*loader execution.

    Bad File

    Enter the bad file. Any data records that were rejected during the import will be placed into this file.

  9. Select Next. On this screen, the import is loaded using the SQL*Loader utility.
  10. Select Next. On this screen, the membership enrollment records are displayed for reviewing and processing.
  11. After reviewing the records, select the Process button to process the batch. The records will now be imported into OCIS. Any unmatched enrollment records will be staged and displayed on the Enrollment Suspension screen for final processing.

See Also

Membership Loyalty

Membership Fees