
Time Units

Select Setup>Configuration >Database>Time Units to define the time units to be available from the Activity screen.

Display Grid

X. An X in this column indicates the code has been selected to be modified or deleted.

Code. A unique code for the time unit. 3-letter codes are recommended. Use simple codes that can be easily remembered (e.g., MIN = Minutes, HRS = Hours).

Description. The long description for the code. Use upper and lower case when entering text in this field because it will appear on Call Reports and other documentation

In Days. A pre- programmed field that is already configured showing that 24 hrs is equal to 1 day. If you wanted to have a Unit of Time called WKS = Week, then the In Days field would equal 7.

In Hours. A pre- programmed field that is already configured to show 60 minutes is equal to 1 hour. If you wanted to have a Unit of Time called 8WD = 8-Hour Working Day, then the In Hours field would equal 8.

In Minutes. A pre-programmed field that is already configured to show 60 seconds is equal to 1 minute. If you wanted to have a Unit of Time called QUI = 15-Minute Quick Call, then the In Minutes field would equal 15.

Managing Time Units

Create a Time Unit - Use this procedure to create a new time unit.

  1. Press the New button and a new row will appear highlighted in dark blue and the cursor will be in the Code field
  2. Type in a unique 3-letter code for the time unit, which will default to Upper case.
  3. Left-click the next field called Description or use your Tab key to get to this column.
  4. Type in the description of this activity using upper and lower case.
  5. Complete the next 3 columns accordingly.
  6. After completing this entry press the Save button to save this addition, and repeat these steps until completed.
  7. Select the Close button to close this form. If you have not saved these entries you will be given a confirmation message to save.

See Also