Check Closed Record

A Check Closed record is appended to the posting file(s) each time a check closed message is received by the KDS Controller from the POS.
  1. Record Format Indicator – Always ‘2.0’.
  2. Check ID – As sent by the POS.
  3. Revenue Center ID – As sent by the POS.
  4. Table ID – As sent by the POS.
  5. Check Label 1 – As sent by the POS.
  6. Check Label 2 – As sent by the POS.
  7. Check Label 3 – As sent by the POS.
  8. Check Operator Name – As sent by the POS.
  9. Check Open Time – As sent by the POS.
  10. Check Closed Time (Numerical) – This is the time that the KDS Controller receives the check closed message from the POS. This field is the numerical value return by the C-Runtime function, time ( ). It is useful for C/C++ applications that interpret this data. For a string representation, see field 15.
  11. VIP Check Status – ‘T’ of ‘F’, as indicated by the POS.
  12. Peak Alert Status – Indicates the highest alert status reached by any suborder on the check.
    • ‘0’ – unknown; this happens if the KDS Controller is offline when the check open message is sent from the POS.

    • ‘1’ – no suborders on this check reached an alert condition.

    • ‘2’ – at least 1 suborder reached alert 1, but no suborders reached alert 2.

    • ‘3’ – at least 1 suborder reached alert 2.

  13. Entrée Served Status – ‘T’ or ‘F’, indicates if an entrée suborder on the check is marked as done prior to the check being closed.
  14. Check Closed-By-Purge Flag – ‘T’ or ‘F’, indicates if the check was closed by a purge request, typically sent by the POS end-of-night procedure.
  15. Check Closed Time (String) – This is the time that the KDS Controller receives the check closed message from the POS. This field has the following format: ‘mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss’, and is in coordinated universal time.